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Messages - Reventage

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Trade and Market Hall / RE: For sale: Amulet of Saving Grace
« on: April 22, 2006, 04:39:56 pm »
If there is no interest in this item it will be removed from the market in weeks time.

Fighters makes better archers than a rangers. In NWN rangers aren't about archery unless they you really want yours to be.

Fighters using bows as their primary weapon are rare and I'd love to see more of them played. That being said, there's never enough sword swinging fighters either so feel free to pick the one you prefer.

The important thing about the background is that it gives reasons for the character to pick the path he or she is now walking and that it is in line with the lore of the world. Easy way to do this is to keep the bio relatively simple, free from any complex twists and turns. You can have a character with a rich personality come from humble origins.

For a limited time there will be a special discount offered for those wishing to purchasing a full set of enchanted diamond jewelry.

If you place your order now you will be charged only 60 000 gold for two rings and an amulet. Get yours before the gems run out.

Reventage D'vinn

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Boots of Grand Adventure for Sale
« on: April 03, 2006, 01:22:29 pm »
The auction has been closed.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Boots of Grand Adventure for Sale
« on: April 01, 2006, 04:50:17 pm »
I'll end the auction when the winning bid has stood unopposed for 48 hours.

I am still accepting orders for the jewelry. A swift delivery guaranteed.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Cloak of Protection to be sold
« on: March 26, 2006, 03:12:51 am »
The item has been sold.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Cloak of Protection to be sold
« on: March 21, 2006, 03:41:11 pm »
Current bid for the cloak is 75 000 gold. I will sell the cloak to the person with the highest bid in two days. Any further bids you can add directly here.

// I'll stop accepting offers at 24th of this month, 8PM GMT

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: The Coup de Grace
« on: March 21, 2006, 01:12:51 pm »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 3/21/2006  11:04 PM

The only thing I need a DM for at the moment is the casting and results of Legend Lore, to point us in the right(?) direction.

You don't need even that as there is no right direction. There are people who claim to have seen it trough the times but who knows what is true. As said earlier the thing might not even exist.

Come up with a story on your own. As long as it's not anything overly complicated or world altering and you don't expect it to be the truth on the matter, you are pretty much free to do as you like. Chasing legends is a hobby in which very little is certain.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / RE: The Coup de Grace
« on: March 21, 2006, 12:28:47 pm »
I'm just saying that it won't work as a CDQ. Pyyran can chase the pointed thing all over the world and hear every rumor out there, but that's not somehing you really require a DM for. You hear that some farmer saw something he swears was just like it in the hands of that cursed Frindahl orc leader when it slew his family. You gather a group together and go investigate, dying a few times in the progress. Players can create events like that on themselves just fine.

Maybe if you do this for a good long time and keep your character development thread updated a DM will some day decide to toss a more interesting rumor your way. Maybe then it might be something to have a CDQ about.

But outside of that for any kind of a systematic and official search for the Grace to happen most likely a DM would need to be interested on the subject and then run a quest on it, one that is open for everyone interested.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / RE: The Coup de Grace
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:59:40 am »
The item is a legend. This means it might not exist and even if it does the chances of finding it are near non-existent at the best.

Furthermore it's a general guideline that there will be no item rewards from a CDQ unless the circumstances are special and the DM deems it as deserved.

Finally you will not be approved for a CDQ if your goal is simply to get an item out of it. Most likely if you would go trough the check list that L posted, the one that you can use to see if an CDQ is necessary for the goal you are aiming for, I think you'd notice that finding the legendary weapon l doesn't qualify as a reason for a CDQ.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Cloak of Protection to be sold
« on: March 16, 2006, 07:18:28 am »
// It doesn't stack with other sources of deflection AC. Shield of Faith grants a deflection AC bonus.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Cloak of Protection to be sold
« on: March 16, 2006, 06:15:41 am »
*With a small sigh Rev replaces the note with a new one that has a lower initial price*

As a response to the Freelances taking all of the business I hereby lower the price of my amulets to 25 000 gold.

I have yet to run out of my supply of diamonds so the offer to craft jewelry on request is still active.

The Swordsman's has been sold.

All items ordered are ready. I ask those of you who have placed an order to send me a word on when you are available for the trade.

The highest bid on the belt is currently 40 000 gold.

The price for the belt has been updated. If I get multiple offers during the next day the highest one gets it.

The belt is currently on hold before being sold as the price may need to be reviewed. I will update the list with the new price later.

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