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Messages - Ravemore

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Rumour Has It / Demisa Shimrastri smiles at
« on: September 11, 2015, 12:55:32 am »

Demisa Shimrastri smiles at you politely and hands your letter to one of her assistants to hold onto for later reading... after she has finished making her rounds with the other more prominent mages and arch mages attending the meeting. “Thank you child” is all you receive from her before she melts into the crowd…

*Several days later a Lucindite courier delivers a letter to you sealed with Demisa’s personal wax signet.


Your description of events does indeed seem to indicate the presence of a Wild Magic disturbance. These beautiful anomalies are unpredictable. They come and go of their own accord… almost as if they were sentient creatures with a will of their own. Sometimes they can stay for years, sometimes merely seconds. Their occasional presence reminds us of the all-pervading presence of the Al’Noth… and by extension our duty to protect and nurture it. We eat of it, we breathe of it...we should cultivate and defend it at every opportunity.

As you well know, The Al'Noth is not a constant phenomenon. Its strength varies, and a region that was once particularly strong could grow weak over time. It flows. Some think this is a manifestation of normal cycles and currents… there are many opinions and arguments. Do not look upon this as an opportunity to merely dismiss this energy. Look upon it as an opportunity to learn and grow. View it as a chance to return the Wild Magic disturbance to the natural ebb and flow, so that it may have an opportunity to reappear somewhere else and thereby enrich the land.

It is usually best if someone well-versed in their recognition and nomenclature return them to the embrace of the Al’Noth. There are some who have had much experience in working with them, but I will outline the basic techniques. Be aware it does carry significant risk to the person attempting the closing. (She goes on to explain a complicated formula and process)

I wish you luck. If you should discover that this is not a natural event and that mortal hands were behind its appearance,  or significant damage or harm has been caused, we at The Reaching would be greatly interested in hearing about it.

May the Lady of Spells smile upon you,

Demisa Shimrastri


//There is a mechanical process for attempting to dismiss them. You click on the anomaly in game and follow the directions in the menu that pops up. They are very difficult to get rid of though and there can be negative consequences. The more arcane practitioners and more mechanical arcane class levels available, the easier it is. We can meet in game to attempt a group dispelling if you put one together… but there can still be negative consequences if you fail.

Rumour Has It / One of Center's residents
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:13:31 pm »

One of Center's residents overhears you and nods sagely as the smell of alcohol wafts over you and he states the following, almost as if it were some deep philosophical secret handed down through the ages from student to teacher...

Errr (Burp) Yeah... Dem cats be everywhere! Prolly a lot of mices been running 'bout. (Hiccup).... and he wanders away in the direction of the Bullseye.

Rumour Has It / You hear a rumor from an old
« on: September 09, 2015, 10:58:00 pm »

You hear a rumor from an old mage who swears that when he was travelling through Krashin recently... or was it Fort Vehl? or Mariner's hold? (He's old and not very sharp with the memory anymore) he tried to cast a simple light spell and the energy turned into a small fireball that blew him off his horse and caught his beard on fire. You wouldn't have put much stock into what he was saying except for.... well, he had only half a beard, and a light spell is pretty hard to mess up.

As you were leaving the craft hall you also saw a horse that was bald on one side only... strange days these are.

Trade and Market Hall / I'll meet you at the Harpy in
« on: September 08, 2015, 06:26:12 pm »

I'll meet you at the Harpy in Fort Vehl at "such and such date and time."


//PM me when you think you are going to be available for this. :-)

Rumour Has It / Once again Vehl does not
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:56:35 pm »

Once again Vehl does not disappoint you in its disgusting lack of law and order. A bribe had to be paid to the clerk in order for his memory on where the records were located to sharpen enough to cease wasting your time. (//Please deposit 100 true in a trash receptacle at your convenience)

Scrolls, logbooks, loose papers… your mind becomes numb with all of the reading, thinking, crosschecking, etc. Hours pass. There are approximate 42 names spanning a three month period. Dillon and his cohorts have been very busy it seems. You notice that most of the names show up in blocks of individuals  timeframe-wise. This seems to indicate whole groups fell victim, similar to what was attempted with your party. Copies of the court orders for servitude are also found… one name in common on all. They are all signed by Judge Inseler Dragbottom. The odds are against something like this happening… very much against it. You know this is not enough evidence to proceed against a “hanging judge” like Inseler though. That would be suicide. You also notice that all of the indentured servants have Fort Vehl home addresses… another improbability from a statistical standpoint.

Deities - General Information / Eltalstro, are you still
« on: September 06, 2015, 10:06:22 pm »

Eltalstro, are you still having a problem with this?

General Discussion / If you continue to have
« on: September 06, 2015, 09:26:31 pm »

If you continue to have issues though... please let us know.


General Discussion / Hi Spike. Welcome back. I
« on: September 06, 2015, 09:22:05 pm »

Hi Spike. Welcome back. I love to see the evil meter rising whenever you are around!

Dynamic naming information can be found here:

The plot outcomes would be best tackled by reading through the epilogues posted here... be sure to look at the "stickies" and general posting area. Hope to see you in game and in forums soon...



General Discussion / ... and hopefully things will
« on: September 05, 2015, 07:08:34 pm »

... and hopefully things will allow you to come back as a GM at some point in time down the road. :-) Contributions as a world leader would be invaluable and appreciated beyond words if you are able to still contribute in that capacity. If not, just know that you are appreciated for everything. 


Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / Hi Gilshem. Accepted. I am in
« on: September 04, 2015, 10:41:14 am »

Hi Gilshem. Accepted. I am in the process of collecting information from your previous GM.

Rumour Has It / * After turning down the
« on: August 30, 2015, 05:17:15 pm »

* After turning down the offer for this contract there was quite a bit if grumbling and drinking among those who showed up for what turned out to be a suspiciously shady event. Later in the evening, a stooped and demoralized human who introduced himself to you as “Charles” showed up. He was very nervous and kept looking to the shadows as he approached your table. He whispered loud enough for all of you to hear: “I do not have long… I cannot be seen here with you, I have an iron-bound non-disclosure agreement in force with that “snake” Dillon. I’m in indentured servitude… and will likely die in it. Don’t get involved with him. His deals have more loopholes than my granny’s knitting basket. Someone needs to stop him though. You might find out more in Vehl." He refused to answer any more questions and departed, looking over his shoulder more than a few times before he reached the door.

* You noticed that the merchant from Thistle Trading left shortly after Dillon.

* In unrelated news, another wagon train has come up missing near the goblin badlands. This makes three in the last fortnight.

* The next morning, you hear a body is discovered behind the entrance to the Center Crypts. Word is that homicide is the cause of death… and it appears to be a stabbing of some type.

Rumour Has It / Dillon and his assistant
« on: August 23, 2015, 02:38:21 pm »

Dillon and his assistant leave the Bullseye and quickly melt into the shadows. He gives her some quick instructions and she disappears around the edge of a building to carry out her task. This group was smart… perhaps too smart. They did not take the bait like many others have. Dillon would have to discuss this with Boris Shiel. He did not relish the idea of being in the same room with the fat smelly man, but business was business… and there may now be a wrinkle that needs to be “ironed out.”


//PM replied to: Whispered inquiries go out, palms are greased, and snippets of information are exchanged behind closed doors and in dark alleyways.

This is probably going to go to calendar in a couple of weeks. The currently posted "Turn-in" date will be removed. Player actions in-game on 08/22 have changed the course of this quest. Good RP session. Your suspicions have paid off... or at least kept you out of indentured servitude and treble damages. ;-)

Introduce Yourself / Welcome back... If you need
« on: August 21, 2015, 12:47:37 pm »

Welcome back... If you need any help give a shout.


Rumour Has It / Captain Steiner watches
« on: August 20, 2015, 12:28:52 am »

Captain Steiner watches Arfur’s posing and strutting with a deadpan look on his face. He glances at Griff and says” You’re help is most welcome servant of Vorax. You’ll prevent me from dividing my forces and we should be in a much stronger position.” After the Gnome who introduces himself as Ryubi Jingles walks up and offers his help, the Captain points to the other two and says” You’re with them Mr. Jingles. You’re help is welcome, and Rho appreciates your assistance. I never turn away a good scout.”

As the rapier wielding Arfur and the other two companions head off for Arin’s cabin. Captain Steiner looks at two of his men putting together gear and says” Did that guy say his name was “Doofas?” He shakes his head with a wide grin and heads back to his office to make preparations, and the two men nearly fall to the ground laughing. The Captain was not known for making jokes… his humor was usually rather limited.


Several hours later, the three approach the cabin. Griff was very conscious of the fact that there seemed be very little sign of game on the game trails. It felt as if the forest was holding its breath… or perhaps that was just his nerves. Arfur is the first to spot the man in green exiting the cabin. Ryubi’s gaze is drawn to all of the large animal tracks in the area and he is perplexed. He has no doubt they are wolf tracks… but based on the length, width, and depth, the creature would be triple the size of any Worg he had ever seen. The tracks measure over 18 inches from heel to toe. The angles and stride also seem to indicate some were bi-pedal.


After his short whispered prayers, the man in green picked up the book… old, cracked leather rough on his fingertips. As the book was slipped into a pouch strapped to his body. His mind lingered briefly on the ironies. A quick and cursory search of the rest of the cabin found nothing except the expected utensils and properties one would expect in a homestead. As he exited the cabin he noted it was still quiet in the surrounding forest.


//This quest is going to calendar. Please feel free to continue to use this thread for RP and investigation. As always with my events, it will garner you more quest reward when we go in-game. Please confine your activities to the clearing and the cabin, as this is where the quest will start. The story line is subject to change based on what happens in this thread... Expect a RP and plot heavy event for this one. It will likely run two separate sessions.... Quest time should not exceed 3 hours for each session.

Any new players wanting to become involved... please hop in here at the cabin and RP you're way in. If you have any questions, please send me a PM. Keep this thread IC.


Trade and Market Hall / Correction in your favor
« on: August 19, 2015, 03:03:59 pm »
Correction in your favor 4,000 True.

- S.A.

Rumour Has It / Frem Ris and the other
« on: August 16, 2015, 01:43:20 am »

Frem Ris and the other halflings at Krellins are ecstatic after receiving the good news.  The dwarves are invited to partake in consuming “chal”, a fermented camel milk brew, and to celebrate into the wee hours of the morning. Although not their normal beverage of choice, they did not want to insult their gracious hosts and the ensuing raucous laughter and music carried far across the desert sands.

Trade and Market Hall / *A note penned in fine script
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:17:39 am »

*A note penned in fine script is pinned to his notice*

I find myself in need of some eggs. I will pay 2,500 True for a box.


Rumour Has It / And a spellslinger?-Sty
« on: August 14, 2015, 11:07:55 am »

And a spellslinger?


Rumour Has It / The locals seem very
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:24:39 pm »

The locals seem very concerned.

A wild looking Halfling named Frem Ris tells you that most of the reports they have been receiving have been coming from distant areas on the other side of the Twin Lion Ruins… about 75 or 80 miles away. His arms gesticulating wildly and his hair flying about as he tells you this.


//I would recommend a couple more players… even for you two. :-) 


Rumour Has It / Sporadic reports of shambling
« on: August 11, 2015, 11:59:49 pm »

Sporadic reports of shambling dead wrapped in linen cloth begin to filter into remote outposts and oasis settlements around the Spirit Dunes. As of yet there have been no attacks reported.

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