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Messages - Ne'er

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Roleplaying / RE: Bindstones and Suicide
« on: August 22, 2006, 02:59:00 pm »
First off, I really do not like the bindstones. In single player, I almost always reload the game instead of hitting the respawn button, just cause the whole respawn concept seems dumb to me. However, I do understand why we need the bindstones, as it would be impossible to get anywhere if we did not. However, I much prefer to be raised by a cleric.

Now, I know of only one caharacter that has killed herself, and she is permed out because of it. Now I believe that was the intention of the player when she performed the deed, however it only seems to make sense. It seems like one thing that would have the bindstone call you back is because you still have some purpose out there in the world. If you don't have that purpose in the world anymore, then I imagine you get to become soul mother chow. At the least I think a soul strand loss should be in order, and possibly even an xp loss. After all, as was stated above it seems like the soul mother would have a holiday if she found people willingly killing themselves and it would make sense for there to be such a penalty.

Now, lets say a character still wanted to commit suicide, I played a single player mod where a Will Save was in oder if the character wanted to kill themselves. In that game, there were reasons as there were certain things that could only be done in the death realm. However, I think it only makes sense that any character that wants to kill themself should have to make a will save. Afterall, a weak-willed character would be more likely to cling to their life, where a strong willed character would be able to throw aside the need to live in order to escape from tremendous pain, revealing information, or just to keep from dishonoring their family.

As it stands now, I really don't like the idea that a suicide goes without any added penalties. After all, the character wants to die. Make them at least feel a bit of that death for the rest of their days.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Valcion's Reflections
« on: August 22, 2006, 05:28:07 am »
**Valcion rests under a tree in the Sielwood Forest. He pats a squirrel on the top of the head and hands it an acorn. The squirrel thanks him and runs off with its friends, leaving Valcion alone with himself**

It saddens me that people do not seem to understand my actions.

I travel with a group of people to a cave in Sielwood under the impression that it was infested with a group of kobolds. I intended to see for myself, however I said I would only travel with them so long as they agreed not to harm the wildlife in the forest. They happily agreed, stating that there was no reason to harm them.

We arrived at the cave, confirming the rumors of the kobold and bugbear infestation. Both creatures are no better than the goblins. They are just leeches, taking from nature's bounty, leaving nothing and returning nothing. They are a type of scum that needs to be controlled in order for other creatures to better survive, in order to maintain a sense of balance here.

Yet the creatures were not alone in the cave. A large gelatinous monster, a type I have indeed seen before, roamed the floors of the cave. Those I travelled with attacked it without any prejudice, and ignored my warnings. Such creatures help break down the bodies of the fallen, as well as the waste that would have populated the area. It is a shame that such a helpful beast, albeit mindless, is instantly considered a monster because it is unfamiliar.

While within the cave I encountered another druid, an elf by the name of Drogo it seemed.  He moved around in the form of a cheetah, communicating with me through a sequence of growls and purrs. We identified each other as fellow servants of the Oak, and I informed him that it was good to find others concerned about the well-being of the natural world. He travelled with us for a short time, speaking only in the elven tongue or to me via his cheetah form. He appears to have mastered a form of shifting, at least the ability to take the form of simpler and more common animals.

After the others had retrieved their gold and the necklace that someone had lost there, they set outside again. However, they wandered into a nest of spiders and recieved several grievous wounds. I refused to aid them in their battle with the spiders, as I felt it was the spiders own right to fight against them. It had been them that wandered into the spiders home, and I am almost certain if one of them had broken into a man's home and was attacked, it would not be considered proper to aid the intruder. Indeed, if anything the spiders deserved the aid in that battle.

But none of the others saw this event as I had. Even Drogo did not. They claimed that they would not sit by idly and let the spiders kill their friends, and that I should be no different. They are quick to assume these people are my friends. I had only met them mere hours before and we barely spoke of anything other than that we had reasons for wanting to visit the cave. If they wish for me to truly consider them a friend perhaps they should spend time at it, and maybe next time I will at least protect them from the spiders or heal them after the fighting has ended.

Only one seemed to hold a similar belief as me, surprisingly a heavily armored man. He was angered as he had warned the others of the spiders nest, yet they wandered into it anyway. Which leaves me with no doubts in my mind that what I did was indeed correct. They knowlingly entered the nest, and deserved any consequence that would result of it. My conscience will remain clear today.

Needless to say I do not believe I will be travelling with them again if I can recall all their names and faces. They broke their promise to me when we entered the forest, and they seemed to be blinded and deafened by their own ignorance of the world. I doubt the rest of them will rush to seek out my aid as it is, since I am sure more than one of them was angered by my inaction. Such is the way things are.

With luck, not all of the intelligent races have become as blind as these people.

**Valcion sighs and stands, looking as far into the forest as he can. He smiles faintly to a chipmunk resting near him. He grabs his walking stick and sets out into the forest, unsure of his next destination**

General Discussion / Re: Sea Battles?
« on: August 21, 2006, 02:30:31 pm »
There's already at least one area where two ships are alongside each other and an AT allows you to jump from one boat to the other. But as far as I know you can only get there via a GM jump. But you can always prepare for a pirate, or Kuo-Toa attack when you get on board a boat on a GM-run event. *evil grin*

General Discussion / Re: ECL Races and NWN 2
« on: August 17, 2006, 06:41:13 pm »
While I don't know exactly how it will work in NWN 2, the way I see it currently is like this:

The half-giant (since that is the example used) is much stronger than the other races. Sure, they have some drawbacks from their Int and Cha, but their other abilities more than make up for that. And on top of that, the majority of half-giants are going to be fighters or barbarians anyway, so they don't really need the Int or Cha that they have been penalized of. Thus, a level 1 half-giant fighter ends up far more powerful than a level 1 any other fighter. That is what brings in the ECL.

The ECL makes it so the character won't level up as quickly by configuring them to be, essentially, a higher level character. This is because they are more powerful and have more of an ability to gain xp quicker. Basically, the way I see it is that the ECL is just another way of balancing the character.

So, in my own opinion, I don't think the fact that you have an ECL should be taken into account for applying for a WL position, since its only real purpose is to balance an otherwise over-powered creature.

General Discussion / Re: A Reminder About Level Progression
« on: August 17, 2006, 04:31:51 pm »
Frelinder - 8/17/2006  7:04 PM

By the way i think that Barbarian is one of the classes that you should always start with if you wan't to have barbarian lvls. Thats because barbarian its not an class that you train to become.. its more of a class that you are.. you are born barbarian. With the Rage and all that.. hehe. Fighter lvls, rogue or other are more classes that you can training in...

I would agree for the most part, however I know of at least one situation where it made sense for the fighter to become a sort of barbarian as time went on. But it is definately something that would have to be well RP'd, and it wouldn't be easy to do that in normal cirumstances.

General Discussion / Re: Getting nowhere =/
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:13:25 pm »
LordCove - 8/11/2006  6:26 AM

....I still darent talk to some Impossibles, which is stupid really. But I try and help new characters whenever I can.

The impossibles aren't THAT scary. Sure, Ozy stands around with his glowing red spear, coughing and wiping blood on a cloth. And Remiel has his spiffy black armor. Plen has wings, nothing intimidating about that, right? :P

General Discussion / Re: Getting nowhere =/
« on: August 10, 2006, 04:51:05 pm »
Take a look around Hlint more, I know at least one area that even a level one anything would be hard pressed to get killed in. Also, don't be afraid to ask the higher levels for some help. Most will be more than willing to help you out.

And also levels aren't too too big of a deal. I won't say that they don't matter, cause I am pretty sure everyone is happy when they see the level up screen. But even a level 1 character can get involved in a big plot if they stick their head out there.

Just for Fun / RE: What's your favorite spell?
« on: August 10, 2006, 01:25:59 pm »
Diablo_68 - 8/10/2006  2:10 PM

i think in baldurs gate 2 it was imprisonment.

Imprisonment was awesome cause there was no way to counter it. I never really bothered having my PCs use them, but I loved fights where I had to make sure I killed the mage first, just because the only way to get my people back afterwards was to spend lots of money on Freedom scrolls.

And mind you, there weren't many freedom scrolls available in that game.

General Discussion / Re: Aloha, not blind any more :)
« on: August 10, 2006, 01:12:50 pm »
Good to have you back Zen

Just for Fun / Re: What's your favorite spell?
« on: August 10, 2006, 04:57:45 am »
Greater Ruin, cause it has the coolest vfx of any spell out there.

General Discussion / Re: Calendel is broke!
« on: August 09, 2006, 08:10:20 am »
Doc-Holiday - 8/9/2006  10:51 AM

I bet those "Tax" records that keep getting "lost" are really pages to Calendel's Necromantic manuel... the Ratman is trying to save us!

You know, that would explain a lot...

And maybe the tax records contain incriminating evidence against Calendal, Erag, and Talon, and Florah is trying destroy the evidence! It's all coming together now...

General Discussion / Re: A question about the Epic spell: Epic Warding
« on: August 09, 2006, 08:06:34 am »
Only thing is... how do you RP that? It would be very difficult, to say the least.

That's my guess as to why there are no palemaster/bards here.... yet.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Explorers of Mistone...and Dregar
« on: August 08, 2006, 06:51:31 am »
*a bald man wearing worn clothes wanders in and reads the poster*

Perhaps it is the course of nature for these beasts to take back the lands they once called their own...

*he shakes his head and exits the inn*

Just for Fun / Re: What language does your character(s) speak.
« on: August 08, 2006, 05:50:48 am »
Jet: Common
Ne'er: Common, Elven
Valcion: Common, Animal

General Discussion / RE: How did I get here?
« on: August 07, 2006, 06:18:06 am »
Heh, anyone who knows me knows that I've gone through at least a dozen different characters here. However, of all my characters the one that had the most thought put into his backstory was Jet. Interestingly enough, he was also my longest lasting character.

The idea for Jet came about during a trip to Maine last summer for a week. We spent a lot of time, eating, fishing, and playing video games. Naturally, I had plenty of time to think of things to make for a character. While I was there I saw several different games, and in most of them there was that character that didn't seem to want to be there. The one who kept mostly to himself, and his history would be revealed more and more as the game progressed. That was one aspect that I tried to implement into Jet's character.

As strange as this may sound, all my characteres, when I envision them for the first time have an outfit. It is that outfit that I try to duplicate in game for them to wear. It was the tell-tale red armor of Jet's that was ultimately the inspiration for the group he was a member of, as well as a start to get his appearance. Again, its odd, but for some reason I think the majority of Jet's personality and history actually evolved from the mental image of his armor.

I also wanted to include one of my favorite types of storylines into my new character, the old student vs. master story. This was my way of giving Jet something to shoot for in the future. If there's one thing that my characters need to adventure, its at least some form of motivation. Be it because they are bored, poor, far too self-rightous, or something else, they need motivation, otherwise the character won't work. Jet's motivation was always there for me, a combination of revenge and redemption for his sins.

What was interesting is that Jet didn't actually have his entire past and personality until I finished figuring out the personality of his "Master" Tyde. Cold, and somewhat sadistic, Tyde pushed Jet further and further to become the perfect warrior. Yet when the time came for Jet to be another of his loyal comrades, Jet turned on Tyde, refusing to do his work anymore. Tyde was arrogant, and believed himself to be among the greatest swordsman in the world. He became a villian that people would love to hate. What's interesting though is that aside from the arrogance and lack of interest for other's lives, Tyde and Jet had a very similar personality.

Jet's early history (his childhood etc.) was the only thing I hadn't decided. How did he come to meet Tyde? Why begin training to be a weapon master? What about his family? This just came to me after awhile, there wasn't really much inspiration here. Jet was kidnapped, but not so uipset for it. His family hated him, so in a way he was almost freed from the kidnapping. It was here he met Tyde, and it was here his actually story began.

And that left me with just the name to be determined. I cut out the last name since Jet had forsaken his family after his kidnapping, so it left me with a first name. The name actually was a result of me misunderstanding the names of one of the characters in Final Fantasy X. I first heard the name "Jecht" as the name "Jet." The name Jet grew on me, and eventually I decided it went with the character.

And that's the origins of the cold, quiet, but fierce and determined Jet that we all know and love today. Well, that some of us know and less of us love, heh. :)

Just for Fun / Re: Vader is mufasa
« on: August 06, 2006, 11:54:04 am »

That was pretty amazing.

Development Journals and Discussion / Hlint: A Town of Heroes?
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:24:34 am »
Hlint: A Town of Heroes and Legends

Throughout his earlier travels, Ne'er had heard much of the "fabled" town of Hlint. Stories and rumors passed around by all sorts of travels. Odd happenenings, great heroes, strange folk, and that Hlint seemed the be one of the greatest hub for adventurers in all of the world. Ne'er hadn't even been there himself. The roads never really brought him there, although he looked forward to the day he would one day bring himself to the legendary town.

That day came, and Ne'er wandered into town in his travelling outfit and plopped himself down on a bench. He looked around and was unimpressed by what he saw. Maybe it was that his standards were too high, or that the stories made the town seem larger, richer, and teeming with more life than it actually was. Instead it looked just like a rural town. A bank, a smithy, some benches, an inn and a few shops. And at first, the only ones around were some girl standing next to the bank and some guy strutting around with his two swords drawn and wearing his fancy full-plate armor. Ne'er breathed out a sigh and double-checked his map, making sure he had come to the right place.

Within moments, one of the rumors had been proved true. The town was loaded with strange folk. First a man dressed in a bright yellow robe greeted him. Ne'er thought his accent was interesting, but still odd nonetheless. Only knights and those that thought themselves holier-than-thou spoke like this man did, and this man didn't appear to be either of them. Of course, what did Ne'er know? He could very well have been either.

The man greeted him and moments later inroduced him to a gnome. The Gnome also wore interesting robes, almost a copy of the first man's. Except these ones were smaller (needed to fit the gnome after all) and blue. He bowed very low when he greeted Ne'er. Ne'er was now finding the over-friendlyness of these people a bit overwhelming. Everyone who spoke to him seemed interested in where he came from, what he did for a living, and Ne'er wasn't used to people actually wanting to know about him. So Ne'er did what he did best, and gave out as vague as answers as possible.

But even the odd gnome would be bested. Soon after a man arrived, a man so huge that Ne'er was on the verge of running. He later figured out that the man was a half-giant, but even that shocks Ne'er as no one bothered to stop the brute from travelling through town. Instead, the beast was encouraged! Even the guard on patrol dismissed the giant and continued wandering. The guards in Leilon would've killed the giant on sight, thought Ne'er. He merely shook his head again, not sure what else there was he could do.

Soon after the motely collection of people in the area gathered around a campfire and began drinking tea together, out in the open. Ne'er was invited, but declined quickly. He didn't know these people, and they didn't know him. Plus, Ne'er was never a fan of tea.

After a few minutes of listening and watching, Ne'er decided he had seen enough. Maybe he was just overtired from the trip. He went off into the Wild Surge Inn, and called it a night. Hopefully in the morning things would become more like he was used to.

Just for Fun / Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
« on: August 02, 2006, 03:50:06 pm »
What's funny is I had Jet face-off with a Bugbear Warlord of the Eternal Flame once, and I didn't get nervous about the fight until a Dire Boar ran up and started attacking me.

Not really a major battle, but I remember there was an attack on Fort Velensk awhile back. There were demons and undead attacking the shores. I remember there were lots of NPC guards killed, as well as several PC casualties. I don't think there's much written up about the battle anywhere, though.

Like I said, it wasn't really a -major- battle, but still one that looks like it fits what you are looking for.

Oh, and Stone may work too :)

Just for Fun / Re: Songs that Remind you of Layo?
« on: August 01, 2006, 10:13:11 am »
SuperMunch - 7/29/2006  6:02 PM

I hear the sweet sounds of Yakety Sax almost every time the party is moving.

A bit cruel, but that's all my mind's ear really hears.

Hehe... that's awesome,and I can totally see that, too. All the characters hasted and moving lightning fast between areas while that plays :P

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