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Messages - Riven

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37
Ask A Gamemaster / How to Start a Guild - The Hero's Apprenticeship
« on: August 18, 2011, 08:55:34 pm »
Riven is contemplating launching a small guild devoted to connecting mentors with apprentices, called The Hero's Apprenticeship - Today's Apprentices are Tomorrow's Heroes.

He'd just need a small two room space in some city (wherever its cheap). It would be a networking guild - so masters in different paths (warrior, wizard, etc.) could be connected with apprentices for one-on-one mentorship (no compensation asked).

There would also be other perks for members, such as a being able to study a Tome for each path, such as the Warrior's Tome or the Wizard's Tome. Masters in the paths would be invited to write their advice and wisdom for the apprentices in these tomes. Those tomes would live on the forums, I imagine, and be added to as people please.

And a Borrowing Basket - any guild member may borrow one item from a basket of useful goods (low level magical items, bronze and iron weaponry, etc.). Potentially each item is scribed "Hero's Apprenticeship", and may not be sold (must be returned to the basket).

That's the idea in a jist. So....what do you think of this, and how does Riven go about getting a small humble guild space somewhere?


Ask A Gamemaster / Merchanting questions and how to label chests?
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:33:38 pm »
Its great to see Layonara still running strong, since Ii've been gone so long!

I may want to revive the Saddlebag Pawn Shop. I've a few questions about that.

Prices, it seems have dropped in the 2 years since I was here. Is there a standard price sheet now or is it still very subjective?

I'd like to try a different kind of pawn shop:

Would this be fine for the Layo Economy: someone could walk in and take an item. In exchange they would leave items worth double the value of the item they took; It would be a barter system. I'd have a general price list on the forums for standard items, and all non-standard items would be valued by the Pricing Lens.

2nd question - may I have a Generosity Box in my shop - take something and leave something - one person's junk is another person's treasure. It would be for cheap things, such as spell components found, or odds and ends, copper weaponry, and that sort of thing. is this fine with ye all?

And thirdly - regarding chests (the log of who takes and puts back in is great! kudos for that!):

I assume I can only label chests I own. So I dipped quill in ink and attempted to scribe a label onto a chest, so at a quick glance one can read the label. ~~Title "label" did not work. Can you tell me what will?

And is it true that if I put coin (or anyone puts coin) in a chest of mine, it is not fully secure and may disappear? I don't suppose we merchants could have a chest that True placed in it ends up in our bank vault?

ye have my thanks!

Trade and Market Hall / corn and comfrey for sale or trade
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:40:25 pm »
*Note hanging outside the Twin Dragons in Leringard*

Corn and Comfrey for sale or trade - make me an offer - I have 2 full boxes of corn and one of comfrey.

Seeking Ring of the Defenders


Introduce Yourself / a late farewell.....for now
« on: January 01, 2009, 02:29:45 pm »
Well I have kept thinking that I'd have the time to come back and play on layo, as you all rock and i've had a great deal of fun there. But between work and relationship and health issues I've not had time in months. So, until some distant future that may not come, farewell. I enjoyed playing with you all.

I've PM'd a few folks from Riven's Saddlebag Pawn Shop days, since I have gear of yours to sell, or other business. Perhaps someone out there would like to take over the Saddlebag Pawn? I'll post in the trade and market hall and see if I can create that in a swift way. fades into oblivion.....

And again, you all rock!
Riven Ring-Cleaver
Aka-ashi Horseteaser
Bron Skallagrimsson

Come buy, sell, or trade goods this Sunday!

Saddlebag Pawn Shop and Twin Dragon Trade Goods at 137 Leringard will be open for business this Sunday at Noon Colorado time (USA Mountain time, or GMT-6).


*small note tacked up in Hempstead and Vehl Craft halls*

For Sale or Trade
Graveyard Dirt - one box
Black Mushrooms - half a box
Stirge Feathers - one box
Corn - one or two boxes
Comfrey - one or two boxes

Make an offer,
I'm cleaning out some chests!
~Riven at 137 Leringard

Trade and Market Hall / Tin Nuggets For Sale, and Weapons Wanted!
« on: August 22, 2008, 02:56:21 pm »
*Rough charcoal on leather notice in Fort Vehl*

50 Tin Nuggets for sale or trade

Iron Warhammer wanted
Iron Heavy Pick wanted
Bandages wanted

I'm in the tavern or out breaking boulders.
~Bron Skallagrimson

Ask A Gamemaster / whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
« on: June 29, 2008, 02:06:58 pm »
Hopefully a quick question!

I just heard that wemics are not allowed in Hempstead....but after half an hour searching lore and the forums, I don't see any ruling on this. The sign outside Hempstead does not specifically mention wemics...

If wemics indeed are not allowed in hemp, then I've made an RP mistake for a long time now. I first entered hemp by Shiff's side, and since then i go in and out as I please, though generally slowly, and I've RP'd with folks in Hemp many times (and no-one's sent me a tell that i'm doing something wrong). I apologize if I've been making a mistake....but could someone please point me to the ruling, or give me the thumbs up or down for continuing to RP Aka'ashi Horseteaser the way I have in the past? If she is not allowed in, I'm sure she'll be very tickled that folks find this silly playful kitty so fierce as to ban from the cities!


Trade and Market Hall / Beetle Glands and Bellies
« on: June 29, 2008, 01:29:45 am »
A young female wemic in simple leather hunter's garb darts in and out of the shallows at Stormcrest Crossroads, attempting to catch fish with her claws and teeth. On the banks are several open boxes of  beetle stink glands, bombadier beetle bellies, and fire beetle bellies. A wide wooden bowl holding a few coins sits in front of the boxes.

*A young dreamy-eyed female wemic sways by the stream at Stormcrest Crossroads, singing subtle and elusive tunes in a soft lilting purring voice. The music weaves in and out of the gurgling stream.*

*Lion skins, panther skins, leopard skins, and cougar skins are lain out around her. A large wooden bowl by her side has a few True, and a very rough charcoal drawing on white bark of a harp, lute, guitar, and cloak.*

Trade and Market Hall / Rings of Wizardry and Fox's Cunning For Sale
« on: June 22, 2008, 10:47:05 am »
At the Twin Dragon Trade Goods -

Rings of Wizardry I - 2000 true (+3 bonus spells of first circle of the arcane)
Rings of Wizardry II - 5000 true (+3 bonus spells of 2nd circle of the Arcane)
Rings of Fox's Cunning - 1600 (+1 Intelligence)

And many other magical goods for sale

Come by and visit!
The doors are always open.
Twin Dragon Trade Goods and Saddlebag Pawn
137 Leringard

A young female wemic saunters through Mariners Hold. Jaguar, panther, white stag, and other skins hang from her spear, drying in the sun. She gives a toothy smile, and mischievious wink to the townsfolk. Sometimes she can be found in the forests east of Mariners Hold, and sometimes she is spotted outside Fort Wayfare, selling her skins, humming exotic tunes or beating enticing rhythms with her clawed paws and hands.

A young female wemic lion-taur sits by the road between Fort Wayfare and Hempstead. She blows lightly into a makeshift reed panpipes, creating a cascading melody of windy tunes. Her bright eyes sparkle mischieviously at you.

Before her is an open-faced helm, turned over, with twenty-three True in it. Also in front of her are:

2 gorgon horns
2 boxes of Rat Skins
1 box of white mushrooms
1 Dire Rat Skin

You may notice her eyes narrow when horses are about, and her claws extend and retract, or her haunches quiver, as if wanting to leap up and tease them...

//Aka'ashi Horseteaser

Trade and Market Hall / Corn Sale - 8 Boxes
« on: May 07, 2008, 09:41:31 pm »
*Poster in Hempstead and Vehl craft halls*

Corn Sale
8 Boxes for 1750 per box = 14,000 true
4 Boxes for 1875 per box = 7,500 true
1 Box for 2000 per box

~Riven Ring-Cleaver
Twin Dragon Trade Goods and Saddlebag Pawn
137 Leringard

Trade and Market Hall / Corn, Silk, Comfrey, Stirge Wings FOR SALE
« on: April 19, 2008, 03:58:16 pm »
*Small Notice in Crafting Halls of Hempstead and Vehl*


Silk 1 box - 2000 True
Comfrey 1 box - 1000
Stirge Wings 1 box - 500
Boxes of Corn - 2000 (discount for bulk order)

Contact Riven or Slip
at the merchant counter of the Twin Dragon Inn
137 Leringard.

Ask A Gamemaster / Can Writing Disappear From Parchments in Chests?
« on: April 19, 2008, 01:14:39 pm »
I had two parchments in a chest. The titles remain, but all writing I put on the parchments were erased. Is it possible for this to happen by the server, or can this only happen if someone picks up the parchment, erases it, and places it back in the chest?

*Large Colorful Notices in Most Major Cities*



To Bring you Quality Magical Goods
And Weaponry and Armors

For Sale or For Rent!

Sale Prices are Listed Below.
Rental Prices are 30% of Sale Price to rent an item for 4 years (//4 years layo time, which is approximately 3 months and a week RL //)

Twin Dragon Trade Goods facilitated by Saddlebag Pawn (Riven and Slip of Twin Dragon Inn, 137 Leringard, Room 11)
Featuring the Crafting of Tyrian Baldu'muur and goods acquired from many sources.

Come by to sip some fine wine and to delight in the music of local bards in our comfortable, warm, and spacious common room. And while your enjoying yourself, feel free to buy and sell wares at our merchant counter. Or if you have a question about a specific item when we are not behind the counter, then please send a note to Riven or Slip, care of the Twin Dragon Inn, Room 11.

Remember to support your local independent crafters!


Minor Enchantments of Lightning, Cold and Fire - 2000 True (grants 2 point of elemental damage to a weapon)
Lesser Enchantments of Fire, Electricity and Cold - 4000 True (1d4 elemental damage)
Elemental Resistance I to Fire, Electricity and Cold - 4000 True (5/- damage reduction)
Silver Weapon Enchantment I - 3000 True (2 points damage vs. undead and werebeasts)
Silver Weapon Enchantment II - 6000 True (1D4 points damage vs. undead and werebeasts)

Magic Goods:

Scion of Orn - 2000 True (can cast: clairaudience/clairvoyance, continual flame, identify, invis purge, lesser dispel, light, remove blindness/deafness, 5 charges)
Scion of Ausir - 2000 True (can cast: blindness, clarity, ghostly visiage, invis, mind fog, sanctuary)
Adept Stone - Gold - 1000 True (casts dragon breath Fire or weaken)
Adept Stone - Silver - 1000 True (casts dragon breath cold or paralysis)
Adept Stone - Bronze - 1000 True (casts dragon breath fear or lightning one time)
Adept Stone - Brass - 1000 True (casts dragon breath gas or sleep one time)
Parasol of Shock Redirection - 2500 True (umbrella, 50% electricity immunity, lvl req. 15)


For the young mage: for 5000 True we will allow you to come into the shop and study as many of these spells as ye wish. Please set up an appointment.

0 circle - 100 True each:
Light, Cure Minor Wounds. Electric Jolt

1st Circle - 250 True each:
Cure Light Wounds, True Strike, Identify, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Summon Creature I, Bless, Sleep, Magic Missile, Ice Dagger, Shield, Shelgarn’s Persistant Blade, Color Spray

2nd Circle - 500 True each:
Cats Grace, Darkness, Ghostly Visage, Endurance, Bulls Strength, Web, Summon Creature II, Combust, Invisibility, Cloud of Bewilderment, Flame Weapon, Continual Flame, Ultravision, Melf's Acid Arrow, Lesser Dispel, Gedlee's Electric Loop

3rd Circle - 1000 True each:
Find Traps, Haste, Summon Creature III, Fireball, Dispel Magic, Scintilating Sphere, Keen Edge, Invisibility Sphere, Mestil’s Acid Breath, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Displacement, Clairaudiance/Clairvoyance, Slow, Vampiric Touch

4th Circle - 2500 True each:
Elemental Shield, Phantasmal Killer, Charm Monster, Fear, Hold Monster

5th Circle - 5000 True each:
Animate Dead, Lesser Mind Blank

Iron Weapons:

Short Sword with Fire II and Silver II enchantments - 5000 True (+1d4 fire damage, +1d4 damage vs. undead)
Mercurial Great Sword with electrical I enchantment - 3000 True (2d6 dam, crit x4, +2 electrical damage)
Mace with Electricity I Enchantment - 2000 True
Great Sword with Fire I Enchantment - 2500 True (2d6 damage, crit 19-20 x2, +2 fire damage)
Dagger with Electricity II Enchantment - 3000 True (+1d4 elect damage)
Dagger - 1000 True
Short Sword - 1000 True
Kama - 1000 True
Hand Axe - 1000 True
Falchion - 1500 True
Rapier - 1500 True
Light Hammer - 1500 True
War Hammer - 1500 True
Light Flail - 1500 True
Longsword - 1500 True
Nunchaku - 1500 True
Bastard Sword - 2000 True
Heavy Flail - 2000 True
Heavy Mace - 2000 True
Falcion - 2000 True
Battleaxe - 2000 True
Greataxe - 2000 True
Great Sword - 2000 True
Maul - 2000 True
Dwarven War Axe - 2000 True (1d10, crit x3, +1AB)

Bronze Weapons:

Dagger - 250 True
Hammer, Light - 500 True
Hand Axe - 750 True
Short Sword - 500 True
War Hammer - 750 True
Mace - 750 True
Flail, light - 750 True
Kama - 750 True
Bastard Sword - 1000 True
Rapier - 1000 True
Scimitar - 1000 True
Falcion - 1000 True
Longsword - 1000 True
Battleaxe - 1000 True
Heavy Mace - 1000 True
Flail, Heavy - 1000 True
Great Sword - 1000 True
Great Axe - 1000 True

Wood Weapons:

Oak Club - 1000 True

Unusual Weapons:

Cowards Blade - 3000 True (EB+1, casts expeditious Retreat 1/day)
Swash Bucklers Sabre - 3000 True (Rapier, EB+1, Deflection AC +1, Parry +4)
Lesser Flight of Fancy Longbow - 5000 True (AB +2 vs. humans and dwarves, bonus feat alertness, lvl req. 10)
Last Defense Great Sword - 5000 True (EB+1, +3 vs. monstrous, 2d6 dam, 19-20 crit x2, lvl req. 11)
Bloodfall Longsword - 3000 True (AB+2, EB+1)
Bloody Lash Whip - 2000 True (BD 1-3, Crit 19-20 x3, Bonus feat - disarm, on hit wounding DC-16, lvl req:16)
Whip of the Alder - 2000 True (EB+1, on hit confusion DC-20, 25%/3 rounds, lvl req. 14)
Hamaji's Fan - 4000 True (1d2 damage, +2AB, slashing damage 1d10, lvl req:14)
Snake Fang Dagger with electricity I enchantment - 4000 True (on hit poison 1d2 con damage DC14, 2 points electricity damage)
Snake Fang Dagger - 2500 True
Tooth of the Viper (50) - 1250 True (dart, AB+1, on hit poison 1d2 con damage, DC 16)
Walking Stick of the Hierophant - 750 True
Arrows of the Destroyer (50) - 1500 True (1d8 fire damage, usable by CE, CN, NE, TN only)
Bolts of the Destroyer (99) - 2000 True (1d8 fire damage, usable by CE, CN, NE, TN only)
Destroyers Breath Bullets (99) - 2000 True (1d8 fire damage, usable by CE, CN, NE, TN only)

Ranged Weapons:

Arrows of Fire (99)- 1200 True (+2 fire damage)
Arrows of Electricity (99) - 1200 True (+2 electricity damage)
Iron Shurikens (50) - 500 True
Iron Bullets (99) - 500 True
Iron Dart (50) - 500 True
Lion Sling (AB +1) - 1000 True
Hickory Short Bow - 1000 True

Armor, Helms, Shields:

Iron Chain Shirt - 3500 True (AC4, AC mod+1, Parry +3, lvl req: 8 )
Iron Scale Mail - 3500 True (AC4, AC mod +1, concentration +3, lvl req:8 )
Iron Chain Mail - 4500 True (AC5, AC mod +1, AC mod +1, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )
Iron Banded Armor - 4500 True (AC6, AC mod +1, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )
Iron Half Plate - 5500 True (AC+1, lvl req:6)
Iron Bascinet - 750 True
Iron Shield, small - 1750 True
Iron Tower Shield - 2500 True
Platinum Bascinet - 1000 True (+2 concentration and discipline)
Bronze Chain Mail - 2000 True (AC5, 5% bludgeoning immunity, lvl req:6)
Bronze Scale Mail - 2500 True (AC4, 5% bludgeoning immunity, concentration +3, lvl req:8 )
Bronze Banded Armor - 3000 True (AC6, 5%slashing immunity, concentration +3, lvl req:8 )
Bronze Half Plate - 3000 True (AC7, slashing immunity 5%, lvl req. 7)
Crocodile Armor - 3000 True (AC4, +2 vs. disease and cold)
Dragon Scale Shield - 5000 True
Noise Maker Helm - 1000 True (save vs. fear +4, concentration -1, reflex save -1)

Leather Goods:

Black Leather Armor - 1500 True (AC2, concentration +3, max dex bonus 6)
Cougar Leather Armor - 2000 True (tumble +3, lvl req:1)
Wolf Leather Armor - 2250 True (AC vs animals + 2, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )
Jaguar Leather Armor - 2500 True (search, spot, tumble +3, lvl req:5)
Worg Leather Armor - 3000 True (AC vs. goblinoids +2, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )
Lion Leather Armor - 3000 True (AC2, AC+1, will save +1, tumble +3, lvl req:10)
Leopard Leather Armor - 3000 True (AC+1, +1 fortitude save, tumble +3, lvl req:10)
Black Hide Armor - 1500 True (AC3, AC vs. slashing +1, concentration +3)
Wolf Hide Armor - 2000 True (AC3, vs. animal +2, vs. slashing +1, discipline +3, lvl req:9)
Cougar Hide Armor - 2000 True (AC3, ac vs. slashing +1, tumble +3, lvl req:3)


Blue Suede Shoes - 7000 True (+1 cha, +1 dex, +2 preform, +2 tumble, lvl req. 10)
Bracers of Many Needles - 500 True (use manticore spikes 5 times)
Bracers of the Scout - 1000 True (+1 AC, cast darkness once per day)
Gloves of the Scout - 7000 True (+1 dex, +2 hide, listen, move silent, parry, spot, lev req:10 )
Gloves of Discipline - 500 True (+3 discipline)
Gloves of Animal Handling - 500 True (+3 animal empathy)
Gloves of Concentration - 500 True (+3 concentration)
Gloves of Swordplay - 500 True (Parry +3)
Lion Leather Gloves - 1000 True (+1 AB)
Lesser Gloves of Ogre Power - 2000 True (+1 str)
Lesser Ladies Gift Robes - 3500 True
Lesser Monks Robes - 2000 True
Lesser Mages Robes - 2000 True
Robes of Fire - 500 True (fire resistance 10)
Robes of Lightning - 500 True (electrical resistance 10)
Robes of Acid - 500 True (acid resistance 10)
Panther Cloak - 1000 True (+3 hide and move silent)
Cloak of the Watchers - 2000 True
Lesser Cloak of Azzata - 1000 True (casts sanctuary, 25 charges)
Cloak of Azzatta - 2500 True (save vs. poison +4, casts sactuary 2x per day)
Cloak of the North - 3000 True (+5 vs. cold)
Belt of Aquasition - 3000 True (cast expeditious retreat 1/day, dex +1, pick pocket +5)
Utility Belt - 3000 True (disable trap, open lock, set trap +5, dex +1, wisdom -2, listen and hide -2, move silent -8 )


Wand of Electric Jolt - 500 True
Wand of Burning Hands - 1000 True
Wand of Camoflage - 1000 True
Wand of Magic Missle - 1000 True
Wand of Neutralize Poison - 2000 True
Wand of Bull's Strength - 2000 True
Wand of Melf's Acid Arrows - 2000 True
Wand of Lightning Bolt - 3000 True

1000 True each
(all books have 25 charges)

Sonnett of Summons - (can cast: summon creature I, II, and III, useable by Bard)
Dissertation on Divinity - (can cast: clairaudience/clairvoyance, find traps, identify)
Seeing the Forest for the Trees - (casts: invis purge, camoflage, one with the land, ranger only)
Permutations on Protection - (can cast minor glove of invulnerability and protection from alignment, usable by: sorceror and bard)
Essays on Enchantment - (casts charm monster, charm person/animal, hold monster)
Ashes to Ashes - (casts: contagion, infestation of maggots, poison, useable by Cleric, Druid)
To Become or Not To Become - (casts: foxes cunning, keen edge, slow, useable by wizard)
Fooled You - (casts: displacement, improved invisibility, silence, useable by sorceror, wizard, bard)
Skullduggery - (casts: expeditious retreat, find traps, knock, useable by Rogue)

Traps and Tools:

Traps 500 True each

Average Frost Trap
Average Spike Trap
Average Holy Trap
Average Sonic Trap

Thieves Tools +1 (ten count) - 1000 True


Wizardry Ring I - 2000 True (grants three bonus spells of the first circle of the arcane)
Wizardry Ring II - 5000 True (grants three bonus spells of the second circle of the arcane)
Wizardry Ring III - 12000 True (grants three bonus third level arcane spells)
Divinity Ring I - 2000 True (grants three bonus first level spells of the divine)
Divinity Ring II - 5000 True (grants three bonus second level divine spells)
Divinity Ring III - 12000 True (grants three bonus third level divine spells)
Prayer Beads - 2000 True (cast bless once per day)

Lesser Ability Rings - (+1 to ability score) - All Abilities available
2250 True each
Amulets available as well - 2750 each

Silver Rings
Silver rings with Alexandrite - 3000 (+4 skill Dicipline & Taunt, lvl req:5)
Silver rings with Topaz - 3000 (+4 skill Hide in Shadows & Move Silently, lvl req:5)
Silver rings with Sapphire - 3000 (+4 skill Spellcraft & Concentration, lvl req:5)
Silver rings with Fire Opal - 5000 (+2 reflex save increase, lvl req:7)

Platinum Rings
Platinum rings with Greenstone - 1500 (+2 save increase vs. poison, lvl req:5)
Platinum rings with Malachite - 1500 (+2 save increase vs. disease, lvl req:5)
Platinum rings with Fire Agate - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. fire, lvl req:5)
Platinum rings with Aventurine - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. electricity, lvl req:5)
Platinum rings with Phenalope - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. cold, lvl req:5)
Platinum rings with Amethyst - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. acid, lvl req:5)
Platinum rings with Feldspar - 3000 (+2 save increase vs. death, lvl req:7 )
Platinum rings with Garnet - 3000 (+2 save increase vs. mind affecting, lvl req:7)

Amulets can be made as well, many in stock today!

Exceptional Items:

Exceptional Feldspar ring set in copper - 1000 True (death saves +2)
Exceptional Feldspar set in copper amulet - 1500 True (death saves +2)

Crafting Rings:

The Designer - +4 Craft Armor (or robes/clothes) (lv1)
Dorand's Helper - +2 Appraise, +3 Craft Weapons (lv 2)
Dorand's Favor - +4 Appraise, +5 Craft Weapons (lv 5)

Ask A Gamemaster / bugged Freeazakis Slippers?
« on: April 16, 2008, 06:48:07 pm »
I notice the Fezeeaka's Slippers of Alertness that Riven was just given has Resist Electricity 5/-, not 10/-.

Is this an old pair of boots that I should change out with a gm?

Fezeeaka's Slippers of Alertness (lv 9, +1 AC, Resist Electricity 10/-, +4 Listen, +4 Tumble)

Trade and Market Hall / COMING SOON: Rentals of Magical Goods!
« on: April 14, 2008, 01:30:29 pm »
*Poster in Hempstead, Vehl, and Hlint*

COMING SOON: Saddlebag Pawn Rentals!!!

In addition to our large line of weaponry, armors, and magical goods for sale, we will soon be renting some of these goods. If you have a hankering for a magical item, but only think you'll be needing it for a few months, why not rent it at a fraction of the sale price?

Pricing and Details to be Announced.

Questions? Send a note to Riven or Slip, care of the Krandor General Store.

Riven Ring-Cleaver
Saddlebag Pawn

PS: HELP WANTED - Intimidating Leg-breakers and Collectors, for retrieving payments or items that are past due.

Trade and Market Hall / Scrolls for Sale
« on: April 04, 2008, 05:15:38 pm »
*Poster in Hempstead and Vehl*

(Some Multiples of the Same Scroll Available)
Offered by the Saddlebag Pawn Shop
We buy and sell Scrolls!
Leave a note for Riven Ring-Cleaver,
Care of Krandor General Store

5th Circle - 5000 true
Ball Lightning
Circle of Doom

4th Circle - 2500 true
Elemental Shield

3rd Circle - 1250 true

2nd Circle - 500 true
Cat's Grace
Find Traps
Ghostly Visage
Summon Creature II

1st Circle - 250 true
Bless Weapon
Cure Light Wounds
Endure Elements
Expeditious Retreat
Magic Missile
Remove Fear
Summon Creature I

Cantrips - 50 true
Cure Minor Wounds

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