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Messages - Lynn1020

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48] 49
Trade and Market Hall / ~~~Looking to buy~~~
« on: May 08, 2008, 10:47:27 am »

I am looking to buy boxes of birch bark and any iron ingots or nuggets you may have.  I can pay with coin, leather armors, equipment or a bag made of lion skin if you supply me with many iron ingots.


Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy a bow, llsare Fiery Eye
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:47:08 pm »
[SIZE=16]I'm in search of a bow that has been blessed by Ilsare.  Leave note here or send word with messenger.

~Emie Meadows

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Twidget658
« on: March 27, 2008, 03:50:25 am »
[SIZE=24]Happy Birthday Twidget!!  

:) Hope you have a good one!  :)

//This will be for letters that Emie would write to her sister that would be of more private nature.  I always held back on some of her letters due to others reading and using as IG information that their PC's wouldn't know about.

Wild Surge Inn / ****Looking for Experienced Adventures ****
« on: March 24, 2008, 09:31:46 pm »
[SIZE=18]**** Looking for Experienced Adventures ****

Tired of just traveling the same lands over and over?  I have been slowly traveling East and West of the Crossroads on Dregar and is interested in seeing what is North of them.

To be able to do this we will need a few that has traveled there recently.  For it has been many years since I have ventured there.  So I am unsure what to expect. But we will need all types to make this trip a success.  Fighters, scouts, mages and  healers.  The only thing I ask is that you be able to work with others.  I find when we have those that like to rush into things and not wait for others cause people to die.  

We can gather at the crossroads to get to know each other a bit and each others talents before we head out.  Come prepare with food and water for several days.

~Emie Meadows

// This is my first time trying to set something like this up so please hang in there with me. ;)   I'm finding it hard to get in higher level parties to go to different areas I haven't been to.  So I thought I would give this a try and maybe there is others that feel the same way.  I'm hoping we can meet different characters instead of the same ones we get use to traveling with.

First of all everyone is welcome. Only thing is you must level 17 and above.  We really need a strong group to do this.  I hope some of those that have traveled there a lot and know about the area will show up and help us out.  If we don't have enough people to show up we can still RP and venture somewhere a bit "safer".   I don't want people dying and losing SS. :(

Trade and Market Hall / Auction .... Cape of Exceptional Panther
« on: March 20, 2008, 08:24:42 pm »
[SIZE=24]This auction is for a fine cape made with  panther skins of [/SIZE][SIZE=24]exceptional quality[/SIZE][SIZE=24]. The bidding will start at 15,000.  Please reply with any bids below.  No anonymous bids will be accepted.

[SIZE=24]~Emie Meadows


//Bidding will end on March 28 at 5 pm pacific

+5 Hide
+5 Move Silently
+3 AC (Deflection)
Req of Level 14

Trade and Market Hall / In need of the following
« on: March 16, 2008, 12:04:32 pm »
[SIZE=18]I am in need of boxes of the following

fresh walnuts

[strike][SIZE=18]  angelica leaves[/SIZE][/strike][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]  birch bark
 wheat grains/flour
[strike][SIZE=18] corn[/SIZE][/strike][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=18] topaz dust

 Also looking for small bags holding dust of Beryl and bottles of holy water.

I can pay in coin or trade for equipment or holding bags.  Please leave message here or send note by bird.

~Emie Meadows [/SIZE]


Trade and Market Hall / Scroll wanted
« on: March 15, 2008, 02:07:02 am »
[SIZE=16]I am interested in purchasing one possibly two Raise Dead scrolls. Please send the cost of these scrolls and I will find you. I also have many things I could trade if you wish.  It will be easier to contact me through bird message.

~Emie Meadows

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Bakee/Millan
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:46:46 pm »
[SIZE=16]Happy Birthday!!  Hope its a great one!![/SIZE][SIZE=16] :)

[/SIZE][SIZE=13]Now when are you coming back out to play??[/SIZE] O.o

Trade and Market Hall / High end Bows and Shields for sell
« on: February 29, 2008, 10:16:31 pm »
[SIZE=18][SIZE=24]High end bows  and shields for sell.
Here are just a couple of examples but able to produce all bows and [/SIZE]
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=18][SIZE=24]wood [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=18][SIZE=24]shields.
Mahogany Tower Shield -- ([/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]AC +2, Animal Empathy +3, Concentration +3)
[/SIZE] [SIZE=18]  
Mahogany Compound Longbow -- (Attack Bonus +2, Req’d Lvl 13)

  Compound Yew LongBow --(Attack bonus +3, Req'dLvl 15)
Yew Tower Shield -- [SIZE=18][SIZE=24][SIZE=18]([/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=18]AC +3, Animal Empathy +6, Concentration +6)

May also fill orders and or add bow parts (Mighty +1, +2, +3 ) if there is something you want that is not listed here.
Send message to Emie Meadows.

[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=16]  //Any method of contact is fine.:)
[SIZE=18][SIZE=16]   //Once one Yew item sells, the others will be removed from the market.[/SIZE]  [/SIZE][/FONT]

Trade and Market Hall / Many items for sale... some handmade... some found
« on: February 29, 2008, 10:11:03 pm »
[SIZE=18][SIZE=18]Greater Scribing Scrolls[/SIZE]
[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Club of Bloodiness[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Bludgeoning 1d4 Damage
Piercing 1d4 Damage
On hit:  Daze DC-16 50%/2 rounds
Usable only by: Giant, Half-Oce and Orc


Gnomish lenses- lvl 7
[SIZE=18]Color spray: 1 use/day, See Invisible: 1 use/day
[SIZE=18] potions
[SIZE=18]Cougar Bags
 Weight reduction 20 %
[SIZE=18]Crag bags
 Weight reduction 40 %
[SIZE=18]Lion bags [/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Weight reduction 60 %[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Dire Bear Glove Leather – lvl 12[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Skill Bonus: Unarmed attack bonus +3[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
 Platinum Reinforced Clothing -
[SIZE=18]lvl 10[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18] AC +1, Damage resistance 5/-
 Adamantium Reinforced Clothing -
lvl 15[/SIZE]
  AC +3


[SIZE=18]Cobalt Reinforced Clothing - lvl 13[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18] AC +2, 5/- resist slashing[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18][/SIZE][SIZE=18]Boots of Militia –lvl 10 Usable by Chaotic/ Good/ Lawful[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]Skill Bonus:  +1 Constitution, +1 fort save, +1 will save, +2 concentration +2 discipline
[SIZE=18]Blue Suede Shoes            [/SIZE][SIZE=18] Level Req: 10
[SIZE=18]+1 Dex    +1 Cha    Perform +2   Tumble+2
[SIZE=18] Acenders March Boots
AC dodge mod +3 vs. elementals, giants, goblinoids
[SIZE=18]Cold, Fire or Electrical Enhancements[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
[SIZE=18]3rd [/SIZE][SIZE=18]power[/SIZE][SIZE=18] 1d6 points of elemental damage[/SIZE][SIZE=18] or 4th power[/SIZE][SIZE=18] 1d8 points of elemental damage[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
 Elemental Resistances of the Greater Kind
Fire, Cold and Electric:  
[SIZE=18]10/- elemental damage reduction[/SIZE][SIZE=18]
 Glass Rods of all strengths now available
Rods I, Rods II, Rods III, and Rods IV  


 Contact Emie Meadows [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]//You can contact Emie through PM's or send me a tell in game.[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / More Boxes for sell
« on: February 26, 2008, 11:51:38 pm »
[SIZE=16]I have the following[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]2 boxes of Ginseng [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]You can leave message here or send message by bird[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16][SIZE=24]A[/SIZE]manda [SIZE=24]C [/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

Trade and Market Hall / In need of rings
« on: February 25, 2008, 01:46:19 pm »
[SIZE=16]I am looking for someone that is able to provide a set of Wizardry rings that will help me remember more spells. [/SIZE][/I][SIZE=16]Right now I need the lesser set.  I hope to soon be in need of the intermediate set.  I have a small amount of true saved up or I can pay in trade of items I have gathered.  I am often found studying at the pond near Port Hempstead or can be reached by bird message.  I prefer to buy from an independent crafter for I do not have the coin to pay what the  guilds ask for these rings.

[SIZE=24]A[/SIZE]manda [SIZE=24]C[/SIZE].[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Items for sell
« on: February 16, 2008, 02:40:37 pm »
[SIZE=16]In my roaming around I have gather the following items.  If interested send a bird and I will deliver them to you promptly.

I still have one box each of the following...

[SIZE=16]spider silk[/SIZE][/I]

I am also available to gather other items that one may be in need of.  


Trade and Market Hall / Wanting to buy a set of jewlery
« on: February 16, 2008, 02:35:32 pm »
[SIZE=16]I am in need of a two rings and one amulet of the [/SIZE][SIZE=16]first circle [/SIZE][/I][SIZE=16]enchanted with  intelligence.  I have just made the journey to Minstone so I do not have many coins.  But the best offer will receive what coins I do have.



Wild Surge Inn / Marriage Announcement
« on: January 31, 2008, 02:48:39 pm »

Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy
« on: January 29, 2008, 06:18:46 pm »
[SIZE=16]I am need of someone that is able to make me a few wands of clarity.  Just until I am able to make my own.  Leave word here and I will contact you to discuss payment.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Randi Tyyne[/SIZE]

General Discussion / Different levels traveling together..
« on: December 31, 2007, 08:05:49 pm »
Not wanting to start a debate here.  But what is the rules now about traveling with different levels?  I have been told many different things.  

I've heard that it should be no more than 5, 7 level and 10 level difference.

I have been told that GM's will drop things on you to kill the party of there is to big a level gap.  

But then again I was traveling with a much higher level pc and there were many creatures put out for us and we handle them very well. Then afterwards we also received xp for role playing.  Which was very nice! :D

I'm not talking about taking a lower level to get diamonds or something like that.  I mean normal adventuring around Mistone and lower parts of Dregar.  It seems many of the rules have changed in the last year about leveling and traveling together so I was just wanting to find out for sure what the rules are now. :p

Trade and Market Hall / Arrows and Arrowheads for sale
« on: December 30, 2007, 01:29:45 am »
[SIZE=16]I have boxes of copper and bronze arrowheads for sale.  I can make these into arrows if you would prefer.

~Emie Meadows

Wild Surge Inn / Looking for a bit of help
« on: December 30, 2007, 12:36:23 am »
[SIZE=16]Looking for a few that would be willing to help me on a trip to get Iron and sliver.  You may have any coins we were to find along the way.

~Emie Meadows

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