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Messages - Burgo

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
« on: April 11, 2005, 04:06:00 am »

1. I dunno what would make a nearly perfect online roleplaying server better...
Maybe the fact that when doing quests and going trough events the "big people" could maybe listen
what the "little people" have to say a bit more....from time to time I've seen such neglance from the higher
people that it almost made me sick...

2. The time when I came to layonara with my first character Leanthar ran a quest about the lost elven library... Even tho I was very little sorcerer at the time the event was really memorable and very much fun and good RP'ing.....

3. My favorite moment was with Malakai...we were chatting in Hlint when dark elves started attacking us...and we finally tracked the dark elves to their source and we defeated the mage that was summoning troops trough
the mirror in the red light caves...The quest involved only Malakai and me but it was the best time I've ever had in Layo =)

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