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Messages - SteveJW

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General Discussion / Re: What do you want from Layonara?
« on: November 23, 2009, 07:48:43 pm »
Shocking development...I have an opinion... has become harder and harder to bring myself to log on and stay on for precisely the reasons xiaobeibi jrizz and Honora state. It is the people that keep me logging in.

I would ask why is soloing such an evil concept? Sure...Layonara is an RP world and you need a group to RP. But...what about the times you are alone with no one around to RP? Which I found myself many a time.

Layonara is a big world in which I have seen maybe 20% of. And the best by far. Why couldn't there be soloable areas scattered around both servers...level appropriate of that when one does find him/herself alone...he/she can make an evening of it? Who knows...on the way back may bump into the friends you wish you were with and presto!!!...RP away and swap war stories.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Anniversary, Sithy Tove
« on: November 16, 2009, 06:57:50 pm »
Wow 46 years!!!! Congrats!!!!

These are trying times...

I'm dividing my attention between home...and Port livelihood. I'm pulled in two different directions and it is getting difficult to decide which to concentrate on most.

Should devote more time in Krandor...but the Guild can be a force to restore Hempstead to some sort of normalcy after this is passed.

Both places need help...but which one? Wish I can split myself in two.

Rumour Has It / Re: Devastation in Krandor
« on: November 15, 2009, 12:01:01 pm »
*Cole returns from another foray from the forest...Baltor lugging logs behind him on a wagon Cole salvaged from one of the ruined houses. Cole himself is bringing berries and other edible food foraged from the woods*

*Kyle has been busy in Kelin's bandaging when he can...shoring up weak spots in the building at other times. All the while keeping an eye out for Brittani.*

Rumour Has It / Re: Devastation in Krandor
« on: November 14, 2009, 06:49:24 pm »
*Kyle finally enters the house to find it muddy and swamped...everything damaged beyond recovery. He searches the house frantically for any sign of Brittani.*

"Brittani!? Britanni!?"

*Not hearing anything...he makes his way to the rear of the house. Seeing no sign of her...Kyle heads for Kelin's to find her and to lend a hand as much as he can. On the way...Cole Pandorn arrives with Balthor in tow.*

"Dad...thank the Longstrider you are safe...Mom?"

"Son...she is over at Kelin's looking for Britanni. I hope Britanni got out. Let's head over. You mother will be glad to see you."

*They both head over to Kelin's to assist the over taxed volunteers*

*A very drunk hand writes this entry*


The Guild Hall is ruined!!! A tsunami hit Port Hempstead and has all but destroyed the guild hall. Everything we worked for...all that we built...gone.

Gone too is our house in Krandor. The tsunami reached that far north. Homeless in both places. Disasters everywhere...I..don't know where to start...

*The writing trails off*

Layonara Server / Re: Not able to log on west
« on: November 13, 2009, 10:43:42 pm »
Now I have that problem.

But I do see the servers in the main Internet listings of servers...but they show as offline in my Favorites and I have no one in my Buddy list.

I try a Direct Connect...but it gives me the timed out message. Also does that when I try to connect from the Internet window.

The Leringard Arms has burned down...

Some careless fool set fire to the place. I remember all the times I went there to sell things or just to kick back and down a few and listen to stories. I remember the time Ferrit and I got all decked out and dance the better part of a night away there.

And the time Acacea drank me under the table. (//Yes, Acacea...I honestly remember that... :) ) Never did get a re-match. is lost. Hope they rebuild...but it'll never be the same...

*Sparring time in Vehl again. This time Huntemara and Amgine are more focused...more deliberate in their strikes. Still...Kyle is able to parry them. He notices their frustration building and stops for a break. As they cross the arena floor next to a pillar ...Kyle tugs at a rope attached to it yelling..."Look out!!!". Amgine and Huntemara instinctively spin around striking two dummies that were released from the ceiling. They each hit their target...right where the always strike the dummies. They turn to look at Kyle...surprised.*

"Nice to see the practice is paying off. You didn't even think about just did it. You and your weapon just reacted. That is the start of you and your blades becoming one with each other. Well done!!"

*In the resting area...he sits on the floor in front of them.*

"Now...I show you how to feel the inner energy...your ki. How it can be a peaceful stream or a powerful river."

*They spend the next half-hour in meditation.*

*Amgine and Huntemara arrive at the Vehl arena where the see Kyle in the middle dressed in his  adamantium reinforced robes. They take turns sparring with Kyle...who is in a defensive style...parrying all strikes.*

"Not bad...both of you. Your strikes are hard but strength isn't in how hard you hit...but in how one places the one focuses their energy. It is this focus that makes you one with your weapon...and your weapon one with you. We will work on focus."

*The next hour is spent on practice dummies Kyle showing them how to place their shots.*

//Continues in Amgine's and Huntemara's CDTs.

Word is getting around...

Sarah In'Darsus wants to train as a Master of Weapons. Guess Fehriel has let it out that I train. This is all good...except I feel unworthy of such an honor. Karrack was the first and true Grand Master...I'm just teaching those what I know. If I can only walk in his steps...feel what he must have felt...maybe I will be worthy.

Guess Fehriel and Sarah is a start...

It's official...

Ben will marry Aylana and become my son-in-law. And he asked Essa to officiate. That's going to be some party. Xeenite weddings are the party hardy types. No one will be sober for a few days afterwards.

And I finally got to the Roughlands near Fort Miritrix. The starting place for my search for Karrack's guild. The place was crawling with constructs and trollocs...but there was one place that looked like it could have been an arena of sorts. Salaadi had taken up residence there and my group had to clear it out before I can look. I couldn't find anything there to suggest it was a meeting place for Masters...but I can't discount it either. We had to move to keep more Salaadi from ambushing us.

I'll have to go back to take a closer look at the place. Plus...there are caves in the area that could also be sites of the guild. So much to investigate. Maybe buying a few drinks in the tavern in Miritrix will loosen some memories of the area.

Steel proposed something that the guild could do. He proposed that the guild build an 'Arts Center' in Hempstead as a gift to lighten the mood of the people. The details need to be worked at before I present it to the Council...but it is a sound idea. Something to give back to the city that we have made a nice living in.

Somehow...I still have a place as Guild Master...

Well...a new addition to the family...maybe...
 Ben Poetr. Yeah...I know...the guild is a family...but I mean he is thinking of asking Aylana to marry him. I didn't know about it until Ferrit let it slip on a mining run in Haven Mines. It'll be weird calling Ben 'son'. He's a little on the fence about it.
 And...Ben has been the de facto Guild Master. I wonder if the guild thinks I've abdicated the leadership to him. And I wonder if I still have a place in it.
 So much time and blood invested in it. I just don't know...

 I regret I will be unable to attend the Gala itself. However, Ferrit has purchased my 059 and blue 048...and is authorized to choose these items if availiable:
 Tier 1: Enchanted Mithril Star Shield, Ilsare's Firey Eye, Hilgril's Amulet
 Tier 2: Copper Dragon Armor, Mithril Shield
 Tier 3: Boots of Hardiness +3, Blade of Reckoning

Amgine and Essa have buried the hatchet...
 They have put their quarrel to rest and the trips have resumed. I'm even getting out and going on a few. I haven't been in a while...and well...I am the Guild Master and I should go on them more often.
 I haven't lost my desire to find Karrak Diamondback's Guild of Power hall...just need to find someone who knows more about it. But where?
 Where does the path start?

What the Hells has gotten into Essa and Amgine lately?...
 From what I've been told...they have been sniping at each other about their deities for a while now...the last time bringing Elly to tears.
 I know Xeen and Rofirein aren't the best of friends...but I have never heard Essa bad mouth any of Rofirein's least not to the extent relayed to me. Guild trips have been curtailed somewhat because of this. I'm hesitant to put a memorial to Daniel Poetr in the hall because of it.
 The guild is supposed to be a family...and like all families...they will disagree and bicker from time to time. needs to be aired out before something happens.
 There is something more here...something I hope I can find out when I bring the two of them together. Ilsare...if ever there is a time for your love and wisdom...this is it.

General Discussion / Re: Innocent Investigations - Moved
« on: July 12, 2009, 06:42:20 pm »
Either works for me. Darts on Tues is over for the summer

The Fehriel's test went off just as I had hoped...
 It was brutal...he would call on all his inner ki to hit me...I would just deflect the strikes. He tries to knock me down...I just send him down. He tries to sweep my legs...I just hop aside. There was no holding back in this one. Like a fierce lion he kept coming. And time after time...he was beaten.
 The frustration was building in him...right to the point that he resorted to blinding me. It was the only time he bested me. Cheap shot...maybe...I am not above such tactics. Fehreil apologized for it...but he was confusing tactics with mastery.
 Dejected...he stopped fighting and declared himself not ready. It was then I knew. I knew he was ready. Although he did not see it.
 Defeating me wasn't the true objective of this test. I needed to see how he handled his weapon...and how he handles himself. And I must say...he has become one with his weapon. And he knows his limitations. And I let him know this after he almost gave up. The look on his face when I called him Master...he has just taken the first steps in a long journey...a journey I myself am still on.
 But for now...I am honored to count my friend...among a Master of Weapons.

*After being summoned to the Vehl arena expecting this to be another sparring session...Fehreil sees his usual spot on the floor...but with one stark difference...Kyle is not dressed in his adamantium reinforced robes but in his battle armor holding not the practice katana...but Frostscalpel. Kyle speaks...*
 " now fancy yourself a Master now. Now is the time you prove it. Defeat me 3 times before I defeat you 10. On guard!!!"
 *Kyle snaps into a ready stance...*
 //Continued in Fehriel's CDT. This will go back and forth a few times.

Rumour Has It / Re: Sea Tale
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:32:17 pm »
*Kyle is walking thru the market at Mariner's Hold and sees the painting. He walks over to the Ilsarian merchant.*
 "Fine piece of work you have there. And the subject is quite interesting. How much are you asking for it? I could use a conversation piece in my guild hall."
 *He gets out his coin purse and waits for the merchant*

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