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Messages - slipperhero

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Just for Fun / RE: The Mars Volta
« on: April 16, 2005, 02:19:00 am »
I prefer their previous album, De-loused in the comatorium. Just "Televators" would make any album complete.
Frances the mute is good an all, just a bit too trippy for my taste. Perhaps it will grow on me. :)

Development Journals and Discussion / Vigg meets Fenrir
« on: April 15, 2005, 12:06:00 pm »
"...and may ye axe be the tool of Vorax!"
Vigg opened his eyes and watched as flames licked the edge of Fenrirs axe.
"-Tis be it brother. Can ye remember they way ye went?"
Fenrir nodded and started up the narrow path leading up into the mountains.
There was the unmistakenable smell of ogre, although the heavy raining was more of problem at the moment.
The path was more mud than rock and their short legs sunk deep. "-Curse tis weather" he grumbled as they waded through the mud. After hours they reached a grassy plains with a dozen ogres. Back to back they faught, Fenrirs axe cut deep and Viggs hammer crushed bones and soon not an ogre was standing. Still breathing heavy Fenrir pointed: "-There Vigg. Up o tha' cliff."
Vigg leaned back and sighed, that was gonna be a rough climb. Nothing you could do in a breastplate with hammer in hand.
Gear packed up they climbed, Vigg first and Fenrir close behind. As he reached the top, BANG. A giant maul hit the rock besides his head. The adrenaline pumping he hauled himself over the edge and faced the enormous ogre grinning at him ready to give him another swing. Vigg quickly grabbed his hammer from his belt and hurled it, knocking the ogre out cold. Fenrir, who was right behind him, dispursed of what was left of the beast.
"-Tis musta been the bastard who got me good last toime." Fenrir muttered as his unvedged his axe from the ogres chest.

General Discussion / RE: How about you?
« on: April 04, 2005, 12:02:00 am »
Expertise is one of the best feats available. The 5 AC bonus has let Valianne survive a lot of horrors.
Although the 4 points in Appraise might have been better put elsewhere. ;)

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: April 02, 2005, 10:37:00 am »
Droog (Ursus, he sang a beautiful song in that quest. I'm impressed)

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: February 23, 2005, 07:00:00 am »

Rumour Has It / RE: WANTED: Lueanne Lightfinger
« on: January 05, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
*notes posted below in a few places reads*

The fugitive Lueanne Lightfinger was last spotted leaving Karthy for the swamp of lost souls.

*the notes are not signed*

General Discussion / RE: Custom Portraits
« on: January 02, 2005, 10:56:00 am »

General Discussion / New animations
« on: March 29, 2006, 03:52:02 am »
With the last update a whole new set of animations was added (including Syn's favourite "fold arms")
I have a set of files in my override folder that contains the original NWN animations, since I found the HoTU animations quite ugly (the characters looks very stiff)

But with the last update, that added the new animations, which must be based on HoTU, they just stopped working.

Anyone know how to fix this or will I have to look like I am wearing a diaper when running from now on?

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / "No exp" token
« on: February 17, 2006, 12:52:22 am »
Once you gain a new level and the "level up" image is hiding you portrait (top right corner) you can no longer cast any spells or use targeted items on you portrait.
This can be quite frustrating when you want to cast a healing spell or buff yourself while the screen is crowded.

As more and more players are reaching lvl 20 and since the waiting list for an ECDQ is quite long (months) I have an idea of a inventory item that will keep you from getting exp. Either it can be automaticly gain upon reaching lvl 20 or given by a DM. Since most players will probably reach lvl 22-23 (if you count the exp) they will no longer have to nag the DM's about removing exp just get their portrait back and be able to target themself using the portrait.

Im not sure how the no exp is handled when you are recovering from death and since I have no idea how the exp is handled  this might be hard to do or perhaps a piece of cake for our godlike scripters :)

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Changes in Resistance Rod IV?
« on: February 14, 2006, 10:01:40 am »
Has there been a change in the recipe for resistance rod IV recently?
It is now asking for 4 dusts instead of 1. Or have been smoking too much of whatever Doc is using?

LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests / Query field
« on: January 30, 2006, 09:34:08 am »
This might sound silly.
Something I would really like is a quick query field at the bottom on all LORE pages.
It would save a little time instead of having to click the query link everytime I need to look something up.

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: Spider silk
« on: January 27, 2006, 11:37:40 am »
I will pay 2000 gold pieces per box of spider silk.


Fixed Bugs / Portal - Moraken -> Rodez
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
I used the portal besides Morakens tower to goto Rodez. I was booted and logged on to Central but appeared in Hurm (where I sailed from yesterday). I waited to be sent to Rodez but nothing happened.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Infusing, Staffs
« on: November 25, 2005, 12:46:00 am »
(Staffs, is that even correct, should it be staves? *shrugs*)

To the point:

Godim asked Vigg yesterday if he could create the staff for him. Being an average infuser he agreed.
I didn't react to his request for a Staff of the badger, since I am sure I have made a staff of the badger before, though I'm not 100% sure (Could be mixing it up with something else).
The problem is there is a class restiction on it (druid). Since there is no way of knowing if a staff will have a class restriction before you make it, could the staffs please have a more appropriate name like, Druids staff of the badger.

Even though the lesser staffs might not require the most rare ingredients, gathering all of them can be a long and expensive task, and when you finally make it, sheez.. class restricted. You just wanna pull your hair out.

Development Journals and Discussion / Random thoughts of Silphir
« on: November 03, 2005, 10:24:00 am »
Why did I leave Spellgard? I know I had to get away for a while but this is just too much. I don't even know where to begin.
I am broke, yes I have a few gold coins but I will probably have to spend them on that thing they call food here in this puny little village. Peasants everywhere, just living out their little lives. Ha! Like they could call it living.
Soon I will probably have to start working. Since my purse is almost empty and I am sure the gullible people
I have been travelling with have been holding back on the gold. I must start looting the corpses myself. I bet I could fatten my pockets that way.

And what is it with these people? I don't have much against dwarves and elfs. I can even stand the halflings.
But there are goblins and orcs walking amongst the people of the village. I have even seen halfbreeds 10 feet tall,  where I dont even want to know what cursed race the other half is from. And lets not forget the drow. Wherever I turn there's the darkelfs stalking me, and they seem accepted in most towns and villages. Oh the fools, they don't know what they are capable of. But I will bite my tongue and try not to let something slip. I must keep my head clear, no more wine and ale. I will keep my temper and let them think they have me fooled...

My skills have improved a lot since I left. I never thought hitting a moving target with my bow would be so hard.
But I am starting to learn how to predict the movement of my targets and in the end, they always fall.
I have been trying to use my somewhat limited knowledge of magic to improve me skills with the bow.
So far I have accomplished nothing besides arrows bursting to flames and bowstrings that snap. It is getting frustrating to say the least.

I have heard there is a temple of knowledge somewhere on Rilara. Perhaps I can gain the knowledge I need there, otherwise I must risk setting my foot in Spellgard and gain access to the library in the Temple of Lucinda.

General Discussion / New NWN2 Screens
« on: October 27, 2005, 12:26:00 am »
For those of you that missed the post on NWVault.
EuroGamer have 4 new screenshots up of NWN2. They're a bit small but looking good.
Link :

Fixed Bugs / Invalid Character
« on: October 20, 2005, 02:27:00 pm »
I just created a new character (Silphir Hriig, Half-Elf, Fighter) and choose Luck of Heroes and Point blank shot as feats. When I log in I get a "Invalid Character, player doesnt have prerequisit skille for feat" screen.

My bioware login is "slipperhero".

Edit: Attached error message

Dwarven jewelry and tailored accessories for sale!
Look no further, I have what you need!
First come, first served!

One time offer:
* Iron Greatsword that may freeze yer enemies. // Iron Greatsword + Cold Rod III (1d6), lvl 11, 9000gp
* One dusty Adamantium Splint Mail (can polish it for you) // lvl 16, Base AC:6, +1 AC, Soak 5/1, Concentration +3, 16000 gp

Now taking orders on diamond jewelry (limited supply) // ability +2, lvl 12, 15000 gp

* Exceptional Fire opal set in a silver ring // reflex +3, 6000gp
* Ring of Divinity II // Cleric 3 slots lvl II, lvl 9, 8000 gp
* Ring of Divinity III // Cleric 3 slots lvl III, lvl 12, 13000 gp

* Gloves of Fury // str +1, parry/taunt +1, 3000 gp, (2 in stock)
* Lesser Gloves of Ogre Power // str +1, 2500 gp, (2)
* Belt of Cunning // wis +1, hide/search +1, 4000 gp (2)

* Ring of Bulls/Cats Grace/Endurance/Fox Cunning/Owls Wisdom/Eagles Splendor I // ability +1, lvl 5-6?, 3000 gp
* Amulet of Bulls/Cats Grace/Endurance/Fox Cunning/Owls Wisdom/Eagles Splendor I // ability +1, lvl 5-6?, 4500 gp

I will also take orders on tailored goods and jewelry of your choice.
Please note this this be dwarven made quality items. Lifetime quarantee!

Vigg Belber

*poster printed by Longbottom & Flint Printing, Pranzis. Est 1375*

*update: spelling, spelling, spelling....*

Trade and Market Hall / Buying Spider Silk
« on: September 23, 2005, 01:53:00 pm »
*a note posted on the wall at the Inn in Hlint*
Been gathering spider silk? I'll pay 3000 gold pieces fer a box.
Vigg Belber

// PM me or send me tell ingame

General Discussion / Trusted Computing
« on: September 15, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
A short movie about the subject: Trusted Computing

Do you feel safe? ;)

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