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Messages - Dremora

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 22
Rumour Has It / Re: The End of the Curse
« on: October 14, 2012, 08:34:29 pm »
Returning to friends and family in Llast, a Beacon of the Shining Hand returns home looking wearied yet relieved. He enters the Temple to give account of all that transpired to the Priests of Toran so they might pass along the information up the appropriate channels. Duty done he relaxes and takes time off from his Order to recharge and contemplate all that happened.

General Discussion / Re: Sophos
« on: September 28, 2012, 08:11:07 am »
Well after having cleaned out the items in quarantine and having cleaned up a Malware program I found hiding in Documents and Setting's Temp section. My attempts to log in to NWN remain the same. I log in, screen goes black, mouse appears and shortly after so does an error message saying it encountered a problem with an option to send error reports to Microsoft.
I looked through the tech report and the files that seem to be mentioned are also located in the Temporary folder with a random serial designation (the file is different everytime) but what the have in common is the _appcompat.txt attached at the end.
Anyone have any idea what that is because my current conclusion is that malware messed up the game or is interferring with it and I need to remove the whole thing and reinstall?

General Discussion / Re: Sophos
« on: September 25, 2012, 04:38:02 pm »
I hope they shoot the Norton idiots that took over the company and screwed everybody over. My only response is a *CENSORED!* to their "apologises for any inconvenience caused and give full assurance there will be an investigation"

General Discussion / Re: Catalyst Video Driver Update and NWN
« on: September 20, 2012, 08:06:23 am »
ATI Radeon* and actually, now I just cant get into game at all since I updated my vid drives

General Discussion / Re: Catalyst Video Driver Update and NWN
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:40:21 am »
Recently upgraded my AMD Radeon. Can't wait to go and see if NWN is going to give me trouble about it. Bah

General Discussion / Re: Gw2
« on: September 08, 2012, 10:19:19 am »
my order is placed so im joining the GW 2 community after a friend convinced me and I got back into the old one again.

General Discussion / Re: Community Building
« on: August 13, 2012, 03:30:03 pm »
I have several low level characters I don't play because low levels are boring. So I would'nt even need to create new characters, I could just play those. Besides as for buy-in from players, I don't create new characters simply because I feel they won't go anywhere before I get bored. Were this no longer the case, then ofcourse I would submit new chars depending on when I feel like RPing a different concept.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Time for a change suggestion
« on: August 12, 2012, 06:37:30 pm »
Yeah though I think Drako wants the mechanics to be adapted about level ranges if possible, not rules?

Making it a pass-through point does not change the fact that Center will still retain lower level characters because an -kicking is on the way if they stray too far into areas that will maim them. If its a pass-through point, higher levels will visit and may come across players; I already see this with high levels dashing past the Bull's eye and if they want to RP they do and if they dont, they ignore the party at the campfire. I am not sure it will actually change Center's function in the negative way you are suggesting Dorg. But thats just from what I see, I may be wrong but it could still be trialed and if it doesnt work, simply take it out. Can't be that difficult to insert and remove one portal from one map and then connecting it to the other major portals?

I think Dalanthar and the like should be left alone anyway.. but if people want a portal to major areas.. they go two trans, enter Caliomel's and buzz off anyhow. Placing one in Center won't change people's goals when they enter the area. They are there for RP or to pass through. Making it harder to pass through just means they won't go there unless they have reason to such as RP or to reach the other side (see above for how they will run past anyway).

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Time for a change suggestion
« on: August 12, 2012, 06:25:40 pm »
I already see the words exploit, powergaming/levelling (as you already put), cheating on the way because that is essentially why there is an xp penalty. It prevents friends bringing lowbies along with their high chars, doing all the work and the lowbie essentially functions as a bot. You could say its for RP but with no GM there to ensure you are actually RPing training, explanations etc in detail. Its impossible to tell if its serving an RP purpose or a powergaming purpose.

That is why there is a small level range allowance so lower chars can mix with higher levels chars and this RP would still take place (depending on who commands a superior build ofc). Perhaps expanding the range a bit would be better than lowering xp penalties. It would encourage more interaction even if it makes some areas much easier to grind depending on whos online.. but tbh, the spider caverns see this done and frequently so, maybe its not that big a deal.

Roleplaying / Re: Impromptu Quests
« on: August 10, 2012, 07:59:30 am »
And now that there's an extensive list of people agreeing to impromptus formally. A suggestion to the GMs who read this is to drop an OOC message to the group your considering for one of the impromptus you've written up and if all are game, launch it and if people would rather do their own thing, or atleast finish up. Save it for the next bunch or wait till they're done provided they don't take too long.
Should solve any player-GM issues, now all the team need to do is write some up when they're feeling up to it and find a bunch of us ingame :)

General Discussion / Re: Community Building
« on: August 09, 2012, 04:18:37 pm »
Just a thought and no I've not read around to see if its already been suggested (and not trying to side track anyone from G's concerns). But for me personally, quests are what makes Layo interesting.

Ultimately, the way Layonara plays and has been described; as a world steeped in Lore which has developed over years to what it is now, are different. Atleast.. when not on quests or exploring a new area. The attraction to new areas, new monsters is that its a change from the same old enemies, the same old tactics and the same old scenery. Some maps may be cooly designed, challenging and have nifty unique scripting in it to spice it up. But in my opinion, Layonara's best point is the emphasis on quests, from small to large scale. Now those quests number at the moment solidly twice a week minus the large number of cancellations recently due to RL issues.
If you take that away, the time you spend in between (from my opinion alone) is a grind or RP about either upcoming quests or whatever it is your characters might think to say to another. I call it random/casual rp, that is conditionally satisfying depending on what your in the mood for and who/what you have to RP with/about.

The point im getting at which is a suggestion is.. however you choose to market this and attract new players.. the history of the world will make RPers get interested to create a char.. but once in game that can become underwhelming without quests and activity. For impatient people, that happens fast.
Grinding xp to get a character up to level 40 using layo's xp system takes a while. Now people have said that the xp increase means that people level the same as servers using the same level-up range as seen in the OC. I've now played five said servers... um.. no. Not true. Atleast not up to the level I've gotten Nym which is 22, even if I ignore the 20-21 gap.
even the crafting system is just (for me) an appalling, boring and unrewarding grind that gives you more or less boring/useless items that aren't worth much during the early stages which tend to be what either keeps someone interested or not. Any attempts made to off-set this haven't sparked any enthusiasm for me but some craft guilds exist so to each their own.

So we are left with quests. These enrich the gaming experiance because as roleplayers .. we are here for story. I own other games for action and stuff like that and while I enjoy a grind now and then, its nothing but a chore to get the next (occasionally worthless level).
Now I am not sure how long its been since Alatriel came up with, I think Ravemore; but perhaps taking one ro two more players on as GMs whom have a strong interest in running quests might help boost activity. At the very least scheduled quests can remain as is and said new guys can write up impromptus and run them when 3-4+ people are on and look like they would be suitable candidates. Those numbers MIGHT then cause players who might be losing interest in being online casually (i see tons more online during quests than any other time). I unashamedly admit I would be one of that said number putting aside one or two OOC problems that add to why im no longer on except for quests.

Now I have been told by a GM that I've spoken too, I think possibly two but lets stick to one.. that impromptus were around more often before I came here but sometimes said GM would get flak about 'interfering' with people's RP. Now I don't know the circumstances surrounding those events and frankly.. I don't believe there wasn't or isn't a workaround for problems like that since we seem to be able to work around other things GMs do that we may or may not dislike (usually involving acting like an adult and explaining your feelings politely). I personally feel that despite whatever flak may've been recieved in the past for whatever reason, it can't hurt to have one or two more players who may want to GM (provided the team deems them suitable) around to help full those many moments of dull (for me) repetition.

General Discussion / Re: Community Building
« on: August 08, 2012, 02:14:11 pm »
Just implement dialogue informing the character to check the job board in the craft hall. It already points out locations of other quests I believe.

General Discussion / Re: Community Building
« on: August 02, 2012, 06:26:02 am »
Allowing anyone to join will likely icnrease playerbase buut.. atm basic characters only require like.. a paragraph. Besides short of removing the pasword, they'd still have to come to the Layo website and register for the password.. so why not just throw in a small paragraph and let the CAs stamp it as lore-complient. I think most people might have passworded servers switched off the search and thats why Layo doesnt get more visitors (maybe).

Just for Fun / Re: Torts and Retorts
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:22:00 pm »
Your smilin', im grinnin' :D

Roleplaying / Re: Impromptu Quests
« on: July 09, 2012, 08:03:12 pm »
Impromptu is definently so mething I support, it makes the world seem more alive and immersive; it also staves off the feeling that unless a quest is scheduled, all we can do is chat or xp/cnr grind = lame

Layonara Server / Re: The Soul Mother - Still necessary?
« on: July 02, 2012, 12:24:44 pm »
Without touching on the idea itself, I am just gunna point out that the benefit to a cautious character comes in staying alive, not in having less chance in attracting the gaze of grandmama death. If you are a reckless character at level 20, the number of times you roll will be greater than the number of Ss rolls a careful, cautious character will take. That in itself is the unwritten benefit which tbh applies to real life as well. You are statistically as likely to get hit by an asteroid as you are to be in a plane crash, the reason one is more likely is becaus eplanes take off many times per day, but asteroids are not knocked out of their orbit nearly as often. Thus our roll for getting turned to re pulp is taken more for planes than asteroids.

Like I said, just pointing out where the benefit is for the cautious character, not putting down your idea or any tweaks for the system.

Layonara Server / Re: The Soul Mother - Still necessary?
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:11:41 am »
I have seen full on undead systems implemented on other servers, however I believe the team on layo have already decided against implementing undead when the desire to create a lich PC as a part of a WLDQ or CDQ came up. It would require alot of scripting, the death system would no longer apply in the same way and basically, a lot of new rules, factors and stuff in general would go into it.

If you took it to apply to more than just the one person and not everyone would have someone raising them from the dead (could be done RPwise for an individual if DM oversees and its apart of a plot.. chances are your char will be an NPC though); it'd probably be considered and I'll say in advance I only skim read the comments on the oldest two pages so I am probably misinformed or misunderstanding some stuff.

On the subject of the Soul Mother, keep the miserable cow; infinite respawns are nice but.. there should be a system by which perma death can happen, against the player's will. I have played servers where everyone can just keep hitting respawn and the end result is silly. Oh my god brought me back to life, for the 80th time, oh I am favoured by this that and the other, oh a random cleric passed by my corpse and raised me yada yada yada. It gets ridicolous, and death gets taken less seriously which I believe was mentioned before.

True you can lose an SS through lameness, which is why GPs exist for every character, three chances whenever your not elligible to regain a lost SS from DM error, massive lag or whatever else might've caused you to die, lose your SS and through no fault of your own.

General Discussion / Re: Gw2
« on: June 15, 2012, 06:54:54 am »
I have been put off GW2 by the way it seems to have the same gameplay mechanics as AoR and WoW. The old Guild Wars was actually unique and now its kinda just gone away from that. So I didn't sign up for the beta, sorry soulz.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Telekinesis
« on: June 11, 2012, 04:20:17 pm »
Or he means Gust of Wind ;)

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