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Messages - slipperhero

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Wild Surge Inn / The fall of the green dragon
« on: July 14, 2005, 01:59:00 pm »
// Since I don't want to burden the staff with minor info, and perhaps someone knows better, I send this as an open PM. And please disregard any spelling errors.

*a neatly written letter is haded to Rhizome by a very tired postman*

At first I did not care about the rumors of the disappearance of the green dragon, but ever since the great battle to protect the great blue dragon from the minons of the villain Blood I have felt that war is upon us and information must be gathered to secure our victory. I therefor ask you for information regarding the disappearance of great green dragon.
If you have any to give me I would much appriciate it.

Vigg Belber

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for molds and silk
« on: July 13, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
I am looking for a box of ring molds and a box of amulet molds.
A payment of 1500 gold coins for a box of molds and 3000 gold coins for a box of spider silk will be recieved upon delivery.

Vigg Belber

// PM or send me a tell ingame

Development Journals and Discussion / The book of Murin
« on: June 02, 2005, 04:57:00 am »
This journal has seen its best days long ago. The cover is made out of leather, most likely boar or wild pig, and bears no markings. The pages are rough and there is a faint smell of ale, almost as if it has been soaked in it once upon a time. Inside the covers the pages are filled with dots and lines of different inks and charcoals. Seems like someone has tested a large variety of writing tools.

Fixed Bugs / Feats on Vorax summons
« on: May 29, 2005, 02:02:00 pm »
I looked at the character sheet of one of Viggs summons today and noticed that they have the feat "weapon focus longsword". I only looked at Summon VII and VIII. Summon VIII also has the feat "epic weapon focus longsword".

This seems inappropriate since they use a battle axe. (Which they also have the feats for)

Trade and Market Hall / For sale! *updated*
« on: April 26, 2005, 02:15:00 pm »
I have the following items for sale for resonable prices:

Rings of bulls strength, owls wisdom, cats grace, eagle splendor, endurance and fox cunning // +1 to one ability
Amulet of bulls strength, owls wisdom, cats grace, eagle splendor, endurance and fox cunning // +1 to one ability
Belt of Cunning // wisdom +1, hide/search +1
Belt of Archers Edge // +1 AC, Entropic shield (as the spell)
Exceptional Belt of Archers Edge // +1 AC, Entropic shield (more uses)
Gloves of fury // +1 str
Crag bags // 40% weight reduction
Lion bags // 60% weight reduction
Topaz set in a silver ring // +2 hide/move silently
Mahogny Longbow // +2 attack bonus, lvlreq:10
Mahogny Heavy Crossbow // +2 attack bonus, lvlreq:10

I also have wands that will clear ye head and those that will cure poisons
// Wand of Clarity / Wand of Neutralize Poison

There is also a selection of stylish pipes made from Mahogny.


Development Journals and Discussion / Annals of a dwarven healer
« on: February 08, 2005, 02:03:00 pm »
*a loose page that has fallen out, it is dated 15/7 1368*

We followed the trail south towards the peaks east of Shoufal. Midgrey led the group and let Felv and his brothers scout ahead. I wonder if dwarfs are supposed to like climb over mountains? I sure don't, thats for sure. These mountains are a pain to climb.
It took us a good six hours and the sun was setting as we spotted the raiders resting near a small ravine. The leader, big even for a mountain giant, seemed to brag to the rest of the raiders, showing off with his great maul and tossing around the head of Grandur of the second watch.
I nearly had to knock Felv out since he almost charged them by himself. Felv and his brothers might be skilled fighters but they sure as hell ain't got an ounce of tactics. Head first and screaming their lungs out. It can be quite fun to watch as few can stand their ground against them, but in the end it will be more work for me.
We left our gear and Midgrey positioned the men a short distance up the cliff. I performed the shortest blessing ever as I was afraid Felv wouldn't stay put for long.
As the last sunbeams hit the cliffs, we charged. The band of raiders was completely taken surprise and the battle was short. It was exciting to see the brothers waraxes cut through the giants flesh and bones.
I only had a few minor fleshwounds to tend to, and I don't think Felv even noticed them until I started applying my herbs and ointment on him.
It took the whole night to find our way home with Grandurs remains and I was immidiatly rushed to the temple to prepare the funeral cermony.

Vigg, temple of Vorax

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