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Messages - Riven

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Trade and Market Hall / Re: Saddlebag Pawn Shop - Commission Sales
« on: March 06, 2008, 07:36:59 pm »
*Notice Straightened and Uncovered in Taverns of Hempstead, Fort Wayfare, Krandor, and Hlint*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: A few weapons and armors for sale
« on: March 06, 2008, 07:33:11 pm »
*A small parchment is added*

The Saddlebag Pawn Shop will happily buy weapons at your prices.
I can pay you true for the bronze warhammer amd iron mace, at the prices you set.
I'll offer you 200 for a bronze scimitar, and 700 for the iron dwarven war axe.
I'll buy future weapons as well, though we are more interested in iron than bronze.

-Riven Ring-Cleaver

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Ring of Bulls for Sale
« on: February 23, 2008, 01:27:27 am »
I'll take the lot!
- Bron Skallagrimson

//going out of town for over a week....but i'll meet up with you tomorrow (Saturday) or in a week. Thanks!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sellings Ring
« on: February 17, 2008, 11:21:59 pm »
//what is the level req for this ring?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: G'orks Items
« on: February 17, 2008, 11:19:43 pm »
*rough charcoal note with half pick drawn*

I'll buy yer iron kite shield.
And depending on the price:
iron chainmail (not chain shirt) if ye'll make it,
(and ring of Bulls Strength 1 is crossed off)

-Bron the Copper-Armored

Trade and Market Hall / Re: NatureĀ“s Gifts again
« on: February 16, 2008, 10:38:17 pm »
*small neat message scribed  under Fianan's message*
Dear Sir,
Consider the Saddlebag Pawn Shop if you are eager to rid yourself of the weight of the iron rapier and bronze dwarven war axe. We pay true up front, 20% of lens pricing for used weaponry, or we'll find a buyer for you, and give you 50% commission on the sale. We may even be interested in the Cougar armors.

You can leave a note here or send one to the Krandor General Store.
Riven Ring-Cleaver

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sand, Clay, Copper, Tin, and Clay Molds
« on: February 13, 2008, 02:48:42 am »
96 bags o sand delivered!
104 bags o sand to be dug and delivered!
4000 true received for first half of the job.
And thank ye for yer business, Rodlin.
-Bron the Mad Digger

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: problem with my chest...
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:28:07 am »
Thanks All!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Saddlebag Pawn Shop - Commission Sales
« on: February 12, 2008, 04:54:26 pm »
*small note under Schiff's*
Dear Sir,
Excellent! I believe we met once at the fountain in Hempstead. Please write your address and we will stop by and discuss the details. Or leave a message for us at the general store in Krandor.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sand, Clay, Copper, Tin, and Clay Molds
« on: February 12, 2008, 11:48:35 am »
48 bags o sand are waitin fer ye!
Tell me where and when, and I'll meet ye!
-Bron the Swift

General Discussion / Re: Trade Prices
« on: February 11, 2008, 06:42:33 pm »
good thoughts all!

my only addition is that it's good to be able to roleplay a generous character, if in fact your character's disposition is generosity. I think for a roleplaying server, roleplaying your character is more important than abiding by a rule to not gift things.

Also, for a low level character whose disposition really is not about digging sand, gathering herbs, or crafting, there is really no way to afford any of the low priced items. I have two characters (fourth and fifth level) who thus far have no interest in gathering CNR. They have no useful magical items, and probably it will be that way for awhile, unless I buckle down to survival needs, and try to make true, other than adventuring! One of them has 5 cure light potions, and no other magical items! So for some characters gifts are not only appreciated, but makes it possible to play the character in the manner conceived. Also for those kind of characters lower prices on low level gear would be appreciated. I, for one, really appreciate the generous folk who gift healing potions and other odds and ends to budding young adventurers.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sand, Clay, Copper, Tin, and Clay Molds
« on: February 11, 2008, 04:46:38 pm »
200 bags o' sand i'll be bringin ye! Write a location, and I'll bring my oxe there load by load!
-Bron the Industrious

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Jewelry Sale
« on: February 11, 2008, 11:25:56 am »
Quote from: Goldwin Blacknight
I understand your feelings towards the market. There are many who have the skills to make what I WAS selling here, but few take the time to offer them to the public. In essence-the public never benefits from the market and remains vulnerable to the dangers that stalk this land. Since these items are just some of my old things cluttering up my house I will sell them off to the nearest pawnbroker in order to keep the non existant market up.  SALE OVER.........Sincerely-Goldwin

*Riven ponders this, then pens a note to Goldwin*

Dear Sir,
I appreciate and support the spirit of your wish to aid adventurers in defending the thousands who live in the cities. Perhaps the Saddlebag Pawn Shop can be of service to you and them. If you are seeking a pawn shop, We'd be happy to hold your items on commission, sell them at fair market value, while giving you a 50% commission. That way adventurers have access to your wares, you receive true without having to track down buyers, and the guilds cannot complain that a price is too low, though it is often the case that the single crafter or treasure-collector does commonly sell slightly lower than guilds do. Although the Saddlebag Pawn Shop generally only buys and sells used and new weaponry and shields, in this case, perhaps we can make an exception and be of service. Please send a response to 146 Krandor.
Riven Ring-Cleaver

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sand, Clay, Copper, Tin, and Clay Molds
« on: February 11, 2008, 11:17:37 am »
Nay Rolan,
This dwarf likes the strength-building mining, the chink o' pick on stone, and the crush o' bone to defend the mine, but not at that price! Maybe check the sewers or gutters o' Vehl, to find a down-and-out drunkard in need o' true!
Bron the Glowering

Ed and Darkstorme: thanks for the 20% off rule.
Lightly Frosted: thanks for the price guide.

Unfortunately, when I search prices for Raven's, Orc Basher's, and Twin Dragons, and compare to the price guide Lightly Frosted posted, I find the prices of all four sources are quite different. There seems to be no "standard" price for weapons. For example, a bronze shortsword lens pricing is 1548, and at the three guilds sells for between 500-1000 true. Iron shortsword between 1000 and 1500 true. Yet Zero's guide says 3-5k for iron weaponry. In that same thread Talan (GM) wrote 2-2.5k for an iron weapon.  

So....Seems there is no accurate pricing guide for layo? That's okay, as far as I'm concerned, since it's realistic for pricing to fluctuate depending on supply and demand, like any market. But if there is concern for economy, then I suggest creating the accurate numbers, and then people bargain plus or minus 20% off of those numbers.
In the meantime, unless I hear otherwise, my budding merchant Riven will base his weapon prices on what other guilds charge and the lens pricing.

Lastly, is the lens pricing an in-game or OOC item?


Alrighty! so Riven and Slip will open up the Saddlebag Pawn Shop, buying used weaponry to resell. Although it is a small chance that used weaponry has accidentally struck trees/boulders, it still is a chance. So, we will sell the used weaponry for 20% off the normal price, unless I hear from GMs that is not acceptable. Personally, I believe most people will want to purchase at full cost, a new weapon, so they can be sure it will hold up. Especially since the pawn shop re-buys any weapons they sold, when an adventurer has outgrown it. Thus, an iron long sword, may have multiple owners. But, let's see how it all falls out!
Thanks for all the efforts to illuminate the issues! And if I'm not allowed to sell at 20% off because it's "used", please let me know!

Poetic License / Re: dwarf poetry
« on: February 09, 2008, 01:27:35 am »
*A human in travel-stained leathers and a faded green cloak stands and nods to all in the tavern, a sly grin playing upon his humble face. He runs his hands through a rat's nest of spikey reddish hair, and clears his throat. *

"A riddle from my pa then, Oldo Egilsson."

*He glances about self-consciously, then tunes the hoarse harp of his voice, and chants the riddle.*

"A shining ship came wandering over wave,
Glorious in sight, deadly bane in the night.
Loudly resounding, it's laughter was grisly.
Huge and magnificent, it's edges were sharp.
Slow to give battle, then cruel in the strife.
It broke through shield walls,
And crushed our ship's timbers.
Pitiless, deadly, wrecker of fools"

Hi all,
Thanks for all the feedback and perspectives.
So it seems the information I received at a guild (that a weapon will break after ten strikes on a tree, etc., ) was incorrect?
If that is the case then you are absolutely right, used weapons should not be sold for less.

Can I operate a pawn shop that purchases weaponry at a reduced price, in order to make a profit by selling the weapons at normal price (or up to 20% off, if I understand the layo rules on this)?

thanks for everyone's feedback!

I've purchased weapons from a guild, that said they generally did not buy used weapons back, because people accidentally hit trees with their swords. And I have, on occasion, accidentally hit trees with my equipped weapon. I'm much more careful now though! lol

I was told that weapons break after ten or so hits of a tree or mineable ore. You can use a miner's pick on ore, but if you use a sword, the sword will break after ten hits.

Is this not true?

Edit: I meant that sometimes one "accidentally" hits a tree with a sword.

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