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Messages - Dorganath

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General Discussion / A friendly reminder on luring and dragging...
« on: January 30, 2007, 07:23:19 am »
Guys...this comes up now and again, and it seems the time has come again.
  It is against the server's rules to lure monsters to pick them off one-by-one.
  It is against the server's rules to drag monsters and hostile NPCs back to towns and other PCs when your character gets in over his/her head so that someone else can take care of the creatures you cannot.
  Now, every time this comes up, some people respond with one or more of a number of reasons why they don't agree with this perspective. We've heard them all, trust me. Some of the top ones, and the list is by no means limited to these, are:
  * Why should my character stand around and die when he would and could run to safety? * Why should my character stand around and die when there's (some NPC) there who can kill the monster for me? * Spawns weren't where they were supposed to be. * They'd be too hard for my character to kill if I didn't lure them one at a time. * People should know that the world is dangerous and just be ready for it, even while sitting in town.
  The list goes on.
  The fact is, we ask you not to do it because it's selfish and does not take other players and their characters, and in many cases one's own alignment, into account. You may think there's no harm. Unfortunately, that's not true. Here are just a couple examples from yesterday alone:
  The latter is a loss of items that probably represents many RL weeks of work in terms of gathering and crafting lost because someone brought hostile NPCs into what should be a safe area and distracted the AI by running near someone's ox. This clearly led to one very upset player.
  Be aware of the consequences of your actions.

Fixed Bugs / Protection From Spells -- School error
« on: January 28, 2007, 01:04:21 pm »
Protection from Spells was corrected to be an Abjuration spell a few updates ago. It's still listed in LORE as Enchantment.

General Discussion / Party chat: What it is, and what it is not
« on: January 23, 2007, 07:51:20 am »
This is just a friendly reminder about the use of the Party channel in-game, as it seems that enough people do not completely understand how it should and should not be used here.

  What the Party Channel is:
  • Most importantly, it's a way for GMs to keep track of people and conversations during quests.
  • A way to keep in contact with other characters in your group that does not directly disturb anyone not in the group.
What the Party Channel is not:
  • It is not a free license to communicate OOC with members of your group because the general server population cannot hear it.
  • It is not an appropriate way to communicate, IC or OOC, with members of your party who are in different areas of the server, or even far enough away in the same area as to be out of earshot.
  • It is not a way to meta-game the location of other members of your group.
You may ask, "Why is this a problem, if no one in my group cares about the OOC?" The simple answer is that the Party channel is seen by any GMs who are currently logged on, and if a GM is running a quest or impromptu event, such OOC chatter can be a terrible distraction for a GM trying to sort through the conversations of a party (or parties) with whom he/she is trying to interact. We ask that you don't do it, so please, don't do it.

  If OOC communication is necessary, use of Tells is preferable to the Party channel for the simple fact that Tells are already OOC and GMs do not see them at all. There are also cases, such as if you need to log out or step away from the computer for a few moments where a brief OOC notice to the rest of your party is desired. Typing things like "// brb" or "// gotta log" or something similar is fine, because it's brief and it is the most appropriate means to communicate such things to a group of more than a couple people.

  I have seen comments ranging from asking what music the other people in the group liked to hear to people in various different parts of a server talking about where to meet to go gather some kind of CNR or to help some character(s) retrieve their grave(s). None of these are really appropriate uses of the Party channel.

  I know that sometimes things come up, people slip, mistakes happen, whatever. We understand this and it's fine when it happens, but it should be the exception, not the rule. Entire OOC conversations should not take place in the Party channel. Please try and be observant of this.

General Discussion / On the fairness of the dispute process: an open letter
« on: December 06, 2006, 08:46:24 pm »
Dear Layonara Community:
  Some questions have arisen lately regarding the Disputes, Grievances and Requests for Reimbursement system...questions which I have addressed to some degree in a post in that particular sub-forum. The information in that post is important enough, I believe, to sticky and lock so that people can reference it, but I personally also believe that some may wish to comment constructively, or perhaps less-so, on what I have written. As such, please give this thread a read:
  And then, if desired, discuss below.
  My only request is that everyone keeps the discussion civil and on-topic.

General Discussion / Turning a page...
« on: November 06, 2006, 08:45:01 am »
A little over two years ago, I found Layonara at the advice of a friend, and found a great place to enjoy gaming and RPing with a group of like-minded people. About nine months after that, I applied to become a GM and I was selected, and I thought it was just the coolest thing ever! A few months after that, Leanthar approached me to help fill the void left by an extended absence of orth, and I leapt at the opportunity. For a little over a year's time now, I have been tending the Layonara modules, sometimes in collaboration with orth, sometimes alone and always with the input and contributions of the GM Team, the Project Team and the Layonara community, without whom I can say with complete honesty Layonara would not be what it has grown to today.  I have greatly enjoyed my time at the reigns here, taking great care and pride in what is released for everyone to enjoy. However the time has come to hand those reigns back to Leanthar, and so with greatly mixed emotions I am announcing that I will no longer be caretaker of the Layonara modules. At the same time, I am stepping down from my position as the head of the Project Team, effective immediately.
  This is by no means a “Good-bye”, nor does it mean I will not contribute. I will still be around as a developer, a GM and as a player, I simply will not be directly involved in the updates themselves as I turn my attentions to other, new and exciting things ahead on the Layonara horizon. I'm sure that I will contribute to future releases, including the V3 release, but it will not be my primary responsibility any longer.
  In closing, I do want to give a huge “Thank you” to Leanthar, for giving me this unbelievable opportunity a year or so ago, to orth, for helping me do things a lot better, to IceDragonDuvessa for the massive amounts of work she has poured into the East and Planes servers, to Pankoki for helping to test and balance many things at a moment's notice, to the rest of the GM Team for their contributions and input, to the Project Team for their help, hard work and dedication and to the community at-large for your ideas, praise, patience and understanding when things don't go quite as planned. You've all helped to make this experience one I'll not forget and one that I leave behind with misty eyes. As I said, I'll be around, just not in the same capacity. But change is good, and I look forward to what is ahead for us all.
And what is that? you might ask...*grins* Stay tuned!  
    Most sincerely, Dorganath

General Discussion / A humble request...
« on: October 23, 2006, 06:26:51 pm »
Occasionally GMs must contact players, whether through tells or through shouts. The former is typically for a good reason, the latter is generally for a server reset or other important server-wide information....which is also a good reason. It is somewhat frustrating when people play with their chat windows minimized or hidden such that such we have to take extra steps to contact them and/or break immersion for them and those around them.
  I realize that screen real estate for some may be more limited than others, but I do humbly request that these windows stay open and visible during game play.

Layonara Server / New downloads needed for patch coming later today...
« on: October 01, 2006, 10:33:40 am »
Hey all,
  There will be a new patch coming to Layonara later today. Unfortunately it requires that you download an updated HAK and TLK file. You can go ahead and download these early if you wish. The updated files are:
  Layov2 2da v27.rar -- 2da HAK Layonara v19.rar  -- Custom TLK
  These are also available directly from the downloads  page.

General Discussion / Theft at the Freelancer's Tavern
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:17:05 pm »
I only wish this was the introduction to a quest, but unfortunately, it is not.
  Someone broke into the bar area of the Freelancer's Tavern, and stole the contents of two chests.  
  We know who this person is.  We know when it occured.  We know what was taken.
  This individual has one chance to come forward and admit this crime, apologize for this crime against the Freelancers and the Layonara community and return or otherwise make restitution for the stolen goods, or face the consequences of his or her actions. Send a PM to myself or Leanthar to take responsibilty for this action.
  I will be keeping the name of this person private until this matter is settled.  This individual has 48 hours to come forward.
  As a gentle reminder to the community, theft from other PCs is a bannable offense. We take this very seriously.

Layonara Server / All Skalds and Spellswords -- READ BEFORE YOU UPDATE
« on: September 14, 2006, 09:12:12 am »
This is very important.
  Before you update to 1.68, please read these directions. What I am trying to avoid here is messed up feats, illegal characters and the like. Spellsword and especially Skald have undergone some changes, and they affect the feats that one gets at a particular level. Below are the general steps I need people to follow.
  Note that these
  1) First, coordinate with a GM. Make sure they're available to help you out. This requires some direct interaction.
  2) Log directly into the Quest server, which will likely be running the previous version of West (2.97.6).
  3) Unequip anything that might get dropped due to level restrictions during the delevel process. Once done, a GM will de-level you as follows:
  a) Spellswords should be de-leveled until they have no more than a single level in the Spellsword PrC. b) Skalds are entitled to a full rebuild, as the dynamics of the PrC have changed greatly. At a minimum, they need to be deleveled to no more than a single level in Skald. If desired, they can have all XP removed and start fresh from Level 1. The player can chose how far down to go, given the constraint of no more than one Skald level. Once de-leveled, the GM can give you your XP back. Do NOT level up yet.
  4) Save and log out of Quest
  5) Update to Bioware 1.68 and download and expand the updated HAK and TLK, if not already done.
  6) Log into West
  7) Level up as normal.
  Your cooperation and patience is appreciated in this process. I hope to avoid any character problems due to these drastic changes.

Layonara Server / Required downloads for pending update
« on: September 13, 2006, 06:16:58 am »
Hi all,
  In addition to needing to update NWN to 1.68, you'll also need to download a couple modified files for our content. You may download these two files at any time and place them in their appropriate folders. They will not interfere with your ability to play before the update.
  Do not update to 1.68 yet. I will let you know when it is time to do so.
  Here are the two files you will need. I haven't updated the Downloads page yet; I'll do that once the update is in place. I've linked the files directly below:
  layov2_2da_v26.rar -- Contains layov2_2da_v26.hak. Un-RAR and place the contents in your NWN .\\hak folder
  layonara_v18.rar  -- Contains layonara_v18.tlk. Un-RAR and place the contents in your NWN .\\tlk folder
  Again, do not update to Bioware v1.68 until I post that it is time. It is still my plan to do the update sometime tonight (U.S. Central timezone), though it may be very late.

General Discussion / Bugged Tileset Questions -- Please read
« on: September 07, 2006, 12:13:46 pm »
I've gotten several questions/comments/complaints over the last few weeks about the tilesets used in certain areas, like the Mosscrypt, Firesteep, and the Emerald Caves and about bugs that disturb the view, keep people from navigating properly, etc.
  This was fixed several months ago in the form of a redownload for one of our HAK files.
  See this thread for details:  
  For anyone experiencing this problem, please re-download the indicated HAK and overwrite the existing one in your NWN HAK folder. I realize this is a large download, but it's necessary to correct the problem.

General Discussion / Update coming soon. Important info!
« on: September 06, 2006, 09:33:55 am »
I'm posting here for visibility and linking in the recent posts I've made concerning parts of this upcoming update.
  For Skalds (IMPORTANT):
  For Spellswords:
  For World Leaders (MANDATORY READ):
  This update will also require Bioware's 1.68 update as well as a new 2da HAK and TLK download.  I'll try to post those later tonight for download.
  I will let you know when it is time to do so.

Layonara Server / Attention all World Leaders! -- MANDATORY READ
« on: September 06, 2006, 07:07:05 am »
With the next update, World Leaders and GMs will have access to three new tools and consequently three new responsibilities.  Note that these tools are a priviledge, granted to you due to your earned status as a World Leader.  These items will be granted to WL's and GMs automatically on login.  
  • World Leader XP wand: Grants a small XP bonus to the targeted PC, equivalent to one hour of quest XP, intended to reward good RP.  This wand may not be used on oneself. Use of this wand will be tracked, and any abuse or inappropriate use of the wand will be noted and may result in a loss of WL status.  
  • World Leader Jump wand: Can be used to get a character unstuck from behind walls, off of cliffs, etc. Before using this wand, the WL should verify the circumstances of the stuck character, as the WL is ultimately responsible for the outcome. The player who needs rescuing should also get as close to the barrier or edge as possible and face the direction he/she needs to go. Use of this wand will be tracked, and any abuse or inappropriate use of the wand will be noted and may result in a loss of WL status. It is the GM Team's recommendation that the WL visually verifies the character's location before targeting them with the wand.  If this is impossible or impractical, a voice command is available that will work server-wide: charname>. Partial character names will work
  • World Leader Ban wand: Yes, ban.  It will now be possible for WLs and GMs to enact a temporary banning of a player in-game due to disruptive behavior, blatant rule violations or other undesireable actions.  Banning a player in this manner will result in the player getting booted from the server, and will affect all characters held by that player. Use of this wand should be taken very, very seriously, and should not be done lightly.  The WL must witness the incident in question and be able to provide supporting details in defense of his/her use of this wand on another player.  A WL or GM who uses this wand MUST provide supporting details (screenshots and chat logs) within ONE hour of the incident. Failure to do so can result in a loss of WL privileges and status and/or banning. Use of this wand will be tracked, and any abuse or inappropriate use of the wand will be noted and may result in a loss of WL status and/or banning.  All such bannings will be reviewed as soon as possible by the GM Team, upon which time the banning may or may not be reversed, depending on circumstances. There is also a voice command available to perform the same function: playername> or charname>.  Partial character names will work, but the user should be as specific as possible in case of similar names.  If the player (Bioware login) name is used, the full player name is required; no partial matches.
  • World Leader PvP Wand: Using this wand, a WL or GM can authorize two or more characters to engage in PvP actions for a period of 5 RL minutes.  Each character will get a message stating that they are cleared for PvP for 5 minutes, and after that 5 minute period, they will get another message stating that the time has elapsed. Use of this item is logged and tracked for potential abuse.  A WL cannot authorize himself/herself for PvP; that requires the authorization of another WL or GM.
As was said in each description, we are logging the use of these tools and will be looking out for abuse. As World Leaders, we trust we will not have any problems with anyone granted these privileges, however if we determine otherwise, the WL will be stripped of status and/or banned permanently.
  If there are any questions on this, feel free to discuss below.

Layonara Server / Attention Spellswords! Important!
« on: September 06, 2006, 06:19:30 am »
With the pending update, the Spellsword PrC will receive some changes. None of these changes should be significant in the respect that they will require character changes. However, we believe we've addressed the short-comings of the PrC as well as fixed a couple of bugs with existing abilities. The new Spellsword progression will be as follows:
  • Imbue I (Level 1) - The Spell Sword can channel energy into her weapon temporarily enchanting it with elemental damage, this is useable once per day and lasts for one TURN per level of the spell sword.
  • Ignore Spell Failure 20% (Level 2) - The Spell Sword reduces spell failure chance by this amount.
  • Ignore Spell Failure 25% (Level 3) - The Spell Sword reduces spell failure chance by this amount.
  • Imbue II (Level 4) - The Spell Sword can channel energy into her weapon temporarily enchanting it with elemental damage, this replaces Imbue I and is useable twice per day, damage increases from d6 to d8 and lasts for one turn per level of the spell sword.
  • Ignore Spell Failure 30% (Level 5) - The Spell Sword reduces spell failure chance by this amount.
  • (Level 6) BONUS FEAT
  • Ignore Spell Failure 35% (Level 7) - The Spell Sword reduces spell failure chance by this amount.
  • Ignore Spell Failure 45% (Level 8 ) - The Spell Sword reduces spell failure chance by this amount.
  • Imbue III (Level 10) - The Spell Sword can channel magic into her weapon temporarily enchanting it with special abilities, they can choose from wounding, vampiric, or vorpal and it is useable once per day and lasts for one turn per level of the spell sword. Also the damage for Imbue II increases from d8 to 2d6.
  Spellswords gain one caster level every other level after the first. Respectively at 1,3,5,7,9. Gaining all benefits of durations and improved spellcasting, but not any other benefits from their spellcasting class.

Layonara Server / Attention Skalds! Important!
« on: September 06, 2006, 06:07:39 am »
With the pending update, coming as soon as I can get it out, the Skald PrC will be undergoing some fairly major changes. These changes are intended to improve the PrC and to fix some problems that the class had overall.  Among the most significant is that the Skald PrC is becoming a 5 level PrC rather than a 10 level PrC.
  This will significantly impact any current characters with Skald levels.  As such, we will need specially handle those active characters who have Skald levels so that they will work properly and as intended.
  Any currently active Skald characters are entitled to releveling or a full rebuild.  We know that the previous design on the PrC might have led some people who made Skald characters to make different choices for their attribute, feat and skill point selections, choices which now are not as applicable.  As this change is beyond the control of the players, we're granting this one-time option for all Skalds who wish to pursue it.
  I have already spoken to one such character.  There is at least one other active Skald in the list.  For anyone who I have not yet spoken with, please PM me so we can discuss your options.
  For reference (and this will be updated on LORE soon), the new Skald specs are as follows:
  Abilities: Level 1: Bellow (mass fear). Level 2: Chant (mass Blind/Deaf). Level 3: Song of Exhaustion (mass slow and -1/2 charisma mod to attack debuff, ) Level 4: Bleed. (direct damage) Level 5: Wail. (death effects)  All song abilities use “bard songs” with Wail taking 2 uses.  Wail: DC: 10 + skald level + cha mod Bleed: Damage: Skald level * Cha mod, no save Other abilities: DC: 10 + ½ character level + Cha mod   -------------------------------------------------------------  Terrifying Bellow: Type of Feat: Class Prerequisite: Skald 1. Specifics: This enables the Skald to cause fear and havok in the midst of combat, he is able to send his enemies fleeing before him when he screams his war cry. Use of this ability reduces the character's remaining Bard Song uses by one.  Deafening Chant: Type of Feat: Class Prerequisite: Skald 2. Specifics: This enables the Skald to render his opponents deaf, from a constant numbing chant. Vibrations temporarily blind and deafen all those failing their save. Use of this ability reduces the character's remaining Bard Song uses by one.  Song of Exhaustion: Type of Feat: Class Prerequisite: Skald 3. Specifics: . When the Skald sings this ominous tune, his opponents often find it difficult to move, reducing both their rate of travel and their ability to attack effectively. Use of this ability reduces the character's remaining Bard Song uses by one.   Make them Bleed: Type of Feat: Class Prerequisite: Skald 4. Specifics: The Skald is begining to truly master his voice, and is able to pierce the eardrums of all the foes near him, causing massive hemoraging and occasionally even death. There is no saving throw against this ability. Use of this ability reduces the character's remaining Bard Song uses by one.  Broken Wail: Type of Feat: Class Prerequisite: Skald 5. Specifics: This is the pinnacle of the Skalds power, he is literally able to sing so strong and loud that he can snuff out the life of many creatures. All those within hearing must make a save or be stricken dead as the Skald breaks their very will to live. Use of this ability reduces the character's remaining Bard Song uses by two.

Some of you clearly think that running through transitions to get rid of monsters, leaving monsters near transitions and generally letting someone else clean up the problems that you stir up is no big deal. For those people to whom this statement applies, I strongly urge you to read this thread:
  It is a request for the return of a Soul Strand to someone whose party was jumped at an area transition because someone left two assassin vines just loitering around an area transition, which started to attack the party before they fully loaded in on the next area. This happened in the Krandor Outskirts area and the creatures in question were Assassin Vines.
  This is very selfish and inconsiderate on many levels.
  First, it disrupts the experience for other players. It's one thing to stumble upon an enemy that you can see, but one who gets several hits in before you can even fully enter an area is far from fair.
  Second, it causes administrative work that takes away from the time of players and GMs alike, who then have to take time out to make and handle Soul Strand return requests, XP/GP return requests and so on.
  Lastly, it shows a complete disregard for your fellow player and the community/gameworld as a whole. This gets stressed over and over, and yet some people still don't seem to get it.
  I hope that whoever left those vines at the transition is reading this, and perhaps he or she will come forward and apologize for the occurance, but failing that, I hope that he/she reads and takes this into account.
  As a refresher to everyone, if you find yourself in such a situation in the future, that is to say if you accidentally or as a result of fleeing bring and leave monsters to the immediate vicinity of an area transition, you have several options available to you to make sure that others do not suffer the effects of your own mistakes.
  1) Attempt to contact a GM in-game using the DM channel. Let them know immediately about what happened so that the GM can divert the creatures away from the transition points. If no GMs are logged in, it is acceptable to send a tell to a GM player who is logged in with one of their characters at the moment, but also respect that they may not necessarily be interruptable at the time.
  2) If no GM is available in-game, or cannot handle the issue immediately, try to contact one in our IRC channel (if you have it set up). If a GM is available, they can log in and handle the problem.
  3) If neither of those options works out, come to the forums and post about the situation and request that a GM moves the creatures as soon as possible.
  If any of you are concerned about coming forward with such a thing for fear of disciplinary action, please do not. Your honesty and forthright admission will be seen favorably, as opposed to someone who does not come forward and who leaves such things for others to clean up without remorse or any consideration for others.
  I'd also remind people that if we catch anyone making a habit of luring back to NPCs, leaving creatures at transitions and such, the possibility of a temporary or permanent banning is very real.  
  Please, show some respect to your fellow players, the GM Team and the Layonara community in general. Be responsible for your actions. And keep in mind that some day you may get tagged by someone else's left-overs.

Layonara Server / New downloads required for July 9th Update
« on: July 09, 2006, 04:14:14 pm »
This update will be coming soon so start downloading.
 The Latest Files section of the web site is updated, you can download them from the LORE Downloads page or you can get the new files directly from this post:
 This one goes into your haks folder after you extract:  
 This one goes into your tlk folder after you extract:

  I know many of you have been eagerly awaiting the inclusion of the farming system into the game, and I understand your enthusiasm. We want to get it released just as badly. However, at the moment it is still in a testing phase within the Project Team and the GM team. As such, some things are set to parameters that facilitate testing but which could easily be exploited.
  When farming is ready for general use, we will be sure to make a very public announcement of the fact along with some form of documentation on how one goes about being a farmer or farm hand. Until then, please do not enter the Hlint farmlands, and if you do, please do not attempt to purchase or utilize a farm. What this does is takes away from the resources available to our testers, consumes the time of GMs who need to reset the farms that are bought people other than our testers and makes for the potential of a series of bug reports on a system that is not yet complete.
  The entry way to the South Hlint Farms is near the entrance to the Hlint Undercity (sewers). If you see those doors open or unlocked, just ignore them.
  Thank you for your cooperation.

General Discussion / If your horse is missing, please read this...
« on: June 01, 2006, 07:33:24 am »
Three people have missing horses due to a bug. The bug that cause the information about horses to disappear should be cleared up now. However, to restore your horse, I need you to post a request in Grievances and indicate:
  Bioware name Character name Type of horse (i.e. Black horse)
  Right now, I show three characters who are affected by this:
  Sabrissia Ice Asher Hardrock Synal'dur Hano'del
  Thank you all for your patience.

Fixed Bugs / Player Info page
« on: May 22, 2006, 04:19:43 pm »
  View this page using the BetaLORE skin. You'll see it's quite difficult to read.

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