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Messages - Victor

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Server Rules / RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
« on: June 22, 2005, 03:42:00 pm »
I was highly impressed the last time I saw a town guard stroll over and arrest an errant hero for vagrancy and indecent behavior.  Apparently, being tired from fighting ogres is no excuse for sleeping in the street and changing clothes in public.  The fellow was fined and quickly sentenced.  Now opinions may vary from town to town, but I expect law enforcement to be extremely intolerant of people who instill terror in the local population.  They might also feel compeled to cage dangerous wild animals.  Players who insist on ignoring local conventions should expect repercussions when visiting orderly cities.

Development Journals and Discussion / Fate of the Firefalls
« on: January 25, 2006, 06:25:41 pm »
*A dwarf sits down in the Great Libray.  With deliberate care he copies letters from a stone tablet to a vellum scroll.*

Fate of the Firefalls by Victor Firefall

Nestled securely in our highland home, my kin devoted themselves to Dorand and their craft. Our elders hinted at trouble in the world, but hidden away in the Serpent Mountains, we thought we could avoid the chaos sweeping Dregar. We were wrong. One day I returned from foraging tinder to find the forge razed and my family missing. I found no trace of my kin, but our rangers may have covered their tracks from whatever attacked our home. With this faint hope, I continue to search for my kin.

*When he finishes, he leans back and examines his work. Satisfied, he takes the scroll and tucks it safely into the library's archive.*

"Should I fail, our passing will not go unrecorded."

*The dwarf gathers up his stone tablets, and makes his way to the exit.*

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Great Library
« on: January 24, 2006, 08:04:55 pm »
I don't understand how the library works now, but I would like to copy some of my writings and leave them in persistant book cases.  This might mean books would go missing if they were stolen from the shelves, but the Great Library would make a wonderful repository for work being done and knowledge collected.

Now that it is easy to create and copy parchments in the game, are there any plans to change how players to add their work to the library?

Implemented Ideas / Donation Bins
« on: January 12, 2006, 03:44:00 pm »
As a crafter, my character's current options are to either throw his work away, sell it to the pawn shop, or sell it to another player.  My character is a smith and a worshipper of Dorand.  Tossing perfectly good tools into the garbage seems disrespectful.  He would gladly sell his work for a fraction of its value, if he knew it would go to good use.  However, pawnshops wisk the weapons away, never to be seen again, and town merchants refuse to buy his work.  My character is no merchant.  He has no wish to spend his time looking for other characters who are interested in what he makes and extorting what other merchants consider a fair price.

For these reasons, I would like to see the donation bins discussed in this thread implemented.  To summarize, donation bins placed at each temple could remove items placed in them from the game and add their listed value to the temple's treasury, which could be listed on the website. Donation bins could serve the dual purpose of both removing excess items from the game and provide developers with a way to track support for the churches.  These funds could be used to drive events of interest to the church, much like the Mistone War Effort resulted in the increase of the nations naval might.

Is this feasible?


Quests Ideas and Discussion / Certification Quest
« on: January 04, 2006, 06:54:00 am »
For a follower of Dorand, crafting is not just a way to profit, it's a religion. When a worshipper of Dorand crafts, it is a form of prayer. In essence, the guilds and governments responsible for the crafting "certification" just put a tax on every follower's ability to practice his or her faith.

In response to this, I hope Dorand's clergy makes an effort to recruit more apprentices.  The begining apprentice can serve his master by doing tasks that require no skill, such as gathering materials.  Apprentices who demonstrate the dedication necessary to be a good crafter in this way could be rewarded by their master with basic certification.  Otherwise, a potential crafter is left to beg, borrow, steal, and scramble to gather the coin required to craft, and these activities do not serve Dorand well.  It would be good if the church of Dorand embraced this practice and encouraged potential apprentices to make the pilgrimage to the Temple of the Hammer to learn the fundementals of crafting.

Fixed Bugs / Bronze Throwing Axes
« on: December 22, 2005, 07:50:00 am »
My first successful batch of bronze throwing axes seems to have gone straight to Dorand, because it didn't go to my inventory.  I received a success message but not the axes themselves.

Screen shot attached.

General Discussion / Leilon Pawn Shop
« on: December 01, 2005, 05:14:00 pm »
Are Pawn Shops supposed to run out of money to buy things?

The Leilon Pawn Shop was out of money when I visited today.  Of course considering that Layonara's Pawn Shops rarely sell anything, they have to be funded by someone to stay in business.  Any thoughts on this?  I'm not certain whether it is a bug or not.

Wild Surge Inn / *Letter to Florah, Tax Lady Of Hlint*
« on: November 24, 2005, 08:51:00 pm »
Dear Florah,

I am deeply concerned by the inexplicable disappearance of my belongings from the vaults of the Hlint branch of the Layonara World Bank.  The Vault Keeper has offered no satifactory explanation for the loss of my goods, but I find it highly suspicious that everything should disappear so soon after I left a highly valuable uncut diamond in my lock box.  Upon reflection it may have been foolish of me to deposit such a sought after item, but the bank had never given me any reason to doubt their security in the past.

While I have little hope of recovering my possessions, I request that you act in your official capacity and conduct a full audit upon the Hlint bank.  You may be able to find the cause of my distress, where I will hardly do any good arguing with the bankers.  I can not threaten them, so I ask you to act on my behalf and insure no citizens of Hlint are being defrauded of their treasured possessions.

I include a list of items that went missing in the hopes that this will aid you in your search through the banks ledgers:

One uncut diamond
One uncut sapphire
One uncut garnet
Three ingots of iron
One needle
One sewing kit

I appreciate your aid in this matter.


Victor Firefall

Layonara Server / Bank Vault Empty
« on: November 24, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
The entire contents of my bank vault are missing.  I've never had a problem like this before.  Is this a bug, or should Victor take his complaint to the Layonara World bank?

It figures. Victor deposits a mineral diamond into the vault for safe keeping. He comes back later and everything has disappeared.  The Hlint bank manager and Victor are going to have some words.

Roleplaying / The Rumor Mill
« on: November 17, 2005, 07:16:00 pm »
When rumors are posted in character to forums, they do not benefit from out of character facts.  Portraying a character well sometimes means reacting to situations in which one does not have access to all the facts.  In fact, unnecessary facts can often ruin a potentially entertaining quandary.  For instance, in the case of a well known dwarf believed to be dead, imagine his friends surprise should he suddenly appear again, or perhaps he really is dead.  Who knows?  Truly unexpected revelations make for better entertainment.  Truly heartfelt emotions make for better drama.

Information changes how players react.  The easiest way for players to avoid such metagaming is to not have unnecessary information thrust upon them in the first place.  Limit in character threads to in character knowledge.  Please take facts from outside the game someplace else, and respect players who are attempting to add depth to the game.

Thank you.

Wild Surge Inn / Gloin's Wake
« on: November 16, 2005, 08:20:00 pm »
Woe!  The tale of Gloin's tragic death spreads.  Word passes from dwarf to dwarf and the story grows in the telling.  The master crafter was eaten by a bone dragon as he attempted to save the town from the fools who lead it to the gate!  His valiant stand in the creature's path will not soon be forgotten.  There is much gnashing of teeth and tearing at beards as word that the soul mother has claimed him reaches his kinsmen.

Fellow dwarves, it is our duty to provide dearest Gloin with a wake the likes of which Layonara has never seen.  Never mind the crazed halfling that insists she's seen him walking the town.  Our beloved kinsman's spirit deserves a proper toast in the dwarven tradition.  Gather all of his friends and family to drink ale and sing his praises till we shake the walks of the inn with our voices!

Wild Surge Inn / Adventurers Needed In Search for Family
« on: October 18, 2005, 07:57:00 am »
*A letter is posted prominently inside the inn, near the entrance.*

I can not wait any longer.  I must know what happened to my family.  When last I saw the village Clan Firefall called home, the forge was burning, our houses razed, and my entire family missing.  This came to pass before I came to Hlint, and the questions in my mind have only grown more insistent since then.  Alone and disoriented, my exodus from the mountains is nothing less than miraculous, but other than myself, there is no sign of my family on Mistone or Rilara.

I have quit Hlint and traveled to the city of Lorindar.  From here I intend to explore Dregar and find some trace of my kinsfolk.  In particular, I hope to explore the range of mountains known as the Serpents and search the outlying areas.  However, I understand that the wilderness of Dregar is quite dangerous, and I am uncertain of my success alone.

I am looking for able and willing adventurers to help me.  Rangers and woodsmen would be especially welcome, but this quest will likely require other skills and talents.  Any aid you can offer will be gratefully accepted.  I will wait in Lorindar until I've gathered enough help or I conclude no help is coming.

Should some grim fate befall me, I bid all of my friends better fortune than that of myself and my clan.

Victor Firefall

(Interested parties should meet in Lorindar around 8PM CST on Thursday, or contact me since my time is flexible.)

Wild Surge Inn / An Invitation
« on: August 25, 2005, 06:45:00 am »
An invitation is tacked up on the wall just inside the Wildsurge

I'd like to invite my friends and associates to join me at the Wild Surge for a few rounds of drinks and some friendly conversation.  I've been away for a bit and I thought it might do everyone some good to share stories about recent happenings.  I've seen many troubling things and hear rumours of even more.  I'll buy the first round, and we'll see what we can sort out and what actions we might take.

-Victor Firefall

A date and time is scribbled below, corresponding to Aug. 29th, 7 PM EST, along with the note, "Hope to see you there!"

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Signs
« on: August 06, 2005, 09:05:00 am »
Can proprietors post signs outside their places of business?  It would be nice if they could leave a sign out front that reads "OPEN" when they are ready for customers.

Wild Surge Inn / Port Hampshire-A Letter of Complaint
« on: August 03, 2005, 08:09:00 pm »
Do you let all your livestock roam wild in the streets?  Can't a man step off a boat without fear of being bitten by some nasty beast?  I was shocked to find pigs roaming feral in the streets of Port Hampshire.  Not cute little hams on legs, but huge hulking brutes ready to take a chunk out of me!  If something is not done soon, I expect you will have herds of these monsters looking for whatever scraps they can find.

Strolling down the avenue, I was violently gored by a boar!  Imagine what one of these creatures could do to a child.  I don't plan to hunt in the streets, but unless you curb these animals, expect the arrows and spears to start flying!

-Victor Firefall

Trade and Market Hall / Trash or Treasure?
« on: July 05, 2005, 12:27:00 pm »
I keep finding junk in goblin shamans' pockets: mirrors, bits of chain, tiny statues, bags of colored sand, glass rods and the like.  It's such cheap garbage that not even Calendel would take this stuff.  I was going to chuck it all in the trash and watch it burn, but then I found a "magic" shop that sells things just like it for ridiculous prices.  Now either the shop keeper is running some kind of scam, or this stuff is actually worth something.  Any magic users or merchants who would be interested should contact me before I toss it all out.

-Victor Firefall

Wild Surge Inn / *Note: "Dwarf Seeks Lost Kin"*
« on: June 18, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
The following note is penned in a clear script favored by merchants:  

Anyone with information concerning the lost Firefall clan should contact me.  I last saw my kinsmen in the region of the Serpent Mountains, but others of my family may have come to Hlint.  Any aid that may be rendered in locating them will be graciously accepted.  Please contact me here.  

-Victor Firefall

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