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Messages - NITEMARE2004

Pages: [1] 2
Wild Surge Inn / RE: To All Who Weild Arcane Power...
« on: May 19, 2005, 08:19:00 am »
I Leo Trist will Be there....I beleave strongly in this.

//well i can see what i can do just give me the day and times i basically have the same schedal as zero vega

Just for Fun / RE: ---
« on: April 19, 2005, 02:52:00 pm »
well Nethros parents fell under the catagory of plague........though as i look at the ratings for plague right now it was a very very small plague seems to have only affected to sets of parents

Just for Fun / RE: ---
« on: February 12, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
that s xactly right luchbox im suprised to se some one knew that lol. a great example of the is in the movie (pie sign) its called pie except it uses the symboll for pie (3.14)

Layonara Server / RE: perma death
« on: February 03, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »
I must admit perma death scares the dookie out of me to say the least. but i understand why you have it.....i have 4 now and freak out in real life when ever i get one im lvl 10 by the way and have three so i dont think im doing that bad when it comes to death tokens but it is still scarry.i mean the idea of loosing your character that you practically become sigh* very scarry indeed but an important part of game play on this server it is true it keeps you thinking *is it really worth charging in to those ogre beserkers for 600 xp*

well thats my input on thius matter

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 26, 2005, 06:41:00 pm »
Alright so i got a message today that worries me some a woman came to me she was apparently a priestess of

the drow or somthing...i doint kbut she demanded that i get a message to the drow of our group....she stated    

that all the drow were to report to the underdark immediatly and i assume its a war because the priestess

woman sain that she would kill all thouse that did not go.......i gave the message to kit. kit left wioth out

any kind of word but on the up hand today i felt great strenght and can only assume the Dark Lord has been

watching me and sent forth some sstrenght towards my way and i thank him for that greatly....i have begone to

think back to what the old woman who found me all those years ago clenched to my dead mothers breast taught

me...i have begone to turn my life to study the undead more......

// that basically mean s i am lvl 10 and have started Pale Master

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 24, 2005, 06:09:00 pm »
Well i met a guy who refused to tell me his name the other day but we seemed to have alot in common over our

beliefs in the undead. I spent much time trying to figure out who he was and ihave just been enformed by soth

that it is malakia and the fact that mal has turned evil intrigues me i dont know much but they apparently

have a guil made up of mal and sand. they invited soth to join them and soth accepted. this will open up more

information for me but i am only concerned about one thing at the moment and that is finding out as much as i

can about these black wizards. i have yet to find out more information regarding them or the shield that i

carry around with grows heavy in my pack.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 20, 2005, 06:46:00 pm »
Where to begin well i found my self in lelon in a party with quin and we thought we had found a wind that

could blow the storm away. i traveled with them to see how it turned out exactly. we traveled to arabell and

then in to the fort of lost hope. after that we made our way to the serpants lair in search for a golden box

that held this mighty wind. when we arrived at the bottom of the lair we came a cross an unholy undead. he

wielded a shield i recognized from a book i had read when growing up with the old lady all those years

ago.....the shield had a sepant on it to be precise a viper and i felt drawn to it so when noone was looking

i picked it up and threw it in my bag to hide it. we made our way up bac k to the fort of no hope holding

this golden box that the undead had. we brought it and gave it to the gaurds and then out of know where the

guards started dissapearing and in its place appeared a Black wizard.....and i knew immediatly to back off

but i went up to the barrier he had created and touchhed it and made a silent prayer to Lord Corath asking

him to guide me and see to it what needs to be done. i then made my way and sat next t a house and watched it

all unfold he called the group uninteligent for following him and doing what the guards asked and not knowing

anything about them.....oh the black wizard then prepared this enchantment with some things i

didnt recognize and then out of know where a Viper appeared in the sky........i need to tell chanda of this

and i also want to talk to ozy about this black wizard appearance.and this shield.....what does it do why am

i so...attracted to it.....i will find out soon enough im sure................

//Thanks alot im putting that as one of my favorite quests it was awesome from my view except i crashed a lot

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 19, 2005, 02:48:00 pm »
Hmm.... somthings are beggining to make sence like why ozy has been so.......gererous to me about information

for it seems ozy is fond of undead. which proves he is some what the question comes down to how

evil. also i met a ,ale drow today who is a priest of baron ca'duz. i sent a letter to kit right away to inform

him of his existance so mabe the group will fall togeather now.

Roleplaying / RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
« on: January 18, 2005, 02:39:00 pm »
I do agree that everyone should have soul stones i hated it when chanda had to raise nethro and lost xp that she worked hard to get so ive made it a point that i always have a soul stone one me.

Rumour Has It / RE: WANTED: Lueanne Lightfinger
« on: January 18, 2005, 03:22:00 am »
*nethro walks by and see's the poster and notices thaty her value went up* hmm.....i might turn her in if this gets high enough

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 16, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
Hmm....what to write about today oh yea turns out someone was trying kill me...i mean what did i ever do......ok

fine so i desreve it but i wasnt the only one on the list to be killed synaldur was there to and ender and some

others it was interesting to say the least but i didnt worry about it at all. and in the end we killed one of

the leaders of the organizer quite easily.....oh well if i run in to another ill be ready...

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 15, 2005, 12:59:00 pm »
I had another talk with ozy today...i dont know what it is but he is hiding somthing......well at first i

told him what chanda said about the grave he told me its hiding somthing and he said he was in

fact interested in what the guardian was hiding...but what i dont understand is why ozy who i have always

seen as a true nuetural when it comes to good and evil...why he would be interested in the temple of corath

could this have somthing to do with the black wizards i asked him about last night.....i dont know BUT i am

deffinatly going to read everything i can about these black wizards and what they stand for and i will

continue to talk to ozzy for i have a feeling he is giving me a little bit of information at a time....i

dont know but i am deffinatly interested in finding out everyhting i can.......why would ozy be interested

in a temple of corath....

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 14, 2005, 10:44:00 pm »
i sat and had a talk to ozzy today and he mentioned somthings i must tell chanda but i asked him in private

about a few other things i asked him about the black wizards and he gave me some information that proved

usefull to me that i may pass along to chanda if i feel it appropriate...i have been thinking about these black

wizards and how they involve them selves with us and have even begun to wonder weather we can trust them and

ozzy made it clear to me through what he told me that they arnt to be trusted in any way shape or form. they

are only interested in thier gain.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 12, 2005, 04:25:00 pm »
WOW!!! I felt a great surge of strength today. i was traveling with some goodies in the silent watch mountains

and then out of no where i felt this great power. i feel it as a blessing from the Dark Lord him self. i wonder

if this power will impress the priestess.......i hope so for my sake.....i feel as of late i have been causing

more harm then good....i hope i am wrong but alass that is for the dark lord to decide.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 10, 2005, 06:43:00 pm »
I feel my strenghts in minning our increasing greatly and i hope to one day beable to make my own armor and

eventually my own blades as well.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 10, 2005, 06:42:00 pm »
I met a girl named rose today she seems very interested in the dark alliance and so i mentioned that when chanda

returns i will make sur to introduce the two.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 09, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
Well i finnaly went with a group to kill the ogre leader in the haven mines we suceeceded and i turned it in

for my reward. that was alll that really happend to me today.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 09, 2005, 08:14:00 am »
*you see this page has been riped up alot but you can tell it had somthing to do with a secret gambling hall and a girls dead father and mother*

///thanks milo that quest was awesome i just had no clue how to go about explaining it because i never saw the           end of it

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 09, 2005, 08:11:00 am »
Ok...where to begin we had a long meeting that rufus the meeting he told us that we had to

make the world forget about the dark lord in every way. we had to throw away any symbolls of the dark lord

we bear.....i agreed but what rufus does not know and wil never know is that i will not get rid of my charm

that connects me and chanda i still dont know its powers but it seems that when i want to know where she is

bad enough her location flashes before my eyes it also gives me the abbiliutie to sence her past if somthing

happend. i am going to start reading about this more and more untill i figure it out.but back to the

meeting.....after that he threatend us if we spoke about the Dark Lord outside of the safe house.i said fine

knowing i had aready recieved a punishment for that very crime. then we spoke about system we have set up in

the positions held within the alliance and the two groups that make up the alliance (the followers of corath

and baron da'cuz). we spent almost an hour arguing about this untill rufus had to leave because a mysterious

stranger showed up. when rufus came back HE decided how it was going to be set up which flipped me over the

edge where does he get off...when i calmed down i decide it was time to go.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nethro's Journal
« on: January 06, 2005, 06:43:00 pm »
When i saw chanda today i felt a strange sence from her......i knew somthing was wrong but i did not know

what. when we returned to the safe house i started to talk to her about this and out of know where in my

mind i saw an immage as if i were floating above them. i saw chanda laying on the floor i saw a bright light

and i saw a shadowy figure also but i could not make it out after this i collapsed for what felt like hours

but was only minutes. i awoke sweating and bleeding from my nose. i only waited for her to  speak of course

i was asking questions through out all of this like....."how am i seeing this" or "what is this" because i

found my self nervous. when she finnaly responded she told me what i already knew but she did help me narrow

down who this other figure was to the point that i have figured out who it is i is that drow

female. i do not know all the facts of what happend there and i dont know that i ever will but these charms

that chanda and i wear that glowed when we first met have a strange power that i beleave i have begone to

tap in to if only i knew more about this all i know is that it was given to me when i left the whiches house

all those years ago. somthing else happend today i saw that woman.....the one who is being hunted who if ui

understand correctly has a rewqard of  1500gp to her wearabouts in hlint today but i told her i would not

repor her and she reapeared before my eyes and after leaving her we had headed to the sahfe house where all

that other stuff happend. but back to leaving the safe hous.....after we left the safe house we headed to

the crypts where we ran in to xander. i found my self grow angry as i looked at him. he is a spy i know it.

he reapeatidly attacked me verbally to the point that i could not hold back anymore and i responded to him.

this i might add seemed to have made chanda angry but he managed to get under my skin and stayed there. my

hatred for him grew and grew till one point i walked out of the crypts to calm down when i reetered i

immediatly found my self standing before his lips spitiing out comments about me like i were a dog who

disobeyed the rule but i held back and let him keep talking i finnaly interupted and asked my my name flowed

from his lips like water to a faucet and that shut him up for a momnet. at the end of the meeting i found i

had bitten my tounge so much there was blood pooring from my mouth i punched a whole in to the wall of the

crypt and had to listen to chanda say i should be more like him and remain calm.....I CANT REMAIN CALM he

got under my skin and he attacked me where it hurt even making a comment to chanda that made it sound as

though they should be togeather weather chanda picked up his hint or not i do not know but i did and he will

not get away with it. after leaving there i was steamed but i knew there was one more thing i had to do i

went up to the nearest poster of the woman being hunted and wrote that i last saw her near the ice

cave........i hope she manages to stay out of thier sight.

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