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Messages - Eorendil

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Mylindra and Storold sent me on quite a hunt.  I haven't had such fun since I was a child.  Clues and chests and a very personal gift.  An enchanted Holy Symbol.  

I met up with Clarissa on my journey and it is a good thing too.  Storold had hidden a clue in an old dungeon that we found was home to a clan of were creatures.  I don't think he realized.  I hope he didn't.  It was a heck of a fight to be sure.  The clues were superb and in the end took me to the Rofirein shrine in Huangjin.  There I found a small box with my Lord's symbol within.  It has a glow about it.  Mylindra said it would help keep me in good health so that I may better protect those that I watch over in our Lord's name.

Mylindra offered me a very nice place to stay at the Twin Dragon's Inn in Leringard and seeing as the old Freelancer is being fixed I decided that that was a good place for me to be.  I hope that I can keep up on paying her.  I've not slept in a bed that I could stretch out on... ever.  Its very comfortable and my first rest was better than it has been in ages.  

I'm going to go check on Mala.  I'm sure Mylindra will not have issue with her using my room for a time and that will free up the room at the temple for one of the Acolytes.  I'll have to test one of those big chairs by the fire to see how well it sleeps.  

I hear the Western Gate Cathedral will be finished soon.  The Vehl temple will seem a lot smaller when that happens.

Helped a Dwarf on a pilgrimage to the Dwarven halls in the Brech Mountians.  Met a man named Shiff.  I'm not sure what he's all about but he's not too polite and more than a little full of himself.

Helped clear up a mess in Krandor not long ago.  Some necromancer got a foothold in the crypts and was building up his power.  It was a lot of running around, gathering bits for some magicker's ritual.  Then after that was done we went down to the deepest tombs.  I fell as I went to pull Jennara to safety.  The necromancer's creations were powerful but in the end his weakness was found and he was stripped of his power.

Miss Jennara told me not to let them smash his focus inside the town but I was too late.  It let loose a terrible looking smoke and was done.  No telling what might happen but things are calm for right now.  Miss Jennara was real mad though.

Mala seems to be doing alright.  That first day she told me about the Dark Elf I knew something was wrong.  She was shaking like a leaf and held tight soon as she saw me.  She's not done that before.  Its amazing how strong a person can be one moment and how fragile the next.  Though I would never think or call her weak.  It was simply a side I had not seen before.  We all have our moments.

It was a few days after our meeting that Miss Jennara came along and brought to my attention the circles and burning statues that had started showing up.  Some man tried to kill Shiff because of these.  I informed the temple.  The assassin had been caught and was going to meet the one that would pay him in Vehl, on the docks.  We watched for a very long time but no one came.  I also made a report to the temple about the circles and the statues and the people that were missing.

I made sure Mala was safe and went to Hempstead to patrol the farm lands.  Nothing.  Frustrating.  Very Frustrating.  


An update to this.. The wizard was dealt with.  Those poor people.  I regret I was not there.  I did lend a hand cleaning up the mess from the statues and circles.

Mala says she's been marked by a Dark Elf.  She said he told her he'd come for her.  Won't be the first time I've butted heads with their kind and likely not the last.  Seems like most Dark Elves just aren't any good.  I know a few that are but I can count them on one hand.  

For her own protection I've asked that Reus let her stay in the room I've been using at the temple.  Lord help me I have made a promise to protect her and I will not let her down.

Made a report recently.  Unlikely much will come from it but I decided to copy it hear to keep the events fresh in my mind.

Location: North Point/Willows Weep

Less than two weeks I stopped in the town of North Point as I was wandering Dregar, assisting its people in their every day tasks and keeping my eyes open for those that would threaten them.

While in North Point I took some time to reflect. After guiding a Dwarf and another to the local pub I noticed there was a large gathering. I stayed with them in the pub as they all seemed friendly enough and spoke with them, trying to see what might have brought all these people to this place. My answer was short in the coming. The hostess announced that the man they were meant to meet was waiting outside so I thanked her and stepped out.

*a brief description of the man follows* Though I did not get his name, this man offered to hire people to go after a caravan to stop it from reaching its destination. My direct questions of his intentions were met with redirection or flatly ignored. There were others that thought as I did and so he left and shortly after a child returned, delivering notes that I believe revealed the man's intent. Those that showed feelings of concern did not get letters and I regret that I was unable to gather one. They were very careful with them.

I reported this, with a description of the man and his intent, to the authorities of North Point as well as Willows Weep but by this time the others were long gone. The caravan's exact nature or its owner was never revealed to me though it followed the normal route along the River of Shards.

Without the information I think to have been held in those letters, I was informed, it would be impossible for me to track down the exact Caravan. They are many.

The following are names and descriptions of people who recieved the letter. If something is found that might be related they should be brought in and questioned.

Arynne, a young lady, tall.. bit shy of six foot. Dark brown hair, green eyes and ears not quite as pointed as most elves I've seen.
Wimkin, best I could tell he was gnome or halfling...
Westanny, asked to be called West, stood a good six feet tall, grey hair.. a magicker of some calling.
A halfing they called Lino, quick in his step and quiet as the wind.
Soigo, a gnome.. dressed almost all in white.
There was another Dwarf.. he was loud mouthed but his name was never spoken and I could not get a good look at him.

The report is signed and dated
~Caighd Brendimeere
Freas, Febra 13, 1422

General Discussion / Re: Question about weapons
« on: October 08, 2007, 09:16:34 am »
So long as it is not one of the weapons listed in the following link or a variation of one of those it should work just fine with weapon affecting feats.  LORE: Custom Weapons

General Discussion / Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
« on: October 05, 2007, 03:48:05 pm »
Hope you get to feeling better and I'm sure things will improve.

Like Dorg said, the important thing is that things are being addressed.

Friends are such blessings.  It was a happy day.. I don't remember exactly what I was doing but there was this familiar voice.  I turned around and it was Mala.  As quiet and as reserved as ever yet when she is able she does not hesitate to join me in whatever task it is I may need to do.  Being an Elf it does not seem she has aged a day in all the time I have called her friend.  

She has such a slight form so I worry should anything we encounter turn on her.  I protect her as best I can but there have been times where we were overwhelmed.  The cave near the Gloom Wood is one such place.  It is filled with oozing, slippery, disgusting things.  Were it not for the minerals and ore it holds it would be best to colapse it.  

I enjoy Mala's company and she is a very determined woman.  For these reasons I am unable to ask her to stay behind.

The world has moved on as it always does when time passes but those I've called friend still linger.   The Freelancers are no more but those that made that group what it was move forward still, with the added help of Ireth.  Anna has come far and Lindel is a sight for my eyes.  Were I to ever have a son I could not hope to be more pleased.  Wishfull thinking on my part..  

I have more nieces and nephews than I can keep track of.  Mother and father will be moving to Western Gate soon, to live with Kendra and her husband Lutien.  He is a good man, though a bit afraid of me.  I fear I made a bad impression back when they were married.  I've tried to make good on that, though, by helping them when I am able.  Mayhap telling him that if he ever raised a hand to her I'd have him in the stocks was too strong for our first meeting.  He treats her well and she is happy.  That is all I can hope for.  

She will soon be giving birth to her second child.  The first, Melina, is a beautiful child and she knows it.  She's excited and hopes for a brother.

The old home in Haven is going to have to go.  Somehow I always thought it'd be there.  I'll need to pack up Imogen's room.  Maybe some of her treasures will bring joy to some of her nieces or the orphans that Miss Jennara and Anna are always looking after.

General Discussion / Re: Sooo... who hold the record...
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:28:27 am »
As long as you're not falling asleep standing in the middle of the Vehl/Hlint crypts..

General Discussion / Re: colored quick slots
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:00:37 am »
And done.  Original thread is stickied and labeled appropriately.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Grabbing masks and PVP
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:36:09 am »
Communication is key and forced emotes without previous okay just isn't cool.  If you're going to attempt something make it look like you try to do something not like it simply happens unless 1) its been discussed or its generally accepted by the other person or 2) its not going to simply inflict actions on other people.

There's a big difference between *reaches out and snatches the stranger's mask* and *inches close to the stranger then, without hesitation, attempts to  grab hold of their mask*  That would be like me going on quest and doing something like *slams the evil mage to the floor and drives a stake into his neck, thus ending his evil reign*  Not going to happen.  I've just skipped a lot of steps in between, didn't give the GM a chance to counter or take into account wards he might have put up and I'm probably going to be hurting in the morning... *grins*

I won't get into the whole cloaks and hoods stuff because there are a LOT of other factors that can modify the effectiveness of trying to hide your identity.  Best thing to do is communicate, be flexible, be creative, be true to your rp, don't force it and be willing to accept the consequences of your character's actions with grace and humility.

Some of the best tussles I've seen in NWN never damaged either party, mechanically speaking, and were hilarious OOC.  This sort of thing always makes me think of the Three Musketeers with Kiefer Sutherland where the Cardinal goes to touch the baroness and finds a nice little blade poised to relieve him of his important bits.  *chuckles softly*  I love that part.

General Discussion / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: September 29, 2007, 12:15:01 am »

Five years.  Five years pumping the bellows and working the iron.  In that time I acted for Rofirein here in Haven and the surrounding areas but was it enough?  I feel no different.  Rofirein's blessings are still upon me and so it is now that I set out to do his work yet again..

Like a curtain being lifted I watched through the smithy window as the darkness covering the skies fled.  It was that same day that Father awoke from his sickness.

Imogen's resting place looks like a beautiful garden now that the sun has touched all of the plants that I brought there.  Lindel's looked almost lonely and the more life and color I brought to that bare patch of dirt the more it filled that hole within me.  Before... Imogen would have been happy to sit and read, surrounded by all their blooms.  May the Lord Protector guard her rest.

I feel that this time in reflection has let me let go of some things, things that were holding me back from my duties.  Mayhap, Rofirein, gave me this time knowing it would be good for me.  I can not say.  I can only tell that he is with me.

Lindel's naming ceremony was wonderful.  I wish I had been able to bring something or that I could have stayed longer.  He grows so fast and you can see how bright he is by looking into those eyes.  I knew he could tell I was not well... so I excused myself.

I wandered and I'm not sure how I ended up there but my feet found their way so that I was standing in the rain in front of Imogen's grave, still holding the plant.  I gave in to a feeling.  A need.  I dropped right there, to my knees, and  dug in the wet and freshly moved soil with my hands and when there was room I put the plant in the hole I had made and filled it in just like mother had shown me.

I returned home, feeling a little better; a little less torn.

Father has taken ill.  He can't work the forge.  I've taken it on myself.

Ah.. but see, there is conflict there.  And RPd properly I think it might just be okay.. his god may not be terribly please but the choice is there and it is neither habitual nor casual.  There's actually a lot of area for decision making on the part of divine characters so long as its RPd well.

Divinely charged characters don't have to be played like cookie cutter people or paper dolls to hold in reverence the teachings and decisions of their god; to recognize and realize that their actions may have very real consequences.  Its all about choices and as long as the player is willing to accept the consequences that may happen to the character, its good.

Honestly, if a few faithfull didn't falter, fall or convert now and again it'd be a really boring world and there isn't a single rule at creation that says that can't happen.  It just needs RP and if you can, document the process by keeping a character journal.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: What is a lantern archon good for?
« on: September 04, 2007, 03:47:22 pm »
*chuckles* Water elementals are evil... gotta love em.

General Discussion / Re: Message To the Layo Community
« on: September 01, 2007, 05:24:34 pm »
Take care of things.  We'll keep yer seat warm. =)

Just for Fun / Re: Favorite Disney animated film
« on: September 01, 2007, 05:19:09 pm »
Definately the old animated Robin Hood.. or.. Briar Rabbit.  They had soo much personality and the characters.. =)

Sometimes it is hard not to feel alone in this world.  People dying, turning their backs on their friends... It can all seem so pointless at times.  Amusing, it seems

Imogen.. she still comes to me in my dreams, though she says nothing.  She looks at me with that same expression.  She needs something.. wants something so desperately but can not voice it.  Her eyes plead with me for an eternity and then her body slumps and disappears.

Anna's son's naming is coming up in a few days.  I just hope I can hold myself together.  I pray the Lord Protector give me strength.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« on: May 28, 2007, 09:59:24 am »
Something that I always yearned for were more RP tools for illusionists.  Really.. they come up short in game mechanics.

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