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Messages - Dandeleon

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Crafting and swearing
« on: August 04, 2005, 07:10:00 am »
Heheh, dang.  Didn't know my venting would cause such a response.  I appreciate all the crafting suggestions.  I wasn't really all that upset, just bemoaning my poor fortune at the moment.  I love Orth's analysis of our luck.  Feels like God coming down and tapping on my shoulder and saying, "Get over yourself."  lol

Hey, Orth.  I sent you a note about an exploitable bug (that I don't want to mention here).  I can't imagine nobody has noticed it, but I was curious about it.

General Discussion / RE: Crafting and swearing
« on: August 03, 2005, 09:55:00 am »
Yes!  That is exactly what I'm doing.  Beefing about my lousy dice rolls!  lol  4/30 is worth beefing about (at least at my nubie level--I'm sure there are worse things, in game and life).  I'm expecting about 8 successes in a row to come up to that 30% average.

Thanks for the info on the mule.  Didn't know that.

General Discussion / RE: Dorganath is a Daddy (again!)
« on: August 03, 2005, 09:44:00 am »
Congrats as well.

General Discussion / RE: Dandeleon is Stuck in Lorindar
« on: July 21, 2005, 09:36:00 am »
Ok, thank you very much.  Guess I just didn't search hard enough.

General Discussion / Crafting and swearing
« on: August 03, 2005, 09:37:00 am »
I have found swear words I never knew I had in me as a result of the frustrations of crafting (and I've just begun).  Where do they come up with that "According to .... you have a 30% chance of success."  Bullpucky!!  I've sunk about 25-30 deer skins in that tub and cured exactly 4.  And what's with the cured hides disappearing when I put them on my mule?  It doesn't say there's a problem with that in the "pack" warning you get when you unload the pack from the mule.  See what crafting has done to me?  Made me a crybaby.  Oh well, plugging on.

General Discussion / Dandeleon is Stuck in Lorindar
« on: July 21, 2005, 09:32:00 am »
I took a ship from Karth Docks to Lorindar, trying to get back to Port Hampshire or anywhere on that continent.  But there doesn't seem to be any ship transport out of Lorindar, despite the fact that the Dock Shop Keeper sells tickets.  Is this a bug or am I supposed to figure this out on my own.

Dandeleon   :(

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