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Messages - Eorendil

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Roleplaying / Re: Intimidation?
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:34:42 pm »
Right, there's all kinds of situational modifiers so anything can happen.  Just have to keep things in perspective.

My primary grind against things like persuasion and intimidate are when they're used with little to no rp, emotes, etc.  That's all.

Roleplaying / Re: Intimidation?
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:26:27 pm »
That's why I say it requires rp and a lot more than just say "I intimidate you.. grrrr"  There are a lot of possible situational modifiers and its as much about knowing how to be intimidating.  I mean, being the head of an order or being seriously famous can have an effect on the result and no it doesn't have to be under threat of bodily harm.

As an example.. A militia drill sergeant may have an incredibly high skill in intimidation and he may still succeed if he were wearing a pink tutu, lipstick and eye liner but I'll bet you that most of the people he's trying to intimidate are not going to take him seriously.  The DC set by his skill is going to have a lot more negative modifiers in that instance.

Apply that same thing to you boss, a gangster.. etc.  That particular example may be a bit far fetched but it illustrates what I mean.

It'd be like trying to intimidate a Rofi by telling them they're going to be locked up till the end of their days by a non-existent law in a region where they are intimately familiar with the laws.

There are a lot of ways people can be intimidating.. beauty, fame, position of authority, brutish, intellect, knowledge.. it just needs to be rp'd a little and there are always possible situations where they may, in part, be mitigated by situational modifiers..

Roleplaying / Re: Intimidation?
« on: January 24, 2008, 02:16:19 pm »
Remember that there are all kinds of situational modifiers.  If someone is trying to intimidate someone else using information that they are somewhat ignorant in and someone else is very knowledgeable about and vice versa that DC is change some.

You just have to be flexible and RP it out. I tend to ignore persuasion and intimidation attempts that aren't really RP'd and equate to "I intimidate you!" *intimidate check*.

That Halfling might have a much better chance at intimidating that Hill Giant if he's standing on Mr.  Hill Giant's friend or leaning on the severed head of another Hill Giant and covered in gore and bits.

General Discussion / Re: My HG devolved, help
« on: January 23, 2008, 08:42:32 am »
If you've logged in and out a time or two and he holds that appearance then that requires an appearance change.  That is easily done by a GM in-game.  

You might put in a request in the Disputes/Grievances/Requests forum for formality's sake.  That will also help to gain visibility so that it might be resolved sooner.

General Discussion / Re: warning - possible scam alert
« on: January 22, 2008, 08:59:24 am »
I've used Direct2Drive.  Its legit and pretty darn nice.  I've used Steam a number of times in relation to Half-Life 2 stuff.

Roleplaying / Re: Impromptu Quests
« on: January 04, 2008, 12:53:45 pm »
When in doubt, I say ask.  It doesn't hurt anything to ask and if the answer is no, roll with it.  It won't always be no.  Not everyone is a heartless, black blooded, evil bugger like me.  :)

Roleplaying / Re: Chaotic Neutral
« on: November 28, 2007, 09:02:16 am »
There's a bit more room to play CN than some alignments and LG isn't nearly as pigeon holed as some might think.  They both have a certain amount of interpretation allowed to them.

CN is often played as crazy/unpredictable but can also be the result of internal strife or a simple need for ultimate personal freedom, not wanting to be tied to anything or limited or caged;  A real free spirit if you will or someone who values their own personal freedom above all else.  This wouldn't make that person unkind or turncoat or a mercenary but those are ways to approach it.  It just means that if push comes to shove that that person (my example person, not all CN characters) might tend to steer away from personal sacrifice or loss of freedom of choice, etc.  

CN has quite a large repertoire to pull from, I feel.

The way you play LG can be generally similar but the approach depends completely on the philosophy and origins of the character as well as the class/faith.  Lawful does not necessarily equal "obeys all laws of all lands".  Furthermore, it could be argued and won that a strict personal code of conduct is all that is needed for a lawful character, good or otherwise.  Those codes may come into conflict with and win out over regional governance.  I could probably write a five page essay on each of the alignments, easily.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: What are the Gnolls eating?
« on: November 26, 2007, 09:03:10 am »
Some of it at least.. the mining may have broken into some natural underground structures too.  Who knows..

General Discussion / Re: Who lives in the Twin Dragon Inn?
« on: November 19, 2007, 03:23:05 pm »
Caighd does.  Paid a full Month (RL) rent the last full week of October so probably coming up on pay time.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: stuck
« on: November 10, 2007, 07:40:44 pm »
jump in game real quick if you're still around and I'll try and grab luna outta there before you crash.

You can also reduce your texture detail and graphic settings and sometimes that will fix it.  You can do that from the opening menu before you go in to choose multiplayer and the like.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Elohanna!
« on: November 08, 2007, 12:03:56 pm »
Happy Birthday!

Rumour Has It / Re: The Trial of Saida
« on: November 08, 2007, 08:53:15 am »
*Caighd frowns deeply as he reads the letter then marches to the temple in Vehl.  He shows Reus the letter and respectfully requests to question the prisoner in Spellguard and to investigate further.*

I am wary of the woman's trickery but she has requested that I represent her.  I feel it to be only fair to honor that part of her request.  As for bringing in Abigail and Brian, I will leave that to your own judgement.  I believe that Abigail was right in her use of force while Brian went too far.  However, if I am to look into this I do not feel it would be proper that I also bring one or both of them in.

I will not suggest release.  She's escaped a jail once to get out of a trail.  There is no reason to believe she will not flee or use her magicks to whatever end she sees fit.

*bows to Reus*  I await your counsel on the matter, Lord Protector willing.

Inventory -on- the character is the only stuff that counts when you log in.  

For my part I normally try and do all my crafting and gathering and stuff in succession while I'm on and I've gotten in the habbit of tossing stuff I can identify by sight, like rations and minor things, even though Caighd can't.

Mala's doing well enough I spose.. I have to believe that her fears are lessened under the current conditions.  I'm a little afraid to leave her alone but she does not need me standing over her and I do not think that best for her either.

My skills with the forge grow daily.  Sad that it took my father having to lay in a bed for me to really get back into it, but still.  I hope that the temple will be able to make use of the armors and shields I craft.

Had a real run in with Shiff a little while back.  Someone's panther was being a bit playfull and Shiff didn't take kindly to it.  I lured it outside town with a bit of fresh fish but Shiff decided to sneak up on the creature and surprise it by barking.  Well, it was very startled and took a swipe at him and rather than let me take care of it Shiff laid into the big cat, trying to wrestle and subdue it.  When I tried to seperate the two of them Shiff kicked me in the knees.  Didn't think I'd get up after that with my knees being what they are....

Thankfully, Anna happened along and calmed him... the cat.  I have not seen her that angry in an age.  I'd almost feel sorry for Shiff but he did boot me in the knees.  She summoned a cat the size of a horse.  I've never seen her summon before but that was some cat.  The owner of the cat wasn't pleased with Shiff either.  

I could tell she was shaken.  She doesn't like getting riled like that.  I almost think it makes her feel guilty afterward.  And so I ended up returning with her to the Weary Traveler.  We talked most the evening about this and that and every time I turned or made a move that looked like I might leave she.. well, I could tell she did not wish to be on her own.  So we ended up, her curled up with Lindel on some pillows and me perched on the rest, reading a story.  I'm not sure when I fell asleep but Lindel had the book on him when I woke.

I could hardly stand the next day.  Blasted knees.  Anna had some salves and her healing songs helped get me going again.  I just have to walk it out and keep from getting down on the ground.  Thank the Lord Protector for Anna.

General Discussion / Re: Just so you know...
« on: October 31, 2007, 09:03:19 am »
Hope to see you back soon.  Take good care of yourself!

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Starting a Half Giant
« on: October 27, 2007, 11:39:54 pm »
Taken care of. =)  Enjoy your half giant.

Just for Fun / Re: M&M Wars
« on: October 12, 2007, 04:13:01 pm »

The Silver Buckle / Re: Have YOU seen this Halfling?
« on: October 12, 2007, 09:10:22 am »
*Caighd leans down and looks closely at the picture, reading in slow but steady rhythm, his lips mouthing the words.  He nods and grunts*  I've seen her at story night.  I'll have to keep an eye out.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday St8
« on: October 10, 2007, 08:31:59 am »
Happy BDay!

General Discussion / Re: Werewolf origins in Layo
« on: October 09, 2007, 06:20:02 pm »
To clarify for jrizz: Your characters are welcome to tell whatever stories they wish.  There are likely more legends and superstitions that exist than even the GM team is probably aware of.  Players are not wholly confined to written Lore where story telling and such is involved.  If they were there are a lot of characters out there that don't exist because they didn't start somewhere that was cemented in writing.

So, feel free to tell stories, make up stories and perhaps even believe them if you want.  However, they may or may not be "The Truth" no matter how much the character(s) believe them to be.  Tall tales, Legends and Myths are just that way.  Just try not to pull too much from other sources and keep the world, in general, in mind.

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