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Messages - Vekunde

Pages: [1]
Poetic License / RE: Theories on Time by Anagrammaticus
« on: July 09, 2004, 10:54:00 am »
If one could tap into the various frequencies of each individual's signature wave pattern and if one could vary that frequency, one would travel to another plane of 'time' or spatial existence. Not a high probability of safety there. Granted, I''m not familiar with the Shifter, but it sounds, so far, like it is changing its frequency signature like rolling up and down the radio dial. Or is it simultaneously existing in various planes?

Poetic License / RE: Theories on Time by Anagrammaticus
« on: July 07, 2004, 06:01:00 pm »
It is also possible that what you are doing right now will not become a reality until that time in which your brain has processed its surroundings and relayed back that it recognizes the said reality. Therefore, wouldn't what happened a second ago, then be more of a reality than right now?

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