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Messages - [b]MerlinAlpha[/b]

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
I'm looking for some place to live, a room or the likes. Not too expensive where I'll be able to place a few crates and a straw bed.
 If you have something that will work, leave me a note.
 Finn Ralan

Trade and Market Hall / Box of Eggs
« on: September 24, 2010, 01:46:15 am »
Box of eggs, first come first served.
 3000 true.

As Fleur and Finn heads out of Fort Llast, they stumble on a dead paladin horse on the road.


 Finn Ralan "Uh ho"

 He then looks around for an owner.

 Finn Ralan "Let me guess, the Toranite paladin forgot to feed him?"

 Fleur "Maybe, Doubtful"

 Finn Ralan"Hmm horse meat, quite good"

 He cuts a steak size piece

 Finn Ralan "A bit tougher than beef but more flavor"

 Fleur "You don't know how long that horse has been there"

 Finn Ralan "No maggots"

 Fleur "For all you know you can get sick from it"

 she makes an ick sound at the word maggots

 Finn Ralan "I'll cook it to a crisp, that's all I manage to cook things at"

 she chuckles

 Fleur "So its well done.. burnt.. or extra crispy?"

 Finn Ralan "extra crispy"


 They continue on their way, passers by looking at him stuff a huge piece of horse meat in his pack both of them laughing.

Ask A Gamemaster / Mining picks
« on: September 22, 2010, 11:00:32 am »
I don't know if it's just Finn, but in the last two days I spent 8 picks to mine less than 30 copper and tin nugget. To a point where I have ruined his bank acount. Good thing I got a good amount of true in that letters of love quest.


 I was wondering if this was normal at all? It seems a bit extreme that someone would go through that many picks for so little result.


 Like just now I passed through 2 picks for 3 copper nuggets.

Ask A Gamemaster / Weapon master training.
« on: September 20, 2010, 01:21:19 pm »
Alright, so I'm taking my barbarian on a slow evolution toward Weapon master. Will only be able to take my last feat needed at level 18. I found someone who is willing to train him, but now I'm confused on what the training should be about.


 Reading this thread here about an other weapon master submission, it seems that Ki is not chi. So what should the training of a weapon master be like?


 Also about cdj's. I'm really not a writer and I was wondering what would be okay in a cdj. Been told that screen shots and logs should be added, can I just go like?


 Today trained alone on a dummy


 *Screen shot*


Trade and Market Hall / Robes of the broken hope
« on: September 20, 2010, 12:33:25 pm »
Found on my travels, a good robe for the light clothing types. Asking for 15 000 true. Just look for the tallest lad in town, Finn.

Fixed Bugs / Pack ox's losing their name
« on: September 16, 2010, 06:34:45 pm »
Each time I crash and I have my ox following me, the name erases.

General Discussion / Lost bag in Hlint tinkerer's device
« on: September 16, 2010, 01:59:48 pm »
I unfortunatly was really tired and forgot to take out a smal bag (-20% of weight quest reward) with it's content in the tinkerer's device. If any one took it could it be return with it's content please?


 //OOps X.x I must still be tired.... Never mind! 0.o

Not only do I have to run hundred of miles, pay hundred of true, but now I'm told that my helmet will be held until I provide a Oak short bow that the vendors in the towns don't even sell?


 So.. after hundreds spent, and hundred of miles ran. I'm force to buy a Oak short bow.


 Any one has one for sale?

Ask A Gamemaster / Skill points.
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:41:25 am »
I know that for tumble it's only the number of points spent on a level up that counts. But for Spell craft check, does the intelligence bonus points added after the level up counts?

Ask A Gamemaster / Resubmission for Prestige class
« on: September 07, 2010, 01:25:10 pm »
I was wondering, if I resubmitted for a prestige class futher down the line. Do I have to take the levels right after the resubmission was aproved, or could I wait to take it for a specific time?

Fixed Bugs / The doctor doesn't know how to count 0.o
« on: September 05, 2010, 08:12:08 am »
Description: Gave four fresh corps to the doctor, but he only seems to count 2. Should I be teaching him how to count or just replace the skeleton on the rope with him?


 Location: Vehl docs interiors


 Verified: Got a pic so I guess?


 Reproducable: No idea



Ask A Gamemaster / The doctor
« on: September 05, 2010, 07:48:18 am »
I've just gotten that quest this morning and I'm up to four bodies but it seems that they don't respawn and I've been waiting for quite some time now. Is this a module restart thing or should I wait a bit more?

Ask A Gamemaster / Hi question.
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:48:05 am »
While I was waiting for the reaproval of my character, I was going to download the hacks until I noticed that the all in one hack is dated 06-05-08. Is that the most recent one included all the updates that might have happened since it was release?


 Thanks for taking the time to help me out with this.

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