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Messages - DiegoBastet

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General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 01:07:11 pm »
The original images are tiny little... They are avatars, after all...

Roleplaying / Re: what is a half elf?
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:26:55 pm »
Anything not in the middle is the race with more.

3/4 elf, is a half-elf with something human (maybe strange looking human eye's color)

3/4 human is a human with something elven (hey, nice flowing blonde hair!)

A half elf is someone with the blood of the two. There are "second generation" half-elves, with both parents half-elf, and they tend to be a little more human than their parents (in D&D, half-elves ALWAYS have the green eyes of the elves (or high-elves), and the second generation may have the other colors that human can have). Some generations (let's say, 3) must pass with always half-elves mating for the elven blood to get to weak and the child be born a human with elven traits, instead of a half-elf of 2nd generation...

At least this is the WOTC official awser to this...

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: So, I'm back. And...?
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:10:06 pm »
Thanks for the help, fellow player.

1 - I will try I I can.

2 - Nothing really world shaking afte the beggining of the dragon storm? Oh, great!

3 - Ok, searching we go!

4 - ...gulp...I think that I'm hapy with my English, now that you mentioned this.

General Discussion / Re: The Ups and Downs
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:02:53 pm »
Oh yeah, and staff and DMs and all, I'm not offending, ok? It got nothing to do with you and all. I LIKE Layo, and I KNOW that you all got just too MUCH work to do. I'm not asking for you to do something for me not anything like that, just expressing myself, and trying to see if the players can find a solution for themselves...

General Discussion / Re: The Ups and Downs
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:57:12 am »
Got the problem that the people said.

To begin in Layo I made a character that could hold his own. I thought that this would be really good for me to know the basics and all and all. It was.

Then, with all the amazing fever for roleplay, I took out of my box-o-old-sheets a druid that my girlfriend played some time ago to play. Great persona, great style, great background, and in Layo ALL these three just were greater and greater, not to mention appearence! She is just gorgeous in Layo, and everytime some char says to himself or to the person close " a long hair...", I have my treasure for the day and log out really with a smile.

Well, anyway, but in just too many times, I can't do much with her... I try to meet other peoples, but it's simply way too hard to FALL in a conversation and all. I try, then, to walk to some safe places to find people to just rp. Well, anything about rp is good, but this does not work always. To tell the truth, it works just too little.

I could think "well, I can do like Reinard [the other character, more fighter], go around and maybe find someone", but Eliza just SUCKS at solo combat, and her dire wolf does not THAT much for her. What to do? Log out sad...

Now that I came back aftert some computer-explosion, I realy hope to find some more people to RP. Maybe if players had a lace to post OOC to arrange a meeting "on luck" of the PCs, and then begin some RP, it would be a good start...

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: the character appearance
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:45:55 am »
What's upo with pink and all? White's so much better. Or at least it looks pretty  cool.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Can I trade helmet of armor II?
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:32:58 am »
Mu character simply sold the helmet of armor she got. I reaaly thought it was strange for me to use. Besides, it was getting in the way of her hair...

Roleplaying / Re: Roleplaying of some spells
« on: March 17, 2007, 08:59:38 am »
Guess I'll have to be happy with what I have. Anyway, there's no reason why Eliza can't TRY to search for something, since this is her heart's deepest desire. Does not matter if she will do it because of the rules and the "doesn't matter how creative" stuff and all: She doesn't know about that, and the hope is hope.

AND, it's great rp!

Roleplaying / Re: Roleplaying of some spells
« on: March 10, 2007, 06:50:47 am »
Ok, thanks GM. That killed me.

Roleplaying / Re: Roleplaying of some spells
« on: March 04, 2007, 03:44:39 pm »
Ok now, if you are saying that no, no creatures except faeries dragons, imps and pixies can speak as familiars, and no, magic does not some things that magic "usualy" does, then ok. But again, is this, finding a mean for her wolf to speak, creating a spell for this, having the bless of the hierophant, of a god, you got it, is this eligible for going after with a CDQ?

Roleplaying / Re: Roleplaying of some spells
« on: March 03, 2007, 04:52:47 pm »
GM, this is retoric or a question for me to awser and try to prove my point? It's not a chalenge this question, but just a question.

If it's the second option, I can ask, but first, just to complete things (there is no law problem about putting this here, since I bought the book and am using this only as reference already put on the SRD. I already did look into it, don't worry).

"You awaken a tree or animal to humanlike sentience. To succeed, you must make a Will save (DC 10 + the animal’s current HD, or the HD the tree will have once awakened). The awakened animal or tree is friendly toward you. You have no special empathy or connection with a creature you awaken, although it serves you in specific tasks or endeavors if you communicate your desires to it. An awakened tree has characteristics as if it were an animated object (see the Monster Manual), except that it gains the plant type and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6. An awakened plant gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it has senses similar to a human’s. An awakened animal gets 3d6 Intelligence, +1d3 Charisma, and +2 HD. Its type becomes magical beast (augmented animal). An awakened animal can’t serve as an animal companion, familiar, or special mount.
An awakened tree or animal can speak one language that you know, plus one additional language that you know per point of Intelligence bonus (if any).
XP Cost: 250 XP."

-The vocal chords: I don't think that this is REALLY a problem. If magic can give human-like inteligence to an animal, so it surely gives it the means to use it. If the spell gives part of your knowledge to the creature, to it be able to speak, then surely it would, speaking in science terms, "modify the vocal chords so the animal would be able to not only reproduce, but vocalize with subtle tones the humanoid languages".
-The description more or less states that the creature (or plant) gets his new mental strenght based on the caster. It learns the language the caster knows to the extend of his (new) intelect. This makes clear that the magic uses the knowledge of the caster and "imprints" it on the creature.
-I understand what means the Animal Ear, thank you GM.
-Anyway, the 3.5 spell states that animal companions could not be the target of this spell, but on NWN he is the only target eligible, that's why I thought about asking it. Many say that many things are different from pnp D&D and all, and since the connection of the animal companion seems to work much like that of a familiar, I thought that letting high-level druids being able to mae their loyal companions speak was not out of bounds.

Finaly, if the questions were retoric, sorry GM, if not, them their awsers are here.

Hope that this can be thought about a little more in-depth, and even if this spell do not give the right to the player RP the animal speaking, I think this is a pretty valid objective for a CDQ, right? It says "things that can't be done normaly during game", so to my character, who kind of loves her animal companion, I think this would be a great objective!

Roleplaying / Re: Roleplaying of some spells
« on: March 03, 2007, 07:04:23 am »
Seriously? Do you think that? Oh, well, than i'll have to wait, good that I asked huh? That's why I made the post... (Nothing at all, I don't have the character yet, since she was not aproved and I'm still waiting to create her. Don't have much time to play besides weekends, and I'm waiting eating my fingers away.)

Just by the way, not that it matters, that spell Compreend Languages enable you to understand all languages. The Tongues spell lets you speak in any language, but it's a higer level spell. But, anyway, thanks GM Weeblie.

So, good master Big L., what do you have to say?

General Discussion / Re: The Arbiter - A GM demon!
« on: March 03, 2007, 06:54:18 am »
Thanks also for getting me out of the minus count of passing after death, The Arbiter GM.

Roleplaying / Re: Roleplaying of some spells
« on: March 03, 2007, 06:35:47 am »
Hum, so it's not wrong to make my animal companion "speak" in the world when the druid has access to the spell Awaken? Good to know that this is ruled by the common sense. Thank you.

Ok, but heal me. Thanks. Whenever I'm hurt. Thanks. Hahahaha.

"Death to darkies!"

I just agree on everything Stephen said. Maybe this is because I play, and DM pnp rpgs, not only videogames, and I have a bigger immersion. Layo is not our world, and I don't use our world prejudice in it. My warrior does not say that a woman should not be a warrior because women have to stay at home, caring about the children, being mothers and growing old in submision to their husbands. He says that because he did not saw a phisicaly strong woman yet. "Go become a mage..." he would say " least you are not going to live with a sword in the neck!", he would say. Some people think about layo with their societies' prejudice in their minds, like the drow problem and black people of our world.

Them someone cames and says "Oh, but is BASED on our world and the dark ages of our world, and bla", and I just remember this person that not the entire world is the same. I'm a Brazilian, and I live in Brazil, and I'm pretty much sure that on the US there's a lot og thing about "Latins" and all, as there is about black (or dark, just don't know how you mention them...) people. Let me say, in my country there is prejudice, yes sir, we are not perfect, but it's not something so in face like this, or I can say, it's MUCH LESS than in the US, or some parts of the US (please, forgive me for not knowing your country so well as you do). An example: I do know that in some places of the US there are parts of a city that "belong to dark people" or to latin people, or whatever. There's not such a thing here. A bandit, a drug dealer, a muderer can be ANYONE, and indeed, there are white people, asiatic people, dark people, in many ways of life, and that can be seen. There's not such a thing as "Oh man, he is a dark guy with a white chick" or the like. Hell, in Brazil you can find just so MUCH dark people with green, and even BLUE eyes. Even asiatics with green eyes or a little dark skin!

It may seems have gone a little away from the point, but I'm no trying to show my country and all, just showing how we should not think about the mindset of the game world with our societies as the big base. In my society prejudice is much more to how much money you have than your "race". I mean, MUCH MORE. My society is different than yours. What if I take it to think about Layo? I would surely be thinking "wrong" if people took actual US as the "norm".

My opinion is: There SHOULD be prejudice with the uncommon races, because they are, well, uncommon, and there MUST be prejudice with the mounstrous races because, hell, they are MOUNSTROUS. Drow aren't cool guy with dark skin. Some may be. But they did not get their rep for being slaves in the past. They got it because of what drows INDEED do. It really does not matter in the view of the MOB that you are the Random-Good-Drow-With-Suspecting-Name-And-Two-Scimitars, and how many Random-Dwarven-Kingdoms you recovered, in the eyes of the people, you, are, a, drow, and the way people live everyday, with the stress of the dark ages of layo, with all the despair, if someone could throw a stone on you AND get away with that, blaming you about they horrible lifes AND not being seen as bad people because of that, you may be SURE that the people WOULD do this to you.

I could enter the merit of psichology, but I think this is not for today...

General Discussion / Re: Rent for player housing in V3?
« on: March 02, 2007, 11:57:20 pm »
I think that they should be taxed. Don't want to be taxed? Don't buy a house, well. There are MANY charachters out there who would not whine about buying a house and having to pay monthly. If someone with a house is whining about it paying montlhy to keep it, then don't have it. I'm retty SURE there's a LINE of people who are couting their coins with big smiles and waiting to a house become avaible, even if they have to pay monthly...

Do you play, or played, more videogames or tabletop roleplaying games?

Just for Fun / Re: What Layonara is not
« on: March 02, 2007, 03:59:27 pm »
Layonara is not a server of powergamers and way-too-much steriotyped MMORPG players.

Rideable horses... There will e different rideabe creatures, say, like dire wolves for druids or something like that? *asking too much but hop is the last who dies, and the first who kills...*

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