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Messages - Gilrod

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
I've been gone too long!
 Nathaniel has fallen off almost all of the "All Time Crafter's" lists but two (and he is barely on those).
 I wonder all the new items he could craft? (sighs wistfully) :(

Maybe I should have said I would be gone for the next years instead of "months."
 I am now a practicing attorney.  I am a Deputy District Attorney with a County in Southern California and I have been VERY busy (no shortage of "business" these days).
 I am a misdemeanor calendar deputy.  This means that I prosecute misdemeanor cases (including doing jury trials) and conduct Felony Preliminary Hearings (first stage prior to a felony trial).
 I've been working between 60 - 100 hours per week over the last year so I have not been able to play.
 I also got married last June, and almost all the time I am not working is spent with my wife (who once... a long time ago played a short bit in Layonara).
 I still get a chance to play pen and paper D&D once every month or two with members of my wife's family, but they like the hack n' slash more than the RP of it all.
 In sum, I am very busy and truely miss immersing myself in this fantastic world you have all created.
 I bet my character "Nathaniel" and his house are long gone by this point, but the fond memories remain. ;)
 It's good to know that this rich world keeps on rolling forward!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Diamonds
« on: August 08, 2007, 01:36:39 pm »
I will offer 70,000 for all eight.
 Nathaniel Spellguard

 I'm planning on focusing on criminal law, particularly prosecution. As a certified law clerk I was actually allowed to try juvenile bench trials by myself (or at least with a DA supervising me making sure I didn't sink the case).
 I actually got to get a gangmember on a gang enhanced robbery (who also had a habit of intimidating victims/witnesses) off the streets and into a secured school program and get a 14 year-old prostitute into a court mandated counseling program. Even though I "convicted" these kids, I like to think that I was giving them one last chance to rehabilitate before they became adult offenders.
 Some people don't like prosecution (or like it too much). I like it because you can get dangerous people off the streets (and protect the community, actually help other "criminals" with substance abuse problems and prostitutes get into court ordered treatment programs through probation, and bring closure for victims who feel powerless.
 Don't get me wrong... Criminal Defense work is SO IMPORTANT and I wouldn't mind doing that (protecting a person's individual liberty to make sure due process of law is done and fairly applied), but Defense attorney's have too often to put up with CRAZY clients that are unreasonable and sink their own cases. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to truly help someone who keeps screwing themselves over dispite your best efforts.
 Plus, criminal trial law is fun. You never know what a witness is going to say and things get interesting. It's not like "Law and Order," but it beats filing motions all day.
 Too bad Layonara does not have a well developed legal system (not that I am asking it to), it would be interesting to role play a barrister in a medieval legal system that has VERY different notions of what is fair and what rights people have.  Imagine trying to defend a "PC killer" or litigate a "PC-PC contract gone bad" in a fantasy court with notions of fairness vastly different from the systems in the modern western world.  It would be crazy (although extremely hard to read all the in-game chat!)
 Thanks again to everyone for all the support!

Well, I took the bar last week.  The 18 hours of testing was not as bad as I thought but you never know with these crazy tests.  I have to wait until November 16th to find out if I passed and will be licensed (having met all the other requirements).  With any luck I will be a practicing attorney by Christmas.
 NOTE:  I still might not be around very much for a while, I am scrambling to find work in law and it is highly competitive.  I should be ready to come back in a few months more. :(
 Thanks for all the support guys!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Amulet of Shield for Sale
« on: July 12, 2007, 12:48:05 pm »

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Amulet of Shield for Sale
« on: July 12, 2007, 12:32:19 pm »
6500 True
 Nathaniel Spellguard

Trade and Market Hall / Re: For sale, mineral diamonds
« on: July 05, 2007, 11:02:45 am »
I would be interested in purchasing all five for 50,000 in their mineral form.
 Nathaniel Spellguard

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Selling Fine and Polished Diamonds
« on: June 12, 2007, 04:39:00 pm »
*Nathaniel sends Lady Ancalime a letter*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Looking for a Baker and Brewer
« on: June 12, 2007, 01:09:08 pm »
 I have several cherry pies if you wish.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Fine Diamond For Sale
« on: June 08, 2007, 10:54:28 am »
Dear Clover,
 I will offer you either
 10,000 True
 5,000 True and an elemental enhancement III (fire, electicity or cold)
 Two elemental enhancement IIIs (fire, electicity or cold)
 Nathaniel Spellguard

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Stormcrest Convention Vendors!
« on: June 01, 2007, 09:46:34 pm »
M'Lady Rhynnala,
 I would be happy to purchase your 4 mineral diamonds for 40,000 True.
 Nathaniel Spellguard

Trade and Market Hall / Re: 4 Mineral Diamonds Sale
« on: May 30, 2007, 02:48:58 pm »
 I will purchase all for for 40,000 gladly.
 Nathaniel Spellgaurd.

*Nathaniel tears down this posting*
 //The sale has been completed.  This thread can be deleted.  Thank you. :)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Intermediate ring of Fox's Cunning
« on: May 23, 2007, 10:32:44 am »
Master Muireann,
 I will purchase your ring for 15,000 True.  If you would grant me a discount, I could also provide you with an elemental weapon enhancement of the third order of either fire, cold, or electricity.
 If you have any other diamonds in your possession, I would be interested in those as well.
 Please send me a letter if you are interested in any of the above.
 Thank you for furthering Lucinda's presence in the world through magical artifice and trade.
 Nathaniel Spellgaurd

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Selling 10 Fine Sapphires
« on: May 11, 2007, 12:00:13 pm »
 It was a pleasure doing business with you in the past.  I hope to do more in the future.
 I will offer you 8,000 True for these stones or a fire or electical enhanment III (perhaps I could even make a cold enhancment with the sapphire I have?)
 I could also make a mahogany bow with mighty (//+2) property for you.  And with time, I could make that a compound bow at that.
 Please let me know your desire for trade or true, I would like to obtain these stones to make cold enhancments to bring more magic to the world in Lucinda's name.
 Nathaniel Spellgaurd

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Another Diamond For Sale.
« on: May 11, 2007, 11:51:48 am »
Is this diamond still for sale?
 I will offer you one fire enhancement III and one electrical enhancement III for it.
 Nathaniel Spellguard

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Selling Fine Diamond
« on: May 11, 2007, 10:42:02 am »
I can offer you fire and electrical enhancement IIIs.
 I would give you two of each for the diamond.  Unless you are seeking trues, if that is the case... how much does a diamond run for these days?
 Nathaniel Spellguard

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Selling Compound Bow Parts II...
« on: May 10, 2007, 04:10:01 pm »
**Nathaniel removes this posting from the cluttering posters and discards it in the trash can**
 //Please delete this thread. :)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Selling Several Crystal Rod III...
« on: May 10, 2007, 04:09:29 pm »
**Nathaniel removes this posting from the cluttering posters and discards it in the trash can**
 //Please delete this thread. :)

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