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Messages - LordCove

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Happy Birthday!

General Discussion / Re: Another Dezza enters the world
« on: May 24, 2011, 03:16:46 am »
All hail the Great Dezza. How he can handle everything on his plate is beyond me.... but he deserves his own Temple with a string of hymn singing clergy to go with it.

Congrats on V4 to both of you!

General Discussion / Re: Happy birthday Dezza
« on: November 28, 2010, 05:12:16 am »
Happy Birthday Dezza!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Pseudonym
« on: November 21, 2010, 03:06:12 am »
Happy Birthday!

A big congratulations to Dezza and character Leisa.. for the successful completion of a WLDQ!

She underrztands you arre having orrders frrom higherr up, but how long iz the Morrtimerr to be left languishing in clutches of Cult?

Mortimer has already shown he is not in the clutches of the Cult. He stood up to them, even though he knew he was giving up on ever seeing his daughter.
Everyone has lost someone or something to the Cult, and though I might sound like a nasty bugger saying it, Mortimer is no different.
I can't speak for her, but the High Druid isn't going to risk imminent war with the Cult and massive loss of life, just to save one mans daughter.

She deferrs to yourr preference in zis matterr, but ztill looks to yourr zupporrt for contacting the tigerr halfling, if you arre ztill agrreeable to zis?

I'll go and see if I can contact her now, but I'll wager her answer will likely be the same as mine.

And, by the way, at zome point, Cult arre going to be serriously antagonised by what we arre doing, and people arre going to die, and forrests arre going to burrn. Zis iz the prrice we arre having to be paying forr allowing Cult to get zo established. It iz unavoidable.

* Trouble simply shrugs at this, on his way out to find Larrina the "tigerr halfling", murmuring as he leaves*

That much we already know.

// Trouble attempts to find the "Tiger Halfling" via Druidic messaging and requesting her to come to Hilm to speak to Argali

Layonara Server / Re: Version 3.30 is online!
« on: October 29, 2010, 07:37:29 am »
A kudos on the new area's to the Builder. I've only had time to quickly run through a few areas... but I'm still impressed.

The new Centre and starting area with the low level quests is just what was needed.

The re-mapping of Kuhl and the Great Forest is excellent. I'll likely never get to see into Kuhl, but the stretch from Mirtrix to the Great Forest is nice, linking together area's hardly used previously.

Trouble, standing in the back and listening quietly, suddenly steps forward.

" I can't speak for her... but Larrina should "not" sponsor this idea to go to Kuhl and demand of Lister the return of Mortimer's daughter."

He looks around at any Druids that might have attended.

" I'll remind you all of the High Druids words. We should "not" antagonise or aggrevate the Cult at this time. This was an order."

Trouble looks at Argali.

"And I'm sorry Argali, but requesting of us to do such a thing, against the High Druids wishes, to go to Kuhl and accuse them again of kidnapping and destroy any remaining relations Horn has with them, simply to ( here he uses Argali's own words) undermines theirr position with the drruids and with the Horrn and further your own need for an alliance with Horn... is just bloody wrong."

He seems about to leave at that, but instead remains, propped up against a pillar, bouncing a red rubber ball off the floor and listening to what is said.

General Discussion / Re: Question about cloaks and belt
« on: October 20, 2010, 07:46:26 am »
Jorels Sheath is lvl 19 Req
K'halziras Cloak of the Warden is lvl 23
( not telling what else they do as it spoils it )

Neither of these items are craftable, both are rare Epic Drops.

General Discussion / Re: Question about cloaks and belt
« on: October 20, 2010, 07:25:48 am »
K'halziras Cloak of the Warden and Jorel's Sheath both give a +2 to Constitution.
As far as I'm aware, there are no belts that give +2 Con... and certainly no belts or Cloaks that give +3.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 18, 2010, 05:26:11 pm »
Sold For 300,000 True!

8) 8) 8)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 17, 2010, 03:55:00 am »
*since most of the halflings of the Happy Halfling Bidding service are currently being fanned and brought around by spectators, the crowd itself keeps the bidding going *

We see 270,000 True to Mr Tralek... are there any more?!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:41:47 pm »
* Sall shakes his head at Tegan and laughs*

Ya bloody kidding me? I wouldn't pay that much fer some bloody boots! Kobal and Tralek need their bloody head screwing on properly. An if I ever see tha' guy who's selling them... I swear.. I'm gonna mug him on general principal.

* Sall takes her by the arm and leads her off through the market square. Then foolishly adds a little later on*

Just think though.. that much True for selling nothing more than a pair of boots. Just imagine how much I'd get fer you.

* And in the background, another soft, gentle thud as the Auctioneer himself faints at the ridiculous amount of True now on offer, and Liar takes over*

// This is crazy.. I expected 80k for these boots. But keep going!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 15, 2010, 02:59:16 pm »
* There are several gentle thuds, like the sound a stone makes when it hits soft earth. Kind of like... Thhumpff!

These are the sounds of halflings fainting. *

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 15, 2010, 02:08:50 am »
*an open-mouthed, wide-eyed halfling faints at the huge sum of True offered.*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 14, 2010, 07:11:47 pm »
I hear 45,000 from Mrs Arkolio ... *waving the distinctively feminine letter in his hand* ... do I hear anymore?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:24:25 pm »
Sold! To the... er... Toranite over there!
*to Chaynce*

Sold! To the fair lady!
*to Caly*

And sorry miss.... *sighs to Zira* .. the belt was a "first come , first served" and not an auction. But do try the boots dear miss!

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Nature faction plot quest
« on: October 12, 2010, 06:49:42 am »
For those that may require it, an escort is provided for those Druid's traveling to the Great Oak to attend the Council Meeting.

The journey would take us through occupied Kuhl, through which restraint and discretion must be held, and into the depths of the Great Forest.

Conflicts may arise due to the hazardous nature of the journey, but safety can be assured.... for the most part.

Any requiring such an escort, send word to Trouble Tempest of Palden lake.

// This would be set to one hour before the Council Meeting Quest led by Harlas, and is set dependent on interest of people wishing to attend.
Non-Druids who don't know the way/wish to attend are also welcome. Enemies of Nature will be shunned!

Just for Fun / Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« on: May 31, 2010, 10:39:51 am »
Since Serenity was mentioned and not FireFly... here you go.

This series was aired years ago, and axed in its first season. Why? I have no idea... considering it was brilliant.
Earth 2

SunShine   Sunshine (2007)

And although its already on the list, I'm gonna promote it.
BattleStar Galactica. Not the old ones... the NEW ones.

In my opinion, this series is what all SCI-FI's should strive to be like.

General Discussion / Re: You may now refer to me as...
« on: May 22, 2010, 02:54:44 pm »
Not sure exactly what the J.D. stands for..... but....


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