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Messages - NEXUS7

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Roleplaying / Re: religens and belifes with out gods
« on: September 08, 2006, 10:57:57 am »
Hi all, what imsaying is in the history of layo some ex players had there PCs become gods, (NOT ASKING ANY OF MINE DO EVER)
what im saying is I needed to clear up that fact that all Devine magic comes from a God head or god like being, this has hit a gray area with Rangers and Drueds but thats ok, The Good freeérs have an Ideoligay which must have a fix counterpoint in god devine magic. I will be posting more soon on there activertys and needed the info to clear some hings up

God Freeérs never us devine migic if its from a god our Belife, Arcane is fine.

Sorry to be so vage.

The thing I like about LAyo most is that players and have a real input into the world, they came with idears and as long as they dont try and brake the game by cheating you can play RP untill you drop, its a grate world just for this.

Roleplaying / Re: Enemy of my God
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:04:45 pm »
your 100% that's just what she dos, and gets very angry when a cleric dos heal her with what she sees as stolen power. She dos not hate the gods as such she sees them as tempril blocages traping souls on there way to true enlightent a stat higher than that of any so called god. what the gods do she feels is deluge souls by caging them in folus belifes making them blind to cages gods wave with such lies. She dos not fear death as she will be reborn if not on this plain but one of the infernet others.
as a god free'er her soul will not be trapped in the god lies. The soulmouther is just a constrect made buy the belifes of god slave. being free from there lies she will pass throw this dilution to the next life on and on untill enlightent.

what she hates are the clerics who act as willing enforcers of the lies perpitrated by greedy and selfish gods.

its is they who seek the operation of there god slaves and are vilonty jealous of the cach.
there payment for the crime aganest the souls of there fellow being, power of couse, stolen power in the form of so called devine magic.

they will do any thing to stop the truth getting out

darkstorme - 9/7/2006  5:31 PM

If your PC hates all gods, he might be mortally offended if a cleric heals him, or suffer a crisis of "faith" - if a god can heal him/revive him from death, surely he'd have to reconsider his opinion.

Otherwise, I suppose he could insist on travelling without a cleric (regardless of how unpopular this would make him with other adventurers), and risk whatever might occur.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: The GOD Free'ers
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:57:55 am »
*A masked human rinking looks on as the Brownie walks out*
Looks like this is not going down well with the clearics,
Now you tell me of a god that did nots ask for a hind out or coin
every time you go to the temples, greedys not the word for it and if
its not coin its you payers there after.

WHAT SAY YOU! we die as the clerics swan around in there fine armor and magic trinkets.
You ever see one of them eat the stuff we have to now the sky is dark,

why has the sun not shone A!

and ask this You ever see a thin and half starved prest.

They live in fine houses wile ours are piles of rubel after this
GOD FORSAKEN WAR! A! whats right in that.

He talks of crops that clric what dos he know of hardship.
WITH OUT THE SUN what will grow but tome stones!

*there is much comtions and jesers of agreement*

Roleplaying / Re: Enemy of my God
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:27:16 am »
thanks thats kind of may feeling but needed to see how others felt

Roleplaying / Re: Enemy of my God
« on: September 07, 2006, 07:47:16 am »
What if your PC hates all gods?

Roleplaying / Re: religens and belifes with out gods
« on: September 07, 2006, 07:42:22 am »
That more like it, thanks so its all class bessed for devine magic and its limits
Thats very good to know, is druidic and ranger Magic with out a god Devine or is it
earth magic, etc?

Roleplaying / Re: religens and belifes with out gods
« on: September 07, 2006, 07:38:28 am »
Thanks just need the point on devine magic "ONLY" comming from gods

as for the adding to the pantheon not realy what I was after but thanks for the info.

have read the thred, thats not what Im asking I asking about belifes that do not have gods at there core but do act like a raligen.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Ladies Night Out
« on: September 07, 2006, 04:57:31 am »
*mille Moono eyes reads the note* O that sounds fun *and makes her mark*

General Discussion / Re: A huge thank you
« on: September 06, 2006, 02:44:39 am »
Mille had a gate time and got very drunk, now who was that gnome that kissed her

General Discussion / Re: Leaving... ish
« on: September 06, 2006, 02:40:26 am »
I am the same, but missed layo what I did was make some pcs that worked at low levels and jump in now and again,
One Mille is working on being a shadow dancer but I can only do this in game by getting other SD to show here the skills and tach her, this takes way longer than a CDQ but as I can not comit the time it worth it in the long run to just RP stuff like that in game over a long real time.

for now im happy just Rping in hlint with a few nice pcs, have a think about just poping in now and then when you need a layo fix like this

General Discussion / Re: lets have the level talk :)
« on: September 06, 2006, 02:23:43 am »
From a players point of view my take is that, I dont know what level other PCs are., what are levels, all my pCS see is what other PCs do, so if Im with Ozy as Mille I know hes very old and has a lot of magic powers and is wise in the ways of the world, Mille is 8th level and Ozy 30+ but mille makes maps and so adds to the game story.

Same with Spugly and lower level PCs he has been hired many a time to go with lower level partys thats cus hes a body gaurd.

I think metagaming kills the fun and as a player I some times get it in the nick from other players who are metagaming and do not like the fact i try not to. Some times its like being talegated on the road there in a big rush to get EXP and stuff and your trying to just play your PC the ebst you can.

So I would say if its in game and make teh game story move along with good RP thats all that matters.

General Discussion / Re: Something to think about...
« on: September 02, 2006, 11:56:02 am »
I worked on a TV show called Dragons whichs was the kind of same thing, I think in the US it was called some eale

General Discussion / RE: A short Layo vacation
« on: August 22, 2006, 03:19:32 pm »
well done old chap

General Discussion / Re: Wanted: Brownie adventurers
« on: August 22, 2006, 03:14:15 pm »
Mille would likt ot be there

12 noon you time is i thing when Im at work here in the UK
so I could be a no show

General Discussion / Re: XP loss and level
« on: August 22, 2006, 08:48:35 am »
Im Dyslexic an get the rule but I can see how you can read it another way.

Mille runs in as fats as she can late in the night few if any see her move with out a sound, she looks over the bord until she see Bees note, fast as she can she makes a small note. Look round at all the talls falling about drunk she ducks out into the celler and out throw the small cave there

Yes bee would love to come and make a map your freand Mille

General Discussion / Re: HAve ya missed me
« on: August 07, 2006, 09:01:10 pm »
Thanks gang, saying all that Ive not played as I dont have time at the moment I will soon I promiss

General Discussion / Re: Time to say good bye
« on: July 09, 2006, 06:40:05 am »
Ill miss your world Leanthar, thank you for letting me spend some time in it.

General Discussion / Re: Bored again.
« on: June 11, 2006, 07:14:52 pm »
I felt the same way so to give my self a brake I headed to China for 5 weeks but after the 14th ill be back in the UK and be ready to layo the nights away. Mille Mooneyes has been over seas.

General Discussion / Re: Of to China for 4 weeks
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:54:44 am »
LFFF - 5/13/2006  7:19 PM

go to beijing (SP?), you wont regret it, and when you go up the great wall, dont stop till you reach the top, it's a tough hike but its worth it.

*from a Hotel with Brodband in Bajing*

Been there done that :o)

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