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Messages - EdTheKet

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The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Brac'ar and Daniella meet
« on: February 03, 2011, 02:05:35 pm »
"What?" he sounds distracted. "Oh right, the Broken One." He looks at the book again, then puts the quill in the ink well again. "It's a good line of thought to pursue though, what was there before the Al'Noth."

He closes the book.

"Very well, lass. I shall tell you of Fezrekthania for that was her name.
She was the first dragon to join the alliance against Bloodstone. Not because of they were so willing to band together and rid the world of Bloodstone, no, or at least not as primary reason."

He pauses for dramatic effect.

"Fezrekthania and Fisterion really joined because of the possibility of us non-dragons helping with the return of the lost dragon gods of magic."

He points toward Connor standing in a corner. "And don't you start calling me a blasphemer, Connor old friend. The idea was that Lucinda would survive."

He chuckles and then turns back to Daniella and also briefly looks at Wren.
"It is important you understand this. Many a dragon would like their old gods to return. Of course, first you need to know where they went, but the wish is there. They will never say it themselves though, nasty old lizards that they are. Never going to ask for help themselves."

He waits for a moment.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Brac'ar and Daniella meet
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:23:22 pm »
"Of course she's dead, didn't I just say that?" he says somewhat annoyed and as he does, you hear his voice turn slightly more metallic.

"It was 1384, the time to deal with dragons, the attempt to ally the last five dragons against Blood, the start of my journey towards what I am now."

He pauses.
"Although I did not know it at the time of course. And it if hadn't happened, I'd never have created that truly masterfully piece of spellweaving, my missile storm."

He continues with some enthusiasm. "Do you know how many years of research, trial and error is involved in the creation of a new spell, lass? I suppose you don't, being a Toranite and all that. But nonetheless, I shall try to explain it to you because you insist." He nods.

"Let's see where to start. First there was the Al'Noth.... Hmm... I suppose that's not technically true. Who says the Al'Noth was there first... There could have been something before the Al'Noth... A fascinating thought, if I say so myself... I wonder if anyone ever pursued that line of thinking... Perhaps I should give that some more thought.... Yes, perhaps I shall."

He then takes up a bag from the floor next to the table and rummages through it until he finds a rather tattered looking book. He rummages through the pack a bit more and removes a quill and an ink well.

Carefully he arranges this all, opens the book, finds a blank page and starts to write.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Brac'ar and Daniella meet
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:17:23 am »
"Do you even know what you are looking for lass?" *He grunts*

"Fezrekthania, the Broken One. At the time thought to be one of the last five dragons in existence on Layonara."

He looks at her from under his hood. "I spoke to her, you know. As I did with many a dragon. She wounded me at the first meeting when we were trying to get the dragons to ally themselves with us against Sinthar Bloodstone."
He absent mindedly pats his leg.
"Wounded me, yes, and almost became the death of me. But of course, we caused her death. Death by ignorance and carelessness."

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Brac'ar and Daniella meet
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:35:39 am »
"Ah yes, I was going to meet you here." He puts the book he was holding on a table, then sits down.

"Champion of Toran's Divine Will, are you? Quite the title." He clears his throat. "Which reminds me of an incident when you were probably not even born. A Toranite Dragoncalled, I fail to recall his name, wanted to speak to somebody. He failed to realize it was the dead of night though, and that normal people are sleeping at that time."
He starts chuckling.

"Know what the poor peasant said when the Toranite said to open the door in the name of Toran?" He doesn't wait for her answer but goes on "Go stick Toran with a fork!"

He laughs loudly now. "With a fork! I thought that was quite good. Wish I could've been there in person."
He then turns his hooded face towards you and you see a faint yellow glow coming from under his hood: "I hope for your sake you're not one of those who demand to open doors in the dead of night because it's the so-called divine will of Toran."

He chuckles again, then pauses.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Brac'ar and Daniella meet
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:21:54 am »
*He looks up. "Do you realize your fancy armor makes it difficult for people to concentrate when they are trying to read? The next time you come to a library, wear a robe so that people can read in peace and not be disturbed by all your clinging and clanging."

He starts to turn his back to her again and then notices the distinctly Toranite outfit. "Who are you anyway?".

Clearly, he hasn't heard any of the introductions.*

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Brac'ar and Daniella meet
« on: February 02, 2011, 04:50:08 pm »
*He briefly glances to the side as if annoyed at people talking in a library location, then returns to the book he was reading, muttering something about respect for scholars.*

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Brac'ar and Daniella meet
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:58:46 pm »
*Brac seems to be totally oblivious to everything that's going on around him and is solely focused on the loads of fascinating information and books.

Every now and then, the characteristic "Fascinating" can be heard with a slightly metallic rasp to it.*

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Wren seeks out Brac'ar in secret
« on: January 31, 2011, 02:38:01 am »
//Since he's in hiding you wouldn't actually be able to find him. You'd end up at a scribing shop in Argas where you can leave a message.

PM box no longer full!

Just for Fun / Re: How I imagined Argali's pier to form
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:44:07 am »
*just laughs*

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Ocean distances
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:17:15 pm »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Hint!  someone should investigate!  :p

You're a few years late don't you think?

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Blackford War Council - Ports And Golems
« on: January 28, 2011, 08:43:20 am »
//right, just got to this.

Building a port from scratch is going to take a significant amount of time, materials and labor.

In addition to that, you'd then end up with a port with no roads leading from it so any supplies or troops arriving there would be faced with hostile terrain to pass through which would probably defeat the purpose.

You may not have that time (or the labor).

And I must say I like the golem idea, I don't think anyone of us thought of that :)
I don't remember if golems drop any remains which you can collect. If not we'll have to see if we can somehow mimick this so that in the end you'd end up with a certain number to put in the field (provided your gnomes and mages can get them working again).

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Ocean distances
« on: January 27, 2011, 12:19:24 pm »
If you do the measurements and use the scales on the map, you should be able to calculate that yourself.
i have not checked your calculations :)

As for sailing from Belinara to Mistone, yes, that can be done but it's a vast expanse of water.
Like Pseudo said, it took the Cult years, but at the time that was partly due to the Plot GMs not being able to progress the plot due to RL.
We do have an explanation for why it took so long, but since no PC was there and no investigations have been done, that is not know.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Ask the Loremaster: Liches
« on: January 27, 2011, 03:32:52 am »
Quote from: Gulnyr
How does it manifest again?  If the body is destroyed, how is it undestroyed?  Is it part of the magic involved with becoming a lich?  Does it reform in a certain place, maybe beside the soul vessel?  Or does it reform wherever it was destroyed?  Do the old pieces need to be gathered, or do they magically poof to the place of reformation, or do new bits magically poof from nowhere to form a brand new deteriorating body?
The body will reform next to the Soul Vessel and does not need pieces to be gathered.
The rituals that the aspiring lich needs to go through ultimately make this process work in a similar way to a bindstone reconstitution / resurrection. (Resurrection is not really an appropriate term for an undead body)

Of course a Soul Vessel is not a bindstone, but the pulling back the soul and body is similar.

So how would it go?
Lich is killed, the soul returns to the soul vessel, lich's remains also disappear (just like a dead body of a stone bound would) and will eventually reconstitute at the Soul Vessel. This reconstitution is not instantaneous because this magic is far weaker (and slightly different, yet similar) from what bindstones do. Soul takes control of the body after it has reconstituted.

If for some obscure reason (e.g. adventurers hunting for a lich putting it there!)  there would be another dead body next to the Soul Vessel, the soul would not be able to take control of that while waiting for the lich's own remains to reconstitute. Soul, body and vessel were linked together in the rituals leading up to becoming a lich, which allows for the soul to take control of its body again, it can't do that with other bodies, it needs to be its own.

Is "soul walking" something anyone can do, or just liches?  For any of our characters, the soul is tied to the body by the soul strands.  If they die, the magic of the bindstones hooks the souls and bodies together again, as long as there are intact strands.  When a lich's body is destroyed, the soul goes to the soul vessel, from which it apparently goes "walking" to get back into its body.  Is there some magic between the two that make that possible, and that is actually the only "movement" permitted?  So it would effectively teleport from the soul vessel to the body?
Since the body reconstitutes next to the Soul Vessel, there isn't really a big distance to travel/walk. When it reconstitutes, the magics involved in the past rituals forces soul and body together.

So no voluntary wandering, or the soul leaving the body empty and actively deciding to move over when it wants. Once the body reconstitutes, body and soul are rejoined (like with a bindstone, but then delayed).

I'm curious because without some sort of magical restrictions, why bother with the old body at all (assuming the guy didn't have really pretty bones or something)?  If the soul can exist outside the soul vessel and outside its old body, it can go wherever and be pretty well undetectable.  Maybe that PKE meter from Ghostbusters could find one, but those aren't available around Layonara.  And if there's no special affinity for the old body, why not possess any corpse whenever a body is needed?
I think I covered this now.

I'm also curious because the answers to some of these questions could affect lich hunting.  Where and how the body reforms could be pretty important.  If it needs the old pieces of its body to reform it, for example, but some of the pieces can be placed in an anti-magic area before they can poof away, would the lich be able to reform at all?  If it doesn't need the pieces of its old, destroyed body, doesn't that make lich magic more powerful than bindstones since it would be creating a new body?
I think I covered this too now, if not I'm sure you'll let me know ;)

What's the difference between a lich and a palemaster?
A palemaster is still alive and is "just" a necromancer. A lich is unliving, has undertaken some rituals in order to attach his soul to a soul vessel instead of his body.

Pale masters probably give themselves all kinds of twisted, mad and megalomaniac titles, after all, there's something not quite sane about grafting remains onto your body!

General Discussion / Re: Hey, Everyone...
« on: January 25, 2011, 05:39:38 pm »
Happy birthday!

General Discussion / Re: Mapmaker, Mapmaker, Make Me a Map...
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:54:01 pm »
Happy Birthday!!!

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Ask the Loremaster: Corath
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:37:55 am »
Thought this would be nice: LORE: Corath: Avatars

General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:24:46 am »
Happy New Year all.

General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 26, 2010, 04:37:31 am »
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays everyone!

Rumour Has It / Re: Whispers of the Crazies: Exploits of the Triple S
« on: December 14, 2010, 04:00:12 pm »
*eyes the gauntlet on the floor, does the GM grin, then takes it*

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Greater Sanctuary?
« on: December 10, 2010, 05:27:17 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
My first thought would be "no", as it's supposed to be a spell where no one can detect you.  Since True Seeing and See Invisibility don't work against it.  Mechanically speaking, I think it's still impossible to cast and take other sorts of actions while under G. Sanc., though I think the engine still allows for interaction with things like doors, which seems to me like a mechanical convenience more than anything.

So my personal thought is that someone under the effects of Greater Sanctuary should not be able to interact with anyone, whether verbally or to pass items or what have you (and yep, I've seen both of these).

I think the visual aspects of Greater Sanctuary (i.e. being able to see a glowing nimbus of a G. Sanc'ed character) are something of a hold-over of Bioware's vision of NWN as a single-player game with some multi-player capabilities.

This of course is my opinion, but since it was Ed who declared G. Sanc as an improved form of Invisibility, I'll let him make the call.

(You're welcome, Ed *winks* )

Agreed with Dorg here.

And no Dorg, I'm not clicking thanks!

Also, and perhaps stating the obvious, two people who are both under normal invisibility also are not able to see each other, unless they're using See Invisibility or True Seeing.

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