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Messages - pulindar

Pages: [1] 2
Wild Surge Inn / RE: A call to investigate the GreyPeak Mountains
« on: May 12, 2005, 06:56:00 pm »
*Ragdar looks at the note and scratches his beard*
*he writes at the bottom*

I' may be a bi' away bu' near Lar in dose mountains be dreugar.  Jurs a warnin in cases ya be goin dat ar way.

*adds a bit more*

oh an' i'h be tryin' ter be dere ta

General Discussion / RE: Time to Win Our Idol Video Contest!
« on: May 07, 2005, 10:24:00 am »
nice video i'm sure you guys will win

*sitting down by a camp fire outside hlint writing in her journal*

   Well Diary i am becoming quite annoyed with the ugly human wizard now.  He has not yet gotten me my permanent home.  Nor is he helping me with scribing, which i am becoming better at.  the limiting ingredients are scrolls and eggs everything else i can get, although i am finding a small amount of trouble at getting phenalope dust for making level 2 scrolls.  

   I have bought some scrolls from Ramanon so that I could learn how to cast them.  I am studying, and searching for a spell that will lower my enemies strength and their knowledge.  I am also studying other spells but am not working specifically one any specific one.  Perhaps i shall study some divination in respect for The Goddess.

*thinks for a time on a distasteful subject*

   Well as I told you Diary Xenos is taking to long with getting me my house.  I am beggining to trust him less and less.  I need to find someway to follow his movements without actually being there or having Stre follow him, since he knows Stre.  I had been talking to a Bard he seems quite powerful with spells telling me he knows several hundred spells.  while talking to him a small time ago he mentioned a thing called scrying.  He told me that it depends on divination and i am under the assumtion that he knows how but am not sure if he uses it.

   You see Diary this bard happens not to be on good terms with any of the Gods he says that they do not like him *shrugs* but he has information that will assist me so i care not whether they like him.  I shall search for some one who knows how to scry especially if it will help me know what is happening around the world. (//if a DM reads this i think i want to do a gather information check to find out end ooc)

I have not seen Red so i have not yet discovered if he is Drow but i shall search and hopefully find out soon.

well Diary here is whats going on with my life right now.

Xenos has not yet met with the one named Marcus, who is renting the room to us.  As i said we will be getting chests and perhaps a bed in the room.  This means that i shall need to increase the amount of money that i possess.

yesturday i met a man named Ramanon in the land known as the Broken Forest do to the undead that inhabit it.  He himself summoned a goul to help him fight the other undead in the area.  He seems very strong and competint he writes down his knowledge on papers and makes it very easy to undersstand how to do spells from these copies.  He told me that he is also one that enchants items with power.  I have made a deal with him and will be attaining 2 rings of wizardry,  I had been thinking of buying these from someone reffered to as Path but Ramanon sells them for a much more reasonable price.

Ramanon later asked me to help him get the ingredients for said ring.  I traveled with him and someone who goes by the name Red, even though he wears all black they said it was because of his eyes.  I wonder if he is also Drow, i shall find out. (//hes really a teifling she thinks he may be a Drow end ooc) Before we went down into some irrelevant mines to get some gem Hood came up and spoke with us.  The information that i found from talking to him was quite disturbing, The group that he was going to lead me to has disbanded.  The only reason this disturbs me is because i wonder if a group with drow in it could have been beaten by those from the surface, or if thye mearly fought to much umong themselfs.

We asertained the gems and then went for some tin and copper yet again Ramanon summoned forth a goul this one reaked so bad that it made me dizzy, it had the same effect on the kobolts guarding the ore.  For both of these excursions i was the one to gather the loot,  They requested that i share after the mines, but after the cave it seems it slipped their mind so it also slipped mine.  

Ramanon seems to be all over this entry he truely does make his presence known.  Directly after he finished with the rings and i bought them, The post man brought Ramanon a box covered with paper.  There was a note which i still do not know what was written on it.  Under the paper was a box closed down with a leather strap when he opened it a black snake popped out.  It instantly started attacking Ramanon, because i wanted to still learn some spells from him i saved him and hit the snake with a ray of frost.  Then i bacame invisable and he summoned a stone giant like thing.  The small snake was so oddly powerful that it nearly killed the stone thing.  in the end the snake was defeated but Ramanon would not tell me why it was there in the first place.  All and all i must say it was quite entertaining to watch.

I believe that i have not yet told you this journal but xenos wishes to learn the elven language.  I shall teach it to him since he is getting me that room but he had better hurry or else i will grow impatient it better not be like with that oil it took him nearly two weeks to attain for me.  Until then though he will be buying me rooms at inns.  

Xenos himself is trying to help people use the spells he knows, for a price of course.  He is not yet very good at writing it down in a way others can understand and preform them.  Nor is he good at making the magical ink that the are needed to be written in, but he is getting better and will soon teach me how to do this also.  The only thing that i need to pay him is some honey.  Oh Diary xenos is becoming very fun to spend time with even though he is an ugly human.

i have been praying more and more to The Goddess only in privacy.  Here on the surface there is no temple dedicated to Her.

But on a different note i have been with a man named Xenos more and more recently.  I expressed to him that i wished for a room or house to store my items he found someone willing to rent out one room for 500 gold every week or 2000 a month.  He wished for me to share it with him and for us to split the price.  He said that since i wished for a bed we would split the price and the room that it took.  For storage though i will need to buy my own large box.

I saw Owen the drow who never covers his face.  He had fallen into some problems and needed help seeing what went wrong along with his friend another drow whose name i remember naught.  Ardul and I agreed to help them but i would only help if they each paid me or even owed me 250 gold they decided not to so i went on my way.

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: April 12, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
freezing cold

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Poison Crafting Suggestion
« on: April 12, 2005, 08:06:00 am »
ok thanks L i know that you guys are doing all you can

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Poison Crafting Suggestion
« on: April 11, 2005, 07:22:00 am »
hello sorry to get a bit pushy about this but it does affect Ceala a bit and i was wondering if anything did get chosen to be changed?  also sorry for double posting it just didn't seem like it was getting responded to.

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: April 08, 2005, 04:26:00 pm »
cool oldies

well Diary i have not writen in you for a time because i wished to find truely good news to report to you.  I have not found it.

I have yet to find another female who believes, as I do, That The Goddess is the only one who deserves worship, except perhaps The Lord of Spiders for some males.  I have searched for some time and have found no one to discuss The Mother of Darkness with.

I have not been following her examples as well as i should have been that i know.  Now i am setting a resolve i shall try to convert any who i can even talk to about the Goddess to The Goddess including the other drow who have strayed from that path.  For as we are all taught believe in The Goddess or die.  

I shall be praying in private place and shall help myself before any others even more from this point onward.  I have faith in only two, Myself and The Goddess.  Its time to follow her teachings even more....

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: April 05, 2005, 07:59:00 am »
star trek

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: April 05, 2005, 07:16:00 am »
hot girls

Roleplaying / RE: Rping death
« on: April 05, 2005, 06:42:00 am »
thanks Zhofe.
To bad about Quin, and your other characters.  I'll try to stay as true to my characters as i can.  RPing is the funnest part of playing in my opinion so staying true to them is the only way to go. *laughs* thanks for the advise.

General Discussion / RE: How about you?
« on: April 05, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
once with Ceala i was leveling and for the skill points i accedently went and clicked recomended. I still don't know what the skills it chose were i guess ill find out when she levels again.  RP is becoming so much more fun than leveling though.

Well journal yesturday truely was odd.  I met three drow men, one bought me some drinks and we talked at the inn with his friend another drow who has strange dreams about a human goddess.  The last one of the three that i met and the strongest seeming traveled with me to the high forest, I accedently steped on a root and a creature appeared and hit me so hard i was sent back to the bindstone in Hlint.  Lom the third drow waited there for me he too got hit hard enough to find himself back in hlint.  We went back and thought about our mistakes and are ready to continue on with life.  We did not do much after that he bought me a room at the inn and i went to bed that was all.

Earier that day I met someone by the name of Ozy i had heard that he was a singer olthough the only song i heard had such i bad melody i would never repeat it.  It seems that the creatures near felt the same way and exploded, not the best song.  He gave me advise to help the people of hlint not for them but so that they would owe me and like me and give me things i am thinking about taking a bit of that advise.  Another odd thing i found out about this Bard named Ozy is that he wears white makeup all over his face, at the moment i will not tell you what it covers but perhaps another time Diary i should hold some secrets even from you.  

Before all of that in the day i was with a group that played with the undead and giants it was quite fun and i can not wait to play games like that agian with beasts such as those i also sold my box of thread and have now saved up 9000 gold in the bank that of course does not include my pocket money.

At the moment there are a few men who give me things when ever i see them one of course is Xenos the human wizard who has bought me many things.  The next most recently is Lomiorfin he has gotten me a few items and one room.  There is also Owen the drow who thinks he is super handsome.  There have been others but i can not remeber them all those are the most recent three and Xenos has given me more than any other so far ... I think perhaps i am forgetting some one who gave me more though, oh well.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Poison Crafting Suggestion
« on: April 02, 2005, 04:28:00 pm »
excuse me i know this hasn't been posted in in a long time but were there any decided changes.  And if there were what are they.

Well diary as ussual i have not writen in you for quite soem time.

I still have not recieved contact from the one known as Hood not from the brethern of ours who he said would contact me.

The other day i was with Stre when i saw Gulnyr and Dyness.  Dyness had out her bear whose name matters not.  Stre was nervous around the bear so i made it invisable.  Dyness was offended and instantly left the bank, Gulnyr scolded me and left also.  I definitely will not be around those two any more.  It turns out that i was right in my assumtion that Dwarfs are not good friends.

I had met another human wizard recently we were going to get some oil for some stupid lady who lost it to ogers.  I was going for the enjoyment of killing ogers.  well we went and almost had it but something odd happened and i ended up back where i had last gone to sleep in an inn in Lar.  Perhaps it was a just a dream, very realistic if it was.  I saw the man later, his name was xenos and i told him to procure me the oil he said that he would so i shall have it, and the reward, soon.  

Xenos is a very odd human he seems to study the only area of magic that my father thought was ussful, necromancy.  I think that i shall accompany xenos at other times and with other missions.  Even Stre gave the man some respect, i think he liked that Xenos wore black which is the same color Stre is.  

I have been working with poison i have decided that i shall kill Blood with poison i have not yet decided which type of poison spider i shall use but it will be powerful.  

As my last diary knows my father was one of the high priests of The Lord of Spiders.  what no one knows except for me and our old archmage is that my father also studied magic but as i said only to use the undead.  I myself care not much about the undead but more about all types of knowledge.

Roleplaying / RE: Rping death
« on: March 29, 2005, 01:48:00 pm »
thanks that explains it alot i've been trying to RP it a bit wrong and wondered if i was so i asked.  So it's like retracing your steps to find out the error of your ways.  perfect i can now test it out.  

BTW if anyone who reads this sees me RPing something incorrectly IG then please just tell me in a tell and i'll try to correct myself.  I try to do things right but am inexperienced at RPing.  My first D&D game was noveber or so then i joined Layo in Febuary and that's about it.

(new entry)
Well Diary two days ago i was travling and saw the only three people who i wear black around.  I happened to be invisable and others where around so i didn't show myself but Stre went and talked with them for a time.  Stre tryed to perch on Gulnyrs shoulder since i did not stay in the groups company and was not around but Gulnyr knocked him away Iris on the other hand invited Stre to Perch on hers.

Stre found out that Iris needed some brown bear skins and asked if i would get them for her because of what she did for him so we went in search of some brown bears we found them easily enough.  I hit a brown bear with two of my magic missles one lightning and one fireball and yet he still charged me he injured Stre so severly that Stre would not rmove himself from my pack for a few hours.  (// i think 50 min RL) i myself was saved only by the Bindstone.

I Tryed again to take down the Bear and again i could not, he truely is a powerful creature eventually i shawl get my revenge.  It seems though that i was not as experienced as i had previously thought i was i shall need to consider those implications.

Later i was with a group and they helped me get revenge on some mercanaries outside of Llast who had insulted my dress, they  called it red when it is Magenta.  I then abandoned that roup rightbefore they entered the haven mines.  Those surface dwellers wanted help to go into caves,definitly places where they should not go and i would not help them, with out promise of a fitty reward anyway.  (// my RP reason for leaving you guys to myself, to you its an important apointment and in RL my parents kicked me off the comp.)

For now i must think on whether to treat Gulnyr or Dyness with the same respect, you see Dyness has a Brown bear companion and often changes into a brown bear herself. I HATE BROWN BEARS!!! Although i may be able to forgive her after i anialate a few.

Iris on the other hand was very nice to Stre and i am even happier with my desicion to make her a companion in the future.

most people typing here are to expand the minds of their characters.  Or in plans to run a CDQ later and showing why the cDQ will work for their character.

To get a CDQ you have to contact Pankoki.  It'll take a while since he's reworking the whole system but be patient and it'll come eventually maybe set it up for a few levels in the future like 4 levels and it might come around then or set a range between certain levels that you want it to happen.  A whole bunch of people are waiting for them, or so i hear so it will take a while good luck.


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