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Messages - kepper

Pages: [1]
Hrothgar Ventured off with more of his Kin, Erk and Doran. They went to the dwarven fortress just over the mountains for buisness, encounted a couple of giants and golems but soon made short work of them. After his endevour he made some patroles with Clarissa and learned abit more about fighting. Hrothgar still looks for a Axe master to teach him to be come a master himself

Hrothgar has been in Hlint for 1 month and has already met 3 of his kin, he has asked them if they know of any weapon master of the Axe but they couldn't tell me.

Hrothgar since the first day in hlint has traveled with greater fighters than him self and learned quiet a few fighting abilitys, like how to dodge blow after blow and getting is battle mobility higher wile wearing plate.
His Focus on his Axe is getting greater and his battle Expertese has improved.

Hrothgar worries that there may not be a weapon master of his chosen weapon, but that doesn't stop him from training and hoping to become the first master of his chosen weapon. He will learn what he can off better fighters untill he can find a master of the axe or become one.

(sorry if im not doing this right, this is my first char that is going into the character development program. Please comment if you have any problems or can give me some tips on what els to post on.)

General Discussion / Re: Character deletion?
« on: February 09, 2007, 08:46:36 pm »
thanx heaps

General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Ozy & Yard (2/8)
« on: February 09, 2007, 04:15:26 pm »
happy birthday

Full Name: Hrothgar ingeitum
Age: 40
Class(es): Fighter/rouge
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: true neutral
Deity: Vorax

Appearance/ Hrothgar was a short stocky dwarf with very think arms and bore a shiled a war hammer and a axe at his side. he had a brown beard and wore plate armor with a tatoo on his left arm of a mountain with a hammer crossing through it.

Description. Hrothgar grew up in one of the many mountains of layonara. He is life wasn't that ordinary of a normal dwarf for his familys wealth wasn't as rich as others. He had fat hands but they where quick when it came to putting his hand in and out of people pockets. He was a sneaky fellow but his skill in battle consisted of training at the Human inn's getting into fights. He belived that fighting was the best way to settle heated discussions. Hrothgar could speak better in dwarfish than in english and would rather not speak english with his own kin. If ever he met a dwarf and didn't know the dwarfish lenguage he would take immidiate offence.

by the time he was 20 he began taking weapon fighting class's, he excelled to the point where basics became easy and grew tired of winning fights at the inn's. He loved watching out over mountains and wondering what was on the other side of it. He always dreamed of adventureing outside the mountain to see what the world held for him. he saved up and stole till he had enough money to buy him self a pack of rations, torch and a Axe and shield so that he could live his dreams to become an adventurer and be in great battles. by the time he had enough money to buy all his things he was of age 40 and had sharpend his skills till he could learn no more from his basic training.

(will also go on the character development to become a weapon master)

General Discussion / Character deletion?
« on: February 09, 2007, 04:14:03 pm »
How do i get my character deleted, or how do i talk to?

General Discussion / Account clean up?
« on: January 07, 2007, 05:38:43 am »
is it ok if every Character in my account apart from "Beorn Bearpaw" and "Ajax" be deleted and is it posible that i can change the appearence of Ajax even though he has already been created?.

Thank you.

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