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Messages - LordCove

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 82
Rumour Has It / Re: Lor
« on: May 15, 2010, 10:44:11 am »
Quote from: akata
On a busy morning in Mai, the Maiden's Folly make port in Lor and before the gangway is fully lowered a figure leaps from the deck and gracefully lands on the docks quickly marching off to find an escort of guards.

Angela along with Alantha make their way to Marshall Sasha Tomyris' office to hand over the crates which contain gifts to the Army, the Navy, the Guards and the Beacon Tower garrisons, the items are to be distributed as Marshall Sasha sees fit.

Besides from the Great Seal of Lor each item carries the seal of their creator/benefactor, a tigress
battling its own shadow. The tiger itself is not covered in the usual kind of stripes,
but with clearly visible lightning bolts.

Items for donation to the Army/Navy/Guards of Lor:

35 Platinum Chain Shirts
35 Platinum Chain Mails
35 Platinum Half Plates
35 Platinum Full Plates
215 Platinum Helmets
20 Adamantium Helmets
28 Adamantium Shields
10 Emerald Rings of Bull Strength (1 Exceptional)
10 Emerald Rings of Cat's Grace
15 Diamond Rings of Bull Strength (1 Exceptional)
15 Diamond Rings of Cat's Grace (1 Exceptional)
15 Platinum Rings set with 3 Alexandrites
10 Ilsare's Fiery Eye
20 Yew Long Bows
5 Dorand's Brace
3 Gloves of Austerity
3 Bracers of the Sword Dancer
3 Gloves of Care
3 Athus' Touch

Items picked up... ready to be handed out.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Tal
« on: April 24, 2010, 01:24:38 pm »

After a few days of burying our dead... or... at least... of others burying their head, the group were about to press on to find the bandits.
I kept close to the Morrison Rangers. Some were weary, but after some consistent prodding and well-placed insults, some relented and began showing me the little tricks of their trade along the way.

Eventually, some druids arrived, telling us we could strike a deal with the Orcs to get the Bandits they harboured handed over.
To me... it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. Only the dwarf made any sense, and though I was loathe to agree with him automatically, he was right.
We should have just killed them all. Orcs and Bandits alike.

But.. the fools in the group seemed to think it wiser to go the other way.
So we played right into the Orcs hands, and performed a slight boon for them, taking out the Legendary Giant for them in exchange for the bandits.
Thankfully, and at last, the group began to yield to my superior scouting skills, learnt mainly from my time with the Morrison's...
.. so I slinked infront... warning of traps and openings, keeping hidden to every shadow I could find, and examining the ground for scuffs and tracks and marks, any tell tale sign that might tell me what I might expect.
Have to admit... I was doing better than I thought. A few times I thought I even put some of the Morrison Rangers to shame.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Keppli
« on: April 15, 2010, 12:50:14 pm »
Happy Birthday!

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Tal
« on: April 15, 2010, 12:49:21 pm »

Morrison's Rangers.
It was a chance meeting of them outside of a small town of Echo whilst I was exploring, but it turned out fruitful. For me at least.

They were suspicious of me, of course, but I saw them with skills I could use myself, and so played into their preference, being polite and kind and considerate.
They had a way about them, just being able to look at the floor, markings in the undergrowth, and they could tell what had passed by recently, how many had passed, and which way they had gone.
This intrigued me... and little by little... I began to press them for explanations on how they knew this, learning as much as I could for them.

Eventually they caught the trail of a small group of Orcs, and intent on ambushing them, I followed them to the group.
It was much larger than they thought.
I think I was supposed to guard their flanks to stop them getting surrounded. But it seemed far too dangerous for me to risk my neck to save theirs.
Despite their outraged cries, I slunk off and hid in the forest and watched as the Orc's did indeed surround them and eventually slaughter them.

Stupid fools. They had some tracking skills... for certain, and I learned quite a bit from them. But as for knowing how much to bite off... obviously not.

Eventually I made my way to the Orc's Rift encampment, where a group had gathered to defend from the surging amount of orcs.
There I stayed. More out of curiosity to see what happened.
A group managed to keep the Orc's at bay and put down a large number of them, from which I managed to help myself to a few coins.
Plus... I noticed a rather interesting halfling. She seemed rather skilled in scouting and reading tracks, much more so than the buffoon Rangers I was with before.

I think I'll keep track of this little one. Watch her. See what I can get out of her.

Happy Birthday!

Sunlight shimmered off the clean waters of Palden lake, flashing glare to any passerby's on the lakeside road with dazzling brilliance. Occassionaly the sweet, fragrant air would be filled with either loud or soft splashes, as the lively fish now dived and leapt from the waters to catch the few flys that bobbed across its surface.

Trouble lay on the soft, green grasses of an embankment nearby, Iellwen in his arms with her eyes closed, as Trouble took a long, slow look around the lake... his lake.

The diseases removed, the waters cleaned... and once that had been done, the lush, healthy green came back to the plants, the air filled with a mixture of herbs, and the animals returned to their ways.
Balance.... basically... was restored.

With a soft sigh and a kiss on Iellwens brow, Trouble just smiles as he whispers.

"You know what. I think I'm done."

Layonara Server / Re: Please Welcome To The Team ...
« on: February 15, 2010, 08:29:29 pm »
Congrats folks!

Fixed Bugs / Re: Deep Travel from Central to West
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:23:18 pm »
Location: The Deep - Beneath the Spikes ( 3 )

Starting location from Port highlighted at for ease

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Epic spell : Mummy dust
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:24:29 am »
The Damage reduction is so low ( +1 Soak 5 ) ...

.. because it has this...

Damage Type:
Bludgeoning 50% Immunity Bonus
Piercing 50% Immunity Bonus
Slashing 50% Immunity Bonus

Which basically means it should only take half damage from all weapons.

Roleplaying / Re: Looting Policy
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:23:54 am »
LC: Armour of GodLike Proportions. Its Fullplate.
+5 AC Bonus... +5 Universal Saves....
Oh yes! Im rolling for that!

Annoying player: Yeah, me too.

LC: Eh? Your a mage... you can't even wear armour!

Annoying player: So? I'll sell it to my friend for some coin

LC: What?!? Its a bloody one in a million chance of dropping, I'll likely never see it drop again! I just lost an SS... and spent 5 hours running around in the Deep for that! Im the only one in the group who CAN use it!

Just an example of the type of things that "used" to happen, hence why DMOE set up the above policy. Most of us at the time signed it, and I and others I play with still keep to it today, simply because it makes the most sense.

When your a wizard searching for those Robes of Epic Resistance that only mages can use... and the Fighter walks off with it from the loot sharing with a smirk simply because "I like having a collection of cool stuff I will never ever use" .... you begin to realise that ridiculous legal document for looting is actually a clever idea.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: February 06, 2010, 09:44:59 am »
Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday!

Rumour Has It / Re: Moraken's quest
« on: January 24, 2010, 05:51:15 am »
Found by

O'Tagors Cave - 1 cake
Dungeon of the Eye - 1 cake

Just for Fun / Re: Dungeons & Dragons cartoon
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:24:28 pm »
Ah yes... I remember that Episode well =)

Some friends of mine bought the DVD box set of it for their children ( ages 6 - 8 ) .... and were slightly stunned when I asked to borrow it.
I never lived it down.... but had a good old laugh watching them.

Rumour Has It / Re: An ornate carriage ...
« on: January 14, 2010, 05:25:52 pm »

Long after the carriage has passed, a young Druid comes walking into the centre of Vehl.
Finding a place by the central fountain, he leans up against the wall, arms folded, a parchment rolled up in one hand.
And he just stands there.. for hours and hours.. scrutinising everyone that walks past, peering at their face, caring little to their reaction... seemingly looking for someone.

Rumour Has It / Re: In loving memory
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:36:38 pm »

Trouble wanders by the board, bouncing his rubber ball as he goes. Seeing the picture of Amanda, he stops in his tracks and grins, walking over to read it with a wry grin.

Lips move slightly as he reads whats written.
His face pales, like the blood drains from him... and the rubber ball drops from lifeless fingers and goes rolling across the floor and down into the nearest drain.

As though suddenly drained, he rests his forehead against the poster, head bowed.

" I'm.. so sorry. I never ... had a chance to... take it back. To explain... why I said it. We both needed it .... but.... the words weren't supposed to ... stay forever."

He pulls his head back slowly, quickly wiping tears away and hurridely looking around to see if anyone saw him. Shaking his coat,smoothing down his shirt, he clears his throat and blinks back any further tears. There were more to come.. he knew that... but not yet.
Slowly, he runs a finger down the cheek of Amanda's portrait and steps back.

" Maybe... maybe in the next run... our timing will be better. Catcha ya later Princess."

With another quick look around to make sure no one was watching, Trouble takes yet another red rubber ball from his pocket, and lays it reverently at the base of the poster, before he hurries off to grieve elsewhere.

General Discussion / Re: Its been so long. How to comeback?
« on: January 13, 2010, 12:52:57 am »
Welcome back!

General Discussion / Re: Dawn of Heroes II Players!
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:57:33 am »
No worries. Hope you can make it next time.

PS... you didn't miss much anyway!

And another thanks to Carillion for helping with setup when the world crashed!

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: Dawn of Heroes II
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:56:22 am »

Now what?

Rumour Has It / Re: Announcing ~~ LORE Trivia!!
« on: January 09, 2010, 02:13:48 pm »

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