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Messages - crazedgoblin

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Server Rules / RE: For those fast leveling characters out there
« on: September 18, 2006, 10:54:02 am »
Leanthar - 12/8/2004 4:48 AM   I will remind you once again, and a final time--don't say you have not been warned.
  We want RP here, we want your characters involved in quests and the plot. If you are not interested in this then it is time to leave, find another world that is more fitting to your style of game play. While it is not a bad play style it is not what I want on this world/server, that is not what we are about.
  On top of that... You will never be approved to go Epic (ie. more than 20th level) with such shallow characters. When you are all about powergaming and leveling you have little to no time to RP and define your character and I simply will not approve your character going epic. And yes, I have to approve all characters before they can go to Epic Levels.
  I am not speaking to thosethat level fairly quickly but still also put in a good strong effort to RP and join quests and/or the plot quests here on the server. As well as continue to respect the community of players.
  I am speaking to those who are leveling so fast it is just plain silly, getting so rich (by exploits and/or pushing the boundries of reasonable harvesting) it is just disgusting and to those who rarely (if ever) join in a GM quest or plot. All you want to do is level and power game, that style of game play is not encouraged here. We have a great group of players and RP'ers, lets allow that to remain so and give them the respect they deserve.
  Please don't send me a PM asking if I am speaking about you because I will not answer them. Sit back and think it over and decide for yourself. 90%+ of thepeople in the communityare just find and/or great... but it is the 5%-10% that is starting to harm the community and I am not going to allow it to happen. It is time for this group of people to sit back and think about things and make a tough decision.
 i think this covers it perfectly

General Discussion / Re: Playtime
« on: September 17, 2006, 12:09:23 pm »
LynnJuniper - 9/17/2006 8:39 AM I should be writing my "Novel" but nope, Im playing Layo!
  same hehe

Just for Fun / RE: NWN2 Vid
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:15:48 pm »
Quick question, anyone know how they make those vidoes like they do?

Just for Fun / RE: Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:11:29 pm »
9749 time for another verse in the rhyme

General Discussion / RE: After much internal debate...*evil cackle*
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:08:02 pm »

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: A Bards Tale
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:04:50 pm »
*Jamesan looks up to the dark sky and puts quil to parchment*
The Dark Ages    
The Times are hard, The weather is dark. But although life maybe marred Never surrender the spark.    
The sword in its grace,  The bow in its aim.  The strength of the mace, Its power to Maim.    
The weave of the spell, Nature’s fury hits true. The demons of much hell,  Their wrath cuts straight through.    
The ash on the field,  The herd withered and thin.  Through hunger they yield,  Onlookers of evil cackle and grin.    
Strength is our hope, Faith is our glory.  Our ability to cope,  To live through the story.  
The Times are hard, The weather is dark, But although life maybe marred,  Never surrender the spark.
 *Jamesan sits there for a moment thinking then he gets up to look for the postmaster*

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Svadi's Shelves
« on: September 16, 2006, 05:57:29 am »
(Lesser Flight of Fancy Longbow: +2 Attack vs. Humans and Dwarves, Bonus Feat: Alertness)
  I would like to purchase this longbow please
  Jamesan Denday

General Discussion / RE: Vacation
« on: September 15, 2006, 08:20:56 am »
have fun!

Just for Fun / RE: Googled.
« on: September 14, 2006, 01:42:02 pm »

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: A Bards Tale
« on: September 14, 2006, 01:41:24 pm »
*The red garbed bard walks along the beaton track, another book fling in tow behind him. This one is coverd in runes and seems almost shy to the onlooker*
  "This really isent working..." says Jamesan frustrated "I mean how hard can it be to find were he last was!"
  *the strange pair continue along the road, Jamesan is franticly looking around for something but to no avail. There is a rumble from the skies and the rain pours down splatting heavily into the dusty road*
  *Jamesan sighs and pulls out his bright green cape and covers himself from the rain, the book huddles by his knees trying to escape the rain storm, he sits down on a rock by the road.*
  "i really don't know were he got to, i mean he was just munching grass then he was gone!".
  *The book flaps round to the other side of his body and nudges him slightly. Suddenly a large object appears in the rain, it did no appear how you would expect it to appear as it seemed not to be there. The only thing that made it noticable was the fact that the rain was hitting it*
  *Jamesan grabs for his sword and rolls of the rockbackwards, the book gets knocked slightly and flaps away for cover*
  "show yourself!" demanded Jamesan half coverd in mudd and dripping with water from the puddle he has rolled in
  *The -thing- that was standing before them in the rain just stood there, it seemed to be eating the grass. Jamesan let out a big sigh and reached for his dispelling rune, the ox appeared from the invisablity spell infront of him. It stared at him with a glu,m un-impressed look on his face, munching the grass*
  "ah, so you were invisible. Well erm maybe we should head back to Hlint now..." said Jamesan sheathing his sword and smiling at the Ox.
  *Jamesan looks to the book and although it has no mouth or anything capable of showing emotion, he could swear it was laughing.*

Just for Fun / RE: Geek Test
« on: September 14, 2006, 11:57:25 am »
Geek Test Results

You are 35% geeky.

 OK, not that geeky at all, are you? I'll bet you even have a girlfriend (or boyfriend).  The current average score is: 31.68%   Fact: 18.24% of people who took this test believe in The Force.

lol nice

General Discussion / RE: Does a Gold Piece Have a Name?
« on: September 11, 2006, 02:05:24 pm »
d20mushroom - 9/11/2006 9:41 PM Captain Garent of Hlint: "Right, I'll need to know what happened here. And I want the truth."   Random Hlint guy: "But..." *Stares at the single gold piece in his palm.* "It's my only truth!! I need it to live, and buy food!"    Captain Garent of Hlint: "Er... I beleive you misunderstand me, sir. I mean, TELL me th-"   Random Hlint guy: *Throws himself to the floor in tears.* "WHY?!?!!? WHY, CRUEL FATE!!! CRUEL GODS!!! WHY DO YOU TAKE MY ONLY TRUTH FROM ME!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"    Captain Garent of Hlint: *Slowly backs away, with a strange expression on his face.*   Random Hlint guy: *Continues sobbing on the floor, clutching his single gold coin with a fearful, trembling hand in despair...*    

Just for Fun / RE: Garent - How old IS he?
« on: September 09, 2006, 02:49:57 pm »
what about erag, is he brewing an imortality potion with his dark soul essences?

Just for Fun / Re: Garent - How old IS he?
« on: September 09, 2006, 07:23:51 am »
ZeroVega - 9/9/2006 3:15 PM I propose we retire Garent. Put him in the history books as have a super-human longevity but eventually choaking on a chicken bone and dying and move on. :)
  lol so harsh, i propose that erag kidnaps him and we must quest to recue him :P

Just for Fun / RE: Garent - How old IS he?
« on: September 09, 2006, 06:35:23 am »
lol poor guy hes been walking up and down that path for so many years.....

General Discussion / RE: Some information on NWN2
« on: September 09, 2006, 04:50:20 am »
*bows down to d20mushroom* all hail, all hail

General Discussion / RE: In case you need to waste some time...
« on: September 08, 2006, 01:00:28 pm »
this is the BEST COMIC EVER!!!!

General Discussion / RE: someone told me something they shouldn't have
« on: September 08, 2006, 07:58:19 am »

Just for Fun / RE: On Celebs caught w/ DUIs...
« on: September 07, 2006, 11:48:37 pm »

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