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Messages - Joyrock

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Introduce Yourself / Re: A few new faces
« on: May 16, 2007, 03:12:22 pm »
gunther I will ask you watch it, she ment nothing she was just stating for argument sake, that it does not matter how good you RP, or if your capable of it. You can't beat the timer, and that is alittle unfair to folks that put more into things then folks that don't.

many of the folks I am trying to bring over, feel that there not much for new players, only the old players. Which I am guessing you to be one. Everything so much easier when you hold all the cards. We are new here, that hard enough on us, let alone mounds of rules. We are not out to make trash chars that have simple bio's that make it easy to get on the server we are out to make good, detailed chars that are above the average standard, and capable of more RP from that extra bit of work.  She has a right to be upset being that many of the folks she has RPed with for many years will be staying. including me her older brother.

I must say alot about this server is a turn away to new players, you can say it is not but then again your not new. You have not picked up everything you worked on since the game's release, and tryed to lead a group of players to a new home. Everyone coming has been through alot with NWN and are great players, they earned everything they ever got, you can't blame them for feeling cheated when the only way to get things here is not by really earning it, but by being loyal to the server, and being on your char. doing decent RP. and what I mean by decent RP is different from good RP, you don't need great RP to play alot of the restricted things. you just need a decent level. that right there is a turn off to some because, well they have not logged in yet, but they feel the level of RP here must be rather low if such things are restricted.

Now they understand you don't want CvC (Char vs char, means the chars battle not the players, PvP is such a hateful word)

None of us care about PvP/CvC, but we just feel the level of RP here, must be on a low standard if such restrictions  are needed so badly. because I can say such restrictions do hurt RP.

I asure you none of us care about CvC/PvP we care about RP, but we hate DM fed RP. It comes from us playing on a server where evil was allowed, and not just that subraces, like vampire, devil, demon, Drow matron, etc. Races that require much work in the ways of RP, and much in the way of avoiding conflict but still being able to RP evil. then we come here, to find that the most basic of things are restricted. You can't blame someone for thinking the server is made to tend to small children or folks new to RP, because such things should not be restricted on a server filled with great or experienced RPers.

It is does make me some what sad to know that the majority of this player base is unable to handle evil (this I assume other wise such restrictions would not be needed, once again assume), it is a truelly needed part of RP.

She is upset because she knows many of her great friends will stay, others will not a dividing factor. In trueth we had about 10 players coming over many have been turned off to this, and truethful there comments about how good can the RP of this server, be if players can not be trusted to be resposible, or capable of handling alignments. Miss judging perhaps. but Can you honestly expect folks to wait 9 months to RP something they have always had the ability to do before?

Most my players thought that evil was restricted to the ability to RP, because that what there here to do, not to some timer which they feel proves nothing. If there was a time restriction it would be in reason of at most a month or two. not 9 months, and a few other things a year they could live with out RDD.

I my self will be making a cheap throw away char, that I plan to play to see if I even wish to stay. It might be harsh for me to say,  hope you don't think, I think  so little of your server. But one must remember your restrictions reflect your trust in your players. If the DM team and others think so little of it and feel it takes so long to become a "Vet" Then how can new players think very highly of it? How can they be expected to spend days reading and knowing your history if it probly not worth it?

it was also a hard blow battling with Zugzug to jump through the hoops of his bio changing it a few times making sure I got everything to find CN was restricted.:\\  The idea was al'ready a little off from what it was, and the bio turned out alittle wierd in my mind.

Introduce Yourself / Re: a new face in the darkness
« on: May 14, 2007, 07:09:03 pm »
darn seems it won't let me put Kamalasa Oh well Kamalasa this way Star. ;)

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« on: May 14, 2007, 05:18:39 pm »
New question, what is the good/nuetral/evil ratio of the server if you were to take a guess?

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« on: May 14, 2007, 05:15:49 pm »
I know all my old players to well ;) let me guess star, sorc/RDD blue dragon family?  \\You can always make a drow. though I would read up on there version of them, it is different from FR drow in some ways. Perhaps we will see a return of kira?

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« on: May 14, 2007, 03:00:59 pm »
Wow thanks, alot of the answers were more to what folks were hoping for then I thought, when we came here we were willing to give up certian things, "when in rome"

nice to know we don't have to, vampires and lycans was something I was asked to ask, but they never had there hopes up lol. with them though if you ever thought about adding it from a purely NWN function I can help with alot of the work there for you, we had the best system for both and redid them.
purely script based.

I know RP is more important then the game mechanic's so we won't get our hopes up. does not hurt to ask, but I have a feeling I would have been if I did not -_-

think star will be upset about the RDD but they might just make it a goal to be the 2nd person to get it, and the first to 10 levels of it.;)

thanks for all your help!

Introduce Yourself / Re: A few new faces
« on: May 14, 2007, 02:45:02 pm »
Star you made it! glad to see you.

Well our server was, well it had been around to long, to many folks living off past glory. It was great and fun, but the infighting just got to much to handle, we were so split your best bet was to pick a side and grab your sword! *calls the charge as the cannons fire* we became 4 servers in the end there was only 2 servers that had any players, the one I was admin of still got 13-20 and had the highest player count, but school took many away from us and many folks that could do the work needed. It just got to much to handle I was keeping the server going for everyone else. never even getting to play my char. been plotting to sneak off here for along time, and when I did I asked a few friends to come along.

seems they changed it on me, they want a more 'Fall of the house of Usher' feel to it. So we are going back to the basic idea and will work from there :\

Just for Fun / Re: Joke
« on: May 14, 2007, 05:25:40 am »
Two half orcs toil in the soil digging in the mud, one looks to the other and asks why da boss, no work to?

After scratching his head the other looks puzzled and says.

Me no know, me go ask.

After climbing out the pit he says to da boss. Boss why you no dig in mud as well?

the much small orc looks up at the sluggish brute and says. iintelligence of 8.

the orc looks down at him and says what is In-in-tell-E-gence?

the small orcs calls him closure as he walks to a tree, placing his hand out right before the tree, massive trunk. Hit my hand as hard as you can.

Nodding quickly eager to see what this intelligence was and what made it so great, quickly punked the da smaller orcs hand which due to his low dex was to slow to hit it before the hand was quickly moved.

As the orc's hand collides with the massive trunk of the tree he crys out in pain.

Walking away the boss says, that is intelligence.

shaking his hand he went back to the other orc, wanting to show off what he had learned.

After reaching the other orc who quickly waves him over. What did he say?

The returning orc replyed intelligence, the other orc looked at him quizically  what is that? offering to show his friend he held up his hand in front of his own face. take that shovel and hit my hand with it as hard as you can. eager to see what this intelligence was he quickly obeyed. *thud!*

Introduce Yourself / Re: A few new faces
« on: May 14, 2007, 03:26:51 am »
thanks, I have two GREAT RPers, just great Rpers that like to play odd chars often dealing with very odd chars. I chose to help them to make them fit in easier with the move and all. It is always a nightmare to do there char requests lol, thus the problem with players of there talents, "always the hardway"

I fully understand the no claim to nobility which was why the house fell many years ago, completely unknown, dead much like the house of usher, just with having there nobility stripped from them (means no longer nobel). though stripped they continued there idea of propper up bringing, which is what we mainly wish, not alot of RP choices for such choices lol. cousins wedding cousins to keep the line 'pure' and there mage talents in the line. Very distant inbreeding.

Sinthar was able to return after thousands of years through the use of portals that a rare few believe may be tied to Blood Wells. It seems that during his time on the World he had created a few Wells to help in his battles against the Dragons. When he was banished he was able to communicate with one in control of a well. With this he corrupted those and they eventually fell under his limited control. With this limited control he influenced them to create a few more wells and thus his power grew. He was able to convince a few to willingly help his cause with the promise of knowledge, power and wealth. After hundreds of years he created enough power in three of the wells that he was able to bring an army through from the Planes.

the above is pretty much where we got the idea and felt it fit perfectly with the history we sought, a guilted mark on a once good folk. don't wish to be evil just have a less then perfect past that spans generations. that sought power and greed gained it later to only pay for there deeds.

We wish no char relation to Sinthar, much as you said old long dead family members that have no real impact on chars just old family history, which as you said may or may not be true. which I feel adds a nice unknown factor to our chars that we don't even know about. Many house's were wrongly acused of crimes by politcal enemies.

question on the blood wells thing though, could the crime we don't know the the family ever did was be acused of safe guarding one of these destroyed blood wells?

pretty much they got about 3-5 page bio's already in the works.
thanks for getting back to us, please feel free to MSN me about any questions your DM's might have I will be working with everyone to make sure things go over smoothly.

I asked them to stay away from evil, so living in a place around Pratz is probly not best. they just merely wish to have a questionable evil past, that has brought woe and what not on our poor heads, giving us cause for whatever road we choose to take.

and thanks for the link to the players handbook, I will make sure every player coming over gets a copy of it. (could have used one of these lol, only so much you can do with major history and godspages)

Introduce Yourself / Re: A few new faces
« on: May 13, 2007, 11:37:40 pm »
checked the lore have not found much info on it, right now there is a few of us pouring over it on MSN helping create chars.

currently this is what I have as the base for my char, there are 4 player members of the house the eldest and very odd controling borther. mine the rebel middle with selfish wants, the youngest and not the brightest or remotely good looking brother, and there adopted sister from the streets.

pretty much we come from our family house in some rundown place if we were to tell storys of it, it would have alot of fireball marks and cats.(can't have a run down place with out cats!;)

eldest brother gaining what left of the familys small wealth (next to nothing) would dress some what better then the rest, the middle (me) would dress more like a normal mage, and the youngest rather poorly.

some where in the family line inbreeding took place to keep the familys talent for magic (sorc based) around. with the line dwindling we fallen to a sad state. we live in nothing with each having there own goals.

the family would no longer be noble being all claims to that had been stripped from them, only thing left was a dwindling wealth which through time is nearly completely dried up to what ever basic starting gear we have.

the idea behind these blood wells, is merely a reason for others to see a great injustice done by this family, of once petty self serving folks.

I thank you for your comments, on knowledge of these blood wells. knowledge of this is not really that important, what more so is, is locations of slums, or
the two locations i posted about the forsaken isles, or the Prajanas isle - in the Red Dust Hills.

while knowledge on blood wells is not important a place of orgin is.

General Discussion / Re: A Request for Consistency
« on: May 13, 2007, 11:19:02 pm »
my feel on this is it just hard to do what you ask pure'n simple. Siting and talking does little for this because you can't really prepare for what a player asks.

as a DM your trusted by the players to make a call there and on the spot, "can I do this yes or no" DM's can't keep checking with the admins on these because then players just remove the middle man and goto the admin everytime, making a need for DM's less important.

what you seek in this is a group of like minded DM's very hard to near impossible to get. Every DM face's this challenge. "what is ok for me to say yes to, and what is not?"

often the admin says what ever you think best your a DM now. This tends to breed two kinds of DM's ones that always goto the admin, and ones that can always make calls on there own, you also have the middle ground where the whole DM team votes and takes a very long time to get back to you. I have persoanlly seen this kill servers.

I know this does little to answer your question but I hope it gives you a different view on it, I am new I can't really comment on much just things I have seen in my long time of playing NWN. hope it helps in some way, I have seen alot of amazing things done by the players and DM's perhaps they will surpise me with more grand feats that seem to make this place so great.:D

Introduce Yourself / Re: A few new faces
« on: May 13, 2007, 10:17:24 pm »
ok a few of us are looking at making a group of brothers from a long fallen noble house, that fell through it dark part in making a blood well for Sinthar, gained power from his return, and later after his defeat the house fell into ruin when it support of his return was found out.

what we were wondering, is where could we find info on the forsaken isles, and on Sinthar and his allies.

to better tie in the house's dark shameful past into it alittle better.

also wish to know about Prajanas isle - in the Red Dust Hills

General Discussion / Re: Donate your level day - Results
« on: May 13, 2007, 09:24:48 pm »
I like this idea, very good I would donate alot but running our little old server taped me out of funds :( but on a side note I have some good news, that you may look into if you wish. The server we had we were getting a new host from a player who would host for free, he hosts on a T3 connection and a super server built to host MMRPG's. he rents servers if you wish I can give you his MSN. he is a rather wealth fella and building games, game emulators and such are his hobby. he hosts for $15 a month, and in some cases free.

He is a great fella that I can give you his contact info to if you like, I fully understand if you do not wish to invest time into it. Just thought I would let you know about it if you were intrested in such a option I fully understand the high cost of hosting and the hardships it can put on one person.

Introduce Yourself / Re: A few new faces
« on: May 13, 2007, 09:06:35 pm »
Quote from: Risen-and-Reborn
Heya Joyrock. I'm another from that server, but i was never a DM.

your a DM in my eyes risen ;) I mentioned you in my post. Who could forget Nox the mistrusting tiefling? just to update you on it, jimblee and Celezar are heading on over so is rainne. Have not talked to baron,tact,mace,or proky but I am getting around to it. oh and how can I forget poor Star.

So there is a few more of your pals to come. Just reading up on history, rules,the world, and a few other things.

oh thanks also to you folks posting back on my P.S.

We really wish to try and learn as much as of this place as we can, don't want to make it seem like a noob storm, or a hostile take over. We fully wish to adapt to the server before setting down.

mav your great with accents but you forgot one. Vere varv va wampires?

General Discussion / Re: A Departure
« on: May 13, 2007, 07:08:47 pm »
Just wait folks he will be back, when he see's the love and joy the new faces crew bring to the table, we been starved of great RP and we are ready to take a bite out of bordom!

but on another note I fully understand his feelings, coming from somewhat feelings as him which led me to this place. I to was also amazed by the work of the DM team, and admin. I worked long hard and tirelessly and it became to much, I found this place and saw what seems like a team of really caring folks and a great admin. I instantly wanted to be a player here.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Movable Corpses
« on: May 18, 2007, 06:24:11 pm »
Well it me again, I thought Movables corpses would be great after dieing and finding out you can't pick up the corpses of your friends.

The persons in party were shocked saying things like, "I never heard of that being done" and "that would be really cool" I can tell you it can be done, and I feel would help alot of things, I was told a DM can raise a player move them and kill them again.

But what about when there no DM on our busy? and even then that alot of work, and stuff that loses some RP like someone running while carring 5 bodys, but the old argument of I have 25 STR I could do that.

Well what I speak the corpses have weight and weigh a certian amount of the chars weight, to a max limit.

I think this add alot to MANY systems, and just alot more to DM events, one less thing they would need to worry about while trying to control things.

Well I was a bit worried about posting a suggestion after I only been playing half a week, and already have one. but Alot said it would be great. So I said why not?

Now I can make it, our my server I played on used this system for a very long time and so I know how to make it very well. It is purely script based so no Haks would be needed. I can do all the work and send it in, and step anyone through how apply the system.

basically this is how it works. When YOU die it places your corpse in a placed called "OOC: Corpse holding area" and places a liftable version of your corpse when the needed info where you did. well you can pick it up. and move with it place it down ,etc when you use raise dead it pull your real corpse to that location and raises you there. this system works PREFECTLY and has been used for YEARS. no bugs what so ever.

Now what happens to YOU while this happens? well you can wait in that black place or you can just respawn, like you normally do.

we used a place called a EB, you could talk to the keeper of eterinity, you could walk around the small place, it was all OOC so you died, on a quest you would just chat while you waited for a raise, if everyone died you just talk to the keeper and boom, you take your raise cost, and your back IG.

Now I know this is a great idea, and would make things more, allow for alot more things, but that not why i was worried about, the thing is I know this DM/builder team is pressed as it is with hard work and I wish to not add with it, by brining forth idea that many may like and cry out for it putting more pressure on them.

I am fully willing to meet you half way on the work and could get the whole thing put in with not to much trouble. I get everything ready send it to you, with full details about how to add it, and you put it in, you would need a blank 4x4 tagged to a certian name, and the whole dead place you goto might need to be redone, (just for looks after all who wants to wait in a pure black place?)

you add in the scripts which is not many, and boom you have a new death system done in a short time, proven to be bug free, ready for you to test out privately.

Well thanks for your time, if you like it and have any questions ask. remember it pure script based. willing to do as much of the work as I can for you on this, if there is a intrest.

And sorry I mean to suggest things when I am so new, I try to tend to avoid it >.<; Just when you have the know how to do things, and such a high understanding of NWN's when people say boy it would be nice I tend to say "oh that can be done, NP" nothing can be worse when some thought something could'nt be done can be done, or that it would need haks.

once again sorry!

Ask A Gamemaster / T.T. (Tenser's transformation)
« on: May 18, 2007, 02:22:05 am »
I have been told changes have been made to tenser's transformation, and I was wonder what changes were made, I was told to check the players handbook, but the current does not list any changes for it.

#1 Does it still turn you into to a doomknight? O.o

#2 what exactly are the changes in it, being with this spell any changes made are pretty important, you would want to know before getting it.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Roadsigns
« on: May 17, 2007, 10:51:06 pm »
Road signs would just be super, I ran around and they had alot of things that with out warning brought me to a village or mansion. I thought road signs would be nice like Hlint to the east, gnoll hills to the west, fort something to the north. Seen them on alot of servers and everyone they been a BIG help to new players. nothing is more annoying or dishearting then being lost and there being no roadsigns for a new player when there along some main road with multi-directions.

Ask A Gamemaster / Where can I
« on: May 17, 2007, 09:25:14 pm »
Where can i post a suggestion of road signs on the forums, because I REALLY think it would be helpful to new folks. I used rememberance orb in the city I started in, but when I died I got sent to hint never been there, no clue how I got there but I did. well I took every way out of it untill I died, came to many cross roads that gave no direction it was just flip a coin, I was beyond lost. I thought boy would road signs be something right about now, oh look there a perfect spot one, one way to me to a town, the certain death. -.-

Least to say I was alittle upset, angry, and more that I spent 45 minutes dieing and being sent to a town I did not bind myself to if I did, I did not knowningly.

But some road signs on some cross roads even would be pretty super.

Ask A Gamemaster / A few questions some wish to know.
« on: May 14, 2007, 05:10:50 am »
Hi I am that annoying guy with all those questions you say can be found here if you read it

So please bare with me I have been asked a few question about this and I said I would get right on it so here I am.

#1 Is the server low magic? what do i mean by low magic? are there any perma haste item? that would be what most from our old server would think pretty high magic.

#2 lol I am sure this one you will find silly but is there any chance of vampire, a monster race being a player subrace in the future. I am sure you have a big rule posted some where which probly answers -NO- to this one. I fully understand.

#3 Does the server have a working mage portal system? that allows for mages to open gates to set locations and the likes from nearly any location?

#4 Does the server use any kind of custom bard songs, or are bard's restricted to that single bard song and single curse song?

#6 does the server have any custom spells like word of recall for druids and clerics or mass word of recall? Returning them to some sort of bind spot?

#5 where can I find the changes made to classes if any?

#7 if RDD is taken can a player lose the generic red wings for that of a different color?

That is about it if I get anymore I will write them down, just a few question I have been asked and I don't know the answer to or could not find. but with each day I am learning alot more of this server *pats the players handbook he just got today*

Yes we have check the spells but the spell list just has all the basic NWN ones
well thanks for your time, hope the questions were not to pain stakenly simple that you could have found the info in seconds.

Introduce Yourself / A few new faces
« on: May 13, 2007, 06:35:07 pm »
Hello and greetings from across the lake.

I am a admin of a larger, and one of the longest lasting line of NWN servers. most my DM team got very busy battling a beast called 'skool' and left to script,build,host,and manage the server for a few months alone was very hard when it was when it was a newly made version that was never fully finished. the players grew laxed and could only RP when a DM was around after many,many trys to get players to RP on there own, a few of the kindest, and better RPers of the community tempted by me have decided to pick up and go else where.

Tired of DMing I heard of a few good places that would be great, I asked around and this place came up from a few other friends. One player al'ready has some family that plays here, seems all roads lead here.

So after studying up on your ways, and the server rules you can look forward to some nice,friendly,Rpers showing up to introduce themselves I thought I would make this topic for them to do just that. :)

Samandria & risen-and-reborn are examples of the friendly folks you can look forward to seeing, we are all taking our time making chars reading your history,etc

 :D I will go first!

Hi I am joyrock, I am long time RPer, I am a great friendly guy that loves games mechanics, mages, building for NWN and scripting. came here looking for a place I could just be a player and relax, meet some kind folks, and have fun with great RP.

Going to have fun learning your ways, and hope you bare with us barbarians with our strange ways as we adjust to yours, thats about it.

P.S. Where are the RP forums? you know that lovely place where I post pages about what my char does in there daily life while I am at a PC but not able to play NWN?

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