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Messages - Cinnabar

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 9
Rumour Has It / Re: On several dock cities...
« on: September 16, 2009, 12:01:50 pm »
* A tall man in leathers makes his way from the Battlehelm Moors to Hemptead. He walks wearily; he is obviously filthy, underfed, and, to those that know him, in a fouler mood than usual.  As he reaches the wharves, he notices the unusual compliment of Silverguards, the frightened looks on the dock workers' faces, and the newly posted notice. *

"Bloody hells!", he mutters, "All I wanted was a bath, a shave, and a little recuperative trip to Katherian."

* After interviewing a few of the guards posted there, he begins to get a feel for what has happened here and apparently elsewhere as well. *

"This is just great!" * He spits off to the side * "As if weeks of muck, dragons, invisible barriers, and nasty little snakes weren't enough."  * He shakes his head resignedly * "Looks like it's off to Arnax and see what this survivor has to say."

* He stalks off with a somewhat brisker stride, heading for both his room and the portal in the guild hall *

//follow-up PM sent

General Discussion / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: September 11, 2009, 09:33:17 am »
Annwyl Cadi's portrait

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Weeping Lily
« on: September 04, 2009, 10:01:35 am »
Happy Birthday, Lily!

Rumour Has It / Re: The Horse and the Crowd. A Quickie Story.
« on: August 26, 2009, 11:25:02 am »
*Seeing Sadie's interaction with Vrebel, Caerwyn follows her on the road north, carefully noting her tracks and their spacing. Stopping even with her, he makes an appraisal of her feet, comparing their size and condition to her tracks.  Satisfied that he has a good image in mind, Caerwyn continues on the road north, looking for those same tracks heading south. *

Rumour Has It / Re: Unusual trails in Alindor
« on: August 21, 2009, 07:32:58 pm »
Mindful of the most recent news from Nel, as well as some previous occurrings there, Caerwyn stops on the way back from the Wolfswood to examine the tracks in the Crest Hills which he noticed on the way in. He takes the time to inspect the firey prints carefully, both for physical and arcane clues as to how they came to be there.  

He mutters to himself as he studies the tracks: "Perhaps Phyress has the right of it, these might be from 'him'".

Layonara Server / Re: Congratulations Ycleption
« on: July 28, 2009, 04:03:15 am »
Congratulations! :)

(and thank you for taking this on)

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: July 22, 2009, 02:42:11 pm »
After dragging Amgine's lifeless body from where he fell to dump it against the cavern wall next to that of Fehriel, Caerwyn looks at the rest of the group, each in turn.  The sight of those enraptured by this lastest portal engender a sad shake of his head; of those, the sight of ones he counts as friends evoke an accompanying, even sadder, sigh.  

"This is a distraction." he mutters. "Most of us have come for something else!", his voice rising to an angry whisper.

At the sound of footsteps approaching from the way they had come, his full attention snaps that direction. Eyes and ears even more alert now, he silently, almost motionlessly, unlimbers his bow.  There is something familiar in that tread, something he heard and perhaps saw earlier, farther back.  He nocks an arrow as he nods to Drexia and Argali, though Argali seems, for the moment at least, lost to the lies of the portal's promise.  

When the footsteps arrive and take on visible shape, Caerwyn eyes the six standing there, riveting his attention on the lizard beast.

"At last!" blurts one of the newcomers. "At last, indeed!" mouths Caerwyn silently. The footprints he followed those many weeks ago in the Silkwood are finally given physical form which now stands before his eyes.  Ignoring the rest of the palaver coming from the masked speaker, Caerwyn looks over to Argali again and smiles, as her grip on her axe and the look in her eye reveal her to be once again among the conscious and conscientious.  He looks to the lizard beast and then back to Argali, giving her a single nod.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: orc basher shop
« on: July 19, 2009, 08:13:12 pm »
Quote from: merlin34baseball

Could you please add a second oaken shortbow to my current order? Seems lopping of goblin heads pays well.

In The Father's Name,
Samarra Stonebreaker


I believe we have several of those in stock at the moment. I can select one for you and place it in the customer pick-up chest, or you may come in and select one to your liking yourself. In either case the price will be 2,000 T.

~ Caerwyn Ahrail'lan

Just for Fun / Re: hee...
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:10:19 pm »
You are so right about it being 'aesthetically criminal'!

I myself only went blind for a few hours, so either a) god -was- with me, or b) it's because I'm old and jaded

I will say that this looks like good fodder for a 'Weird Al' Yankovik cover though :D

General Discussion / Re: Innocent Investigations - Moved
« on: July 14, 2009, 12:31:56 pm »
Not to worry Nova. Either new time is good for me *nods*

Oops, I had forgotten the Dragon Storm - Hammerbound Peaks installment (to which I'm committed) and it likely won't be over until 6p eastern, or perhaps even later. So Saturday would be my only vote.

General Discussion / Re: Innocent Investigations - Moved
« on: July 12, 2009, 05:36:46 pm »
Preferably Sunday, but I can also make it on Tuesday.

Roleplaying / Re: Playing Another Character's Class
« on: July 08, 2009, 08:10:16 pm »
@ Gulnyr: My comment wasn't directed at you specifically, though I saw your suggestion as a slippery slope in encouraging the player community to be in the business of judging someone's alignment (or whatever) portryal of their own PCs. I was merely pointing out that I thought the thread had been going (for some time) in the wrong direction.  "Let's have the DMs be the DMs", is all I am saying; there's enough 'helpful' advice from other players about how PCs, not their own, are/should be portrayed, as it is.

Secondly, it's not the points awarded I object to (I've received such and had the occasion explained; hopefully I've learned from the gentle reminder), but the public discussion which would likely require the player to justify (via 'counter reason') his own portrayal to the player community (as opposed to the DM, which would certainly be appropriate). IMO, the whys and wherefores of a PC's actions are not the province of other players (though their PCs may have an interest/question/objection, IC). It's the probable muddling of the IC/OOC line of separation that I see as the problem with your suggestion; there's also enough metagaming as it is.

Roleplaying / Re: Playing Another Character's Class
« on: July 08, 2009, 06:16:37 pm »
Quote from: Script Wrecked
Please be aware (and mindful and considerate) that when subsuming knowledge of another character's class (or race or alignment for that matter), that the other player is being denied the opportunity to play those components of their own character.

Wasn't this thread originally about not playing another character's class (race, alignment, etc.)?

Quote from: Script Wrecked
Certain things about the different classes/races/alignments are common (character) knowledge, but when their own doctrines/dogmas/creeds/racial outlooks are quoted at them, well, that component of that character has just been rendered superfluous and impotent.

Somehow turning it into a group decision doesn't seem helpful by way of not rendering the alignment component (as that player chooses to portray it) of a PC superfluous. What happened to the thought of letting the DMs be the only ones to be the "RP police"?

Rumour Has It / Re: Rumors Spread through Port Hempstead
« on: June 21, 2009, 06:24:18 pm »
* Caerwyn exits the Battlehelm Moors near the Dapplegreen Road and rushes, with all speed, to Stormcrest Crossroads to send a message or two. That done, he grabs a hot meal and a stiff drink and heads immediately back to the moors *

~ Junar, 1450

Spring has come and gone and I have yet to make the time for my pilgrimage to the Temple in the Forest of Fog.  I still intend to do so, but I have, to date, allowed my studies to take precedence, for reasons I hope that Folian will understand.  I still intend to make the trip and will seek forgiveness there as I seek answers to the direction my life should now be taking, in prayer.  

At the start of this month, I had met Jaelle by chance in the crafting hall in Hempstead, where she told me that she had sold her house in Haft Lake, in favor of one in Leringard (which we had visited together a few times  
* smiles fondly, recalling the occasions there *).  She intimated that it was still on the market, so I found myself going to Prantz to see if it indeed was.  The price asked for it was well beyond my means but there was also a more reasonably priced burm home for sale, also in Haft Lake.  With much of my modest wealth tied up in an investment with Arkolio Salvorre, I was short of ready funds for even that.  On a whim, I sought out Jaelle again at her Leringard home to ask if she might front me some cash, until I could liquidate part of my investment with Arkolio.  She not only agreed to help, but we had our first real talk together since she and I parted ways.  She seems alive with happiness and has found a new love, who I would guess is at least part of the catalyst for her renewed vibrant spirit;  in the decades that I have known her, I've never seen her so bright.  I was so very happy for her and told her as much;  I only hope she knows that I was in heartfelt earnest.  If ever there was someone who needed (and deserved) to be loved, truly loved, it is Jaelle.  As doomed as she and I were as lovers (and we both knew it from the start), I can't help still feeling deep and lasting friendship for this woman, the only one (save perhaps Delyth) that ever tried to see me for who I really am.  

After a trip back to the card room in Leringard to acquire the additional several thousand true required above the list price (for 'insurance' of all things), I returned to Prantz and bought the burm house outright.  I am now the proud owner of my own home, though one much larger than I'd wanted (and in a location that reeks of dark childhood memories from the coming of Rael
* spits to the side as he usually does whenever that name crosses his lips or flows out of his quill *).  I am thinking of trying to trade down a bit and recover some of my investment there but, failing that, I will think seriously about remodeling it more to my liking;  I might even seek Jaelle's guidance in that, seeing the stunning job she has done with her own home in Leringard.  

~ Mai, 1450

It has finally happened!  On a trip to Dregar, near Fort Laer, I was with my friend Alassir Vil'Drazzic, hunting mychonids.  As I drew back my bow, I cleared my mind and tried once again to tap into the Al'Noth.  As I let fly, a sudden tingle came over me and I saw my arrow strike with new force!  It was the proudest moment I've experienced in an awfully long time.  Jilseponie was right:  patience and perseverance have indeed won out and I feel so very empowered and oddly humbled at the same time.  I hope she is equally correct in her prediction that the floodgates will indeed now open for me;  I am so very tired of having to walk carefully as I struggled to learn this new art.  

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: *looks at his arrows and scratches his head*
« on: June 11, 2009, 11:59:14 pm »
I've noticed similar and it seems that the level requirements are a function (inexplicably) of the quantity. Try separating the stack into 100 arrows and look again. I think you'll find the level requirements correct then

~ Mar, 1450

I met with Jilseponie again at the end of last month.  We spoke for most of the day, with me asking question after question.  As usual, she was patient, informative, and not shy of saying she didn't know on the rare occasions when that was the case.  We spoke of the proper arrowheads for use against drachs in the impending invasion, though the mithril will be almost impossible to come by.  She recommended both the spells 'Ghostly Visage' and 'Displacement' as sound ways to keep me safer.  She suggested that while the spell 'True Strike' can, in fact, be a benefit to archers, I would be better served by using the Seeker arrow that I should be able to invoke someday instead.  She recommended that I acquire a second yew wood longbow, this time with compound cams as well as the hardware to increase it's striking force;  I shall look into that in the very near future.  I will likely also follow her example and stock up on the best arrows I can make, enchanting them with elemental rods.  

She left me with the following thought regarding my attempts to weave the Al'Noth into my archery:  Patience and perseverance will win out and, once it does, it will be like a floodgate opening.  Good advice and I'm encouraged.  

~ Febra, 1450

I made yet another run for the guild to dig clay up by Lake Allun. After clearing all the deposits (and having a chat with the resident skunk there), I was jumped by a kobold while loading up Bessie's pack behind the woods.  Evidently he had been sent ahead as a scout as, when I poked my head around the corner after dispatching him, I saw the entire clan advancing well out of their camp there.  A quick fireball and a few well placed arrows put an end to any threat and, when I turned to go, I found more clay deposits waiting to be gleaned.  We returned to Hempstead laden with what amounted to more than two ox-loads!  

At the guild hall, I ran into Abigail Firesteed again.  Whether she actually remembers me or not, she does see me now, at least, as a fellow archer.  We spoke at some length about the qualities of the various types of arrowheads and which ones would be suitable for this arming of Mistone project that the guild has undertaken.  She pointed out that she thought platinum points would be of some value against drachs;  I wonder if it would be mithril points that would be required, drachs being derived from dragons.  

~ Janra, 1450

I went fishing up by the Lake of Glass early in the year.  I spent some time between catches sitting and reflecting over the past year:  Razerium, the Angel's, Jaelle, the lot.  Having passed yet another New Years without any pause, I think I shall set a new course for myself, starting with taking time at the advent of Spring to travel to the Temple in the Forest of Fog and pray for balance in my life.  I'm finding that I'm happiest when on my own in the forest and perhaps am discovering that I'm just not cut out for the company of others, save when engaged in some task or project.  It's sad, but there it is; perhaps prayer will shed some light on this.  

The expedition to chase down Sashka seems to have been delayed a month or so;  I only hope the trail hasn't gone completely cold by the time we convene in Mariner's Hold.  

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