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Messages - Honora

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Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / Looking for Someone Who Speaks Orc
« on: July 01, 2006, 06:15:22 am »
Honora is looking to learn Orc.  If you can teach her please note below who you are and where you can be found.  Will pay for lessons.

Wild Surge Inn / Looking for Orc Speaker
« on: June 29, 2006, 01:14:22 pm »
Honora is interested in learning orcish.  If you can teach it to her please leave your name and where I can find you below.  Compensation would be involved for each lesson.

Thank you.

Trade and Market Hall / Buying Garlic
« on: June 27, 2006, 07:38:20 am »
Honora is buying garlic while it still grows.  Let me know if you have some for sale and I will pay by box or bulb or trade you if you see something in my inventory you like.

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for Blue Suede Boots
« on: June 12, 2006, 05:52:30 am »
Will pay well.


General Discussion / Level Limit List for Items
« on: May 09, 2006, 07:10:30 am »
I have seen the level limit list for enchantments and enhancements on armor and weapons, very helpful.  But I'd like to know if there is a list somewhere for items such as jewelry.  I'll be looking at rings of (insert ability here) +2 soon and don't have a clue when I can equip them; same for amulets of any kind.  I've looked all over the forums, can someone point me toward what I undoubtably missed?


Jill (Honora)

Wild Surge Inn / Looking for Room
« on: April 23, 2006, 04:58:59 pm »
Honora is looking for a little room.  Krandor would be nice.  Quiet, sews, but can't cook.  Let me know if you have a place to rent out.

Thank you

Wild Surge Inn / Looking for apartment in Port Hampshire
« on: April 23, 2006, 05:05:15 am »
Honora is looking for a little place in Port Hampshire.  I don't need much space and I'm very quiet.  I can't cook but I can sew and do repairs to clothing.  Leave a message for Honora here if you have someplace to let.

Wild Surge Inn / Lost or stolen
« on: April 16, 2006, 05:56:14 pm »
Honora's ox was in the craft hall today.  Honora did not check her ox during any of the times the ground spun crazy and everyone fell asleep (server crashes).  When Honora checked her ox later all of the skins she had collected were gone.  If Honora left her pack off by accident, and someone helped themselves to all the skins on her ox, she'd like them back or at least come clean about it.

//I hope this was a server incident.  With the thefts going on lately, I'm a bit paranoid.  30-odd skins are gone including wolf, dire boar, brown bear, black bear, cougar, lion, and winter wolf.  Not that this matters to a thief but there is a lot of time in collecting those.  Again, I really hope this was server crash related.

Trade and Market Hall / "Closed"
« on: April 12, 2006, 06:53:56 am »
  [SIZE=16]*The notice is smoothed with careful hands and tattered edges are torn off. Notes are made at the bottom for outstanding orders, and the rest of the items are crossed out. Across the top is the word CLOSED followed by Thank you for your Business. It is signed, Honora
[SIZE=16]Details on Destruction,held for Mith[/SIZE][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16]   [SIZE=16]Silver held for Cymeran.[/SIZE]
  Gold held for Tyrian.
  Iron held for Rayenoir.

General Discussion / Mistone's Most Wanted
« on: March 31, 2006, 06:14:21 am »
I want to thank the GM that did this quest last night, I had a blast and completely enjoyed my first ever GM-led quest.  


~Honora, the respawning half-orc :)

Trade and Market Hall / For sale
« on: March 08, 2006, 09:27:04 am »
*written in charcoal on the back of an old notice*  Honora has 2 boxs of skelliton skeleton knuckles and many cloth paterns to sell. I will be around Hlint mostly.   I can also gather for you if you are busy typs and need help.  Honora  P.S. Im a half orc so you wont miss me.  P.P.S. Girl half orc.

met a dragin todaye.  big, gold, tothie.  sayd i was to help with somting caled blod.  sent me to som town, was mornig.  qiet.  i mis aubret.  som fok here, non to talkie in mornig.  writig leter to inirine and her famly, ned to find post.  oh, and kild som rats in a sewr.  dats al todaye.

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