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Messages - Ozy_Llewellyn

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General Discussion / Re: Barbarian damage soak
« on: July 22, 2006, 03:45:56 pm »
The Epic Feats stack with the Barbarian and Dwarven Defender DR's.

General Discussion / Re: Barbarian damage soak
« on: July 21, 2006, 09:18:46 pm »
Yes it does.

General Discussion / Re: greed vs need
« on: July 14, 2006, 09:55:42 am »
Of course, not being a friendly person here is my small contribution. Does your character even deserve the item? Need vs Deserving. Does your character just skulk and provide a few buffs like Ozy? If so then probably you only really deserve what no one else wants and a fair cut of the gold. Traditionally thou I've always seen handling items found on a need basis, whom will get the most out of it and in turn contribute the most thru it.

General Discussion / Re: Adventuring with Kobal
« on: July 06, 2006, 10:40:17 am »
If you need the old bard he will be about.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: "Ode to Ozy"
« on: July 01, 2006, 12:27:06 am »
Slumped in his preferred shadowy corner Ozymandias sips from a bottle of weak wine writing in his journal. Slowly as the Wild Surge calms and readies to close the bar he staggers up limping to the message board scanning over new and old.
”Fickle, I am not one that should be given praise.” He mutters shaking his head. “I never did have much an eye for poetry, thou I cannot help but feel honored. It is writing beyond my ability.”
Wiping a small amount of blood from his lips he opens his journal studying the poem for a moment. With a thin smile he copies it and several other messages. As he finishes he turns to the hostess.
”A thousand gold and my recommendations do I place upon the bard whom set this. A talent, even if one used on a poor subject, is rare.” He rasps before turning and limping from the inn.

General Discussion / Re: Thanks to all on east today
« on: June 25, 2006, 04:26:30 pm »
A quest and more so a series to live up to my expectations of a quality DM. Rarely have I found a challenge to make me nervous, but indeed the quest was that. A dungeon built for a higher level group, an enemy that could only rightly be called a dungeon master. To divide the group and then try something impossible and succeed was exhilarating beyond measure. Not to mention the inherent honor of being allowed to tag along on so many adventures, despite having no actual value to the group.

For many years I’ve lurked on this server and everyone bar Leanthar on that quest I saw walk into Hlint for the first time or at least relatively soon after. Despite ulcers, headaches, long or endless nights, and earning a few people that would love to see me banned. It has well been worth it for all the fun and enjoyment to be had.

If I were to specifically thank people, I would likely take Leanthar’s entire bandwidth for every server in the process. So thus a simple “Thank you, in these years together I have become impressed and have had fun.” That is in itself about as far as I can go without going off on the aforementioned ten-thousand page tangent. Well worth the years spent contributing the dust speck I have. Now to hope the next four are just as fascinating.

General Discussion / Re: "Spotting" Invisibility
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:13:37 pm »
In campaigns I have run in the past, invisibility and its detection have always been treated as an active check. Furthermore it does require reason and a situation where it’s even possible. While these are not Leanther’s rulings upon the subject it is a decent thing to go off until he informs us of his decision. Invisibility itself is a low level illusion so it purely twists the light around a person to render them unseen nothing more, while improved invisibility at 4th level muffles sounds and dulls scent. In general the spell according to the DM guide only projects approximately one foot from the recipient.

Situations where it is possible would be the first criteria:
Zero Vega’s: Dust in the road, footprints that mysteriously end both would qualify.
Not to mention other reasonable occurrences, standing in a waterfall.

The second criteria would be a reason to check otherwise its null and void all together.
Walking in a dungeon is a reason to be checking active or Elvin alertness in appliance.
Enemy wizard just turned himself invisible is another one.
Standing in the middle of a town talking with someone isn’t. Even if the person walked up in front of you, it’s almost impossible to suggest noticing. After all, would you be thinking to check for invisible people?

However Listen makes it tricky, in general a person wearing heavy armor would be detected in any reasonable situation. However a magic user probably would be completely undetectable outside of a circumstance where you have a favorable bonus. Even elves with their keen senses, in normal life just wouldn’t notice.

Thus that invisible person walking up beside you is more engine coding then actuality. To spot them you would have to be faced the right direction, have a reason to be looking for something amiss in the first place and then make the check which could easily be far beyond a roll of 20. Or you could hear them but once again, a reason in which to hear something amiss and consider it an invisible person. Secondly mental recognition something is amiss and thus possibly an invisible person, how many people consider every snapping twig or rustle in the grass an invisible person out to get them after all. Finally the check may be impossible if there is nose in the background louder then they are, normally a person can and will only hear the loudest noise.

General Discussion / Re: Aasimar resist energy
« on: June 10, 2006, 09:06:04 pm »
It is equivalent to that of an item, and therefor will not stack with anything.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Bewares of crook
« on: May 30, 2006, 12:15:23 pm »
*Writes under Karana's note*

I want him thrown to Garent for arest, alive with enough evedence to send him to vlensk permenently.

General Discussion / Re: World Leaders
« on: May 29, 2006, 02:31:17 pm »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 5/29/2006  2:17 PM
Well, here's a question. It's implied, but never implicitly stated, that to become a World Leader, one must have a character of 20th level or higher. Is this true? Even Queen Allurial's only a level 10 Aristocrat, tops.

I would actually say she’s around mid epics, due to the challenge rating I see when examining her with Ozy. Considering the handbook and the nature of Layonara, people start leaving a mark right away. But to become world renowned for whatever reason, doesn’t happen till around the point of level 20.

"A player can request to have a WLDQ run in order to become a World Leader at any time after reaching level 20."

There for as Acacia stated, they may not hold any tangible evidence of it, but they are probably significant.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Silver Reinforced Clothing
« on: May 22, 2006, 01:37:54 pm »
Silver Armor:

According to the “Unusual Metal Armor” table I’m looking at, Silver Armor receives a -2AC penalty. This is mostly due to the simple reality Silver is a very soft metal. A pendant of silver isn’t going to affect your armor class either way, thus it is assumed that in a material item such as reinforced cloths a significant portion is the threads of non-smelted metal.

However setting aside that fundamental problem and assuming you have found stronger then normal silver, there is still game mechanics. A +1 suit of armor with +3 against Shape-changers and Undead has a GP Value of 11281 and a level requirement of 18. While a suit of +3 armor has a GP value of 7031 and a level requirement of 15. Meaning the silver armor would be absolutely worthless whose only purpose would be to level crafting and raise gold thru the pawnshop.

This problem persists at.
0 AC bonus
+2 Shape-shifter
+2 Undead

Where a +2 suit of armor is identical to the silver. As would a 0/3/3 or 0/1/1. Now of course the building team could edit the 2da’s to give a much lower value (or no value) to GP based upon AC Bonus Vs Specific.

An idea I can approve of, but for now game mechanics is a hurdle.

Layonara Server / Re: Blood Finale - Rescheduled
« on: May 20, 2006, 08:30:07 pm »
Here if a vicious little bonus question.

"What happened if you clicked upon the well in Storans Crypt?"

Layonara Server / Re: Milara or Shadison Quest for the 21st
« on: May 13, 2006, 10:40:52 am »
For those that intend to take part in this quest. If you should hold little to no information about Milara or Shadison, I would recommend asking around before the quest takes place. At the time of the quest, it is normally to late to get any answers.

General Discussion / RE: Show me your quickbar
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:29:52 pm »
I really don’t understand how I initially organized my quick bars. To be honest only my loathing of change has prevented me from re-organizing them to be even more chaotic. However since level 16 I haven’t been bothered to update the spells organization. Thou the staff in F10 and the mirror in Ctrl F11 have been recent additions.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Bardsong
« on: April 17, 2006, 11:19:05 am »
The only thing of note for my two cents would be the request for the addition of an already established function. Bards being able to mimic the ability of the jukebox something we can't do no mater how much effort we put into it.

General Discussion / Re: Bardic magic
« on: April 15, 2006, 06:50:26 pm »
Neverwinter Nights uses Neverwinter Nights rules for bards not particularly any predated system. The link provided was merely for a proper introduction to the class. Many facets of bards are not taken into account for obvious mechanical reasons. Thus it’s a play it fast and loose environment when it comes to this very strange class.

General Discussion / RE: Bardic magic
« on: April 15, 2006, 06:35:50 pm »
The manner in which bards cast their spells is almost as varied as bards themselves. Some do indeed manipulate magical energies with song to acquire the desired effects. Others devote themselves industriously to magic and thru study and flamboyance perform the incantations of wizards or sorcerers. Some have in popular fantasy even been known to only cast thru use of runes similar to Duager Runemasters. The choice in the end, until Leanthar pins down a coherent “what do bards do” somewhere, is up to the individual players.

Suffice to say they are considered spontaneous casters, however has all the general information about bards as of 3.5.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Leanthar
« on: April 09, 2006, 10:00:43 pm »
Happy Birthday Leanthar.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Attention armorsmiths
« on: April 05, 2006, 02:44:17 pm »
I can provide it for you Jharl, just name when and where.

- Ozy

General Discussion / Re: Layonara featured on Bioware Wednesday
« on: April 05, 2006, 02:40:41 pm »
I suppose I will be working overtime as Ozy, ahh well L keeps me well supplied with Cookies.

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