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Messages - FraterAudcal

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General Discussion / RE: Anyone else found that...
« on: September 26, 2005, 05:40:00 pm »
miltonyorkcastle - 9/26/2005  1:32 PM

talking Bilvikki to your wife, eh?  *snickers*  mine likes it when I talk like Bruenor...  errr, maybe it's the other way around, I like it when she talks like Bruenor  O.O  ....  "GET DER BLOO'Y BAS'ARDS!!!" ......

I have, on several occasions, dropped a Brue bomb, at school and such. "You'd best be watchin' yer step around me fool!" My favorite, of course, is "As it should be!"

But, in keeping with the topic, everyone is insane. Christ, Gautama, Churchill, me, you. That reminds me of that little tune off of "Team America: World Police": Everyone has AIDS! AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS!". See, case in point. Sheer friggin' insanity. I believe when one spends even 4 hours a week playing Neverwinter Nights, especially Layonara, insanity is no longer an option, it's the norm.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Balit Glenhobber's Sacred Notebook
« on: September 24, 2005, 09:57:00 pm »
Novlar 26, 1389

On the morrow, I shall journey West, where I shall perhaps explore those caves littered with beholders once again, lest it prove too perilous.

My original plan would have, most likely, proved to have been a much better one. I ended up exploring the swamps east of Hlint. About an hour in to it, a massive swarm of mosquitos begin attacking me. Obviously, it's very difficult fighting off a swarm of tiny insects. I survived though, and they eventaully left me alone.

About three and a half hours into it, sneaking past various bands of patrolling Lizardmen that I saw through the corner of my eye, I came across a cave hidden most surreptitiously behind a waterfall. Wanderlust did, of course, get the best of me, and I ventured in. It appears as if it was a dungeon, crafted with shoddy stone that was worked most unskillfully and carelessly. Utilizing stealth, I spotted a few more lizard men in there, thus proving that savages did indeed construct this temple, as it appeared to be some sort of place of worship, evident by the raised platforms and such.

I exited there, not wanting to be caught, as Lizardfolk are quite ferocious if provoked. Upon my return out of that festering swamp, a small pack of three Worgs saw me, and pursued me for about 5 minutes. I realized I was outmatched, and thus fled hastily, firing off arrows as I was running, to no avail. The beasts kept on their track, not to be detterred. A few times did one or two of them gain up on me, and get several bites into me.

I eventually fled to the camp of the old swamp Hag that dwells there, as I recalled from a while back. She, realizing my peril, did help me defeat and slay the beasts, which I proceeded to skin, clean their hides, and transport back here to Hlint, where I made it to safely after all.

General Discussion / RE: Arrrrr!
« on: September 20, 2005, 05:13:00 am »
Arrrr, what uh wunderful dai to have me burthday upon! Even though it be the 20th now, and um still talkin' like a pie-rat.

General Discussion / RE: And now... for something completly different.
« on: September 14, 2005, 04:13:00 pm »
Ohh, and sorry Lal, I had to voice mine too lol.

General Discussion / RE: And now... for something completly different.
« on: September 14, 2005, 04:12:00 pm »
In Life of Brian, when Pontius Pilate takes Brian captive.

Pilate: Got youwself into a wittle trwouble, did you? You Jewish Wat Scallion.
Brian: My dad was a Roman.
Pilate: Your dad was a woman?
Brian: No, no, a Roman!
Pilate: Stwike him Centurion, quite woftly!
Pilate: What was his name?
Brian: Naughtius Maximus sir, from the Jerusalem Garrison.
*soldiers laughing*
Pilate: Do you know someone by that name Centuwion?
Centurion: No sir.
Pilate: Well you seem quite sure of yowself.
Centurion: It's a joke name sir, like Silly Asaurus, or Biggus Dickus.
Pilate: Biggus Dickus did you say? I happen to have a good fwiend in Wome by that name.
*stifled laughing*
Pilate: What is so funny?! Does anyone feel like a wittle giggle, when I mention my fwiend....BIGgus DICKus?!
*soldier laughs hysterically*
Pilate: Off with him! I want him fighting wabid animals in a week!

All three of the Monty Python movies I've seen ("Life of Brian", "The Holy Grail", and "The Meaning of Life") are freaking hilarious. There's so many great skits, it's hard to name all of them I love. The "Live Organ Transplant" bit from "The Meaning of Life" is great. "Can we have your liva?" "Uhhh....I'm kinda usin' it....".

General Discussion / RE: Happy B-Day to Vyris
« on: September 13, 2005, 04:06:00 pm »
We're both Virgos! Hoorah for nit-picky, anal people! Have a good b-day man.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: PLEASE Read!
« on: September 12, 2005, 07:26:00 pm »
Floating eye eh? I remember when one came into Hlint one time. Caused a huge commotion. Cam't remember what he called himself exactly. Something something the Magnificent, or Great, or something like that. I kept an air of caution the whole time though, around it I mean. This is awful strange. Are you sure those damnable crawling assassin vines didn't get him?

-Balit Glenhobber

Having a non-existent compulsive urge to smoke. I'm always thinking, like at school at such, "Huh, I should smoke that last bit of Green Dragon's Envy". I don't smoke at all in RL, so it's kind of strange. Also, when talking, I usually have an urge to say my actions with little asterisks, like *laughs*. Ohh, also, thinking I could get a pass to go to the little boy's room during class, then turn on stealth and wander around the school.

General Discussion / RE: Mistone Scouting Mission
« on: September 10, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
Oh, yeah, did you mean three hours forward as in later, or earlier, than the previously scheduled time?

General Discussion / RE: Mistone Scouting Mission
« on: September 10, 2005, 11:10:00 am »
//Works for me. I'm not going to get any sleep tonight, but that's the sacrifices you have to make...for the completely arbitary act of playing a computer game lol.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Balit Glenhobber's Sacred Notebook
« on: September 09, 2005, 10:58:00 pm »
Decilar 3, 1388

The path to Karthy is now clear to me. Some map studying has revealed than all of the previous times, I beared to much to the south east. I'm just outside of Karthy now.

Note: Blackberries grow in the northern Delwin River Basin area. Inhabitants: only falcons and I caught sight of a few owls in some trees. Pretty peaceful.

I have made it to Karthy. It is a glorious city, although the seafarers speak of a foul swamp land due west of town. I do not think I'll investigate it. I leave for Lorindar in the morn.

Decilar 5, 1388

The trip across the sea was dreadful, as usual. Although, I suppose I'm biased now. I shall explore Lorindar now though

Mar 24, 1389

Within a fortnight, my chance to give my services to the good of fighting that bane of our existence, Blood, shall manifest itself. I shall firstly though venture north, to Leilon.

Prayed for a prolonged period of time. May the rays of Aragen's wisdom pervade me to a fortuitous end!

Mar 25, 1389

The presence of Blood's generals must be made known to us. Talan has informed us that they may be searching for a Bloodpool on Mistone, or the Dragon Isles. The symptoms of a Bloodpool are as follows: torrential, incessant rain, abundant undead, and a general dark, gloomy, offensive atmosphere.

Such places were listed as follows: Berhagen Mountains, Storan's Crypt, the Ajari Swamp, the Greypeak mountains, and the Dragon Isles. All must be explored, with the utmost of detail.

We are exploring the Greypeak mountains for any secrets. Thus far, our group of 7 strong men and women have found nothing unusual.

We have ventured into Storan's crypt. No sign of anything out of the ordinary as of yet.

By the blood of the sacred! Eon appeared in Storan's crypt! The carnage was unbelievable. Four of my companions, including myself, fell to his awesome might. Luckily we were raised by the benevolence of Aralin Harenya. Blood's general is beyond our combined strength it seems.

I have recovered, albeit mentally, from my recent passing. Eon is still there, in the mountains. For now, we rest in the Ranger's Vale in the Sielwood Forest, analyzing the situation.

Master Rhizome informed us that the "Hierophant" told him that a Bloodpool already exists here on Mistone, and Eon was sent to restore it. As Lalaith pointed out, the theory that the Bloodpool is in Storan's Crypt may be true, although none of our fallen suffered a soul energy depletion, which is typically from one who falls near a Bloodpool. It may be much deeper into the crypt then.

Talan said that he has seen a Bloodpool fall before, and that we should speak to a certain "Xora", a powerful mage, friend of the sisters.

General Discussion / RE: Speak up if anyone has a problem with this
« on: September 06, 2005, 02:11:00 pm »
Ahh, Theosophy. Have you read Madame H.P. Blavatsky's "The Secret Doctrine", or "Isis Unveiled"? Blavatsky was one of the founders of the Theosophy Society. I've found this site very helpful when reading Theosophical material: , here's a lot of the early Theosophical writings of various occultists, including Blavatsky:

And I believe you spelled it right lol, Bhagavad Gita, Bhagivad Ghita, something to that effect. I'd recommend Swami Vivekanada's "Raja Yoga". I haven't read it myself, but I've heard that it's quite good, and it'd be pertinent to the topic at hand.

General Discussion / RE: Speak up if anyone has a problem with this
« on: September 06, 2005, 05:31:00 am »
Yllyrryon, where is that prayer from in RL? I'm very much into meditation, Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga (Asana, Pranayama, Yama and Niyama, Pratyahara, etc.) and ceremonial magick (Thelemic, Enochian, Goetic, Golden Dawn, etc.), and I know those ride over to my character's personality and and IC prayers very overtly so lol.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Balit Glenhobber's Sacred Notebook
« on: September 03, 2005, 01:07:00 pm »
Jular 3, 1388

Note: Cougars in the Northeastern Belgaer Hills

An absolutely horrfying experience has ended my travels on Rilara. I have exceeded my boundaries, and have prayed a dear price. I ventured south of the town of Bloody Gate, to a strange, surreal area littered with bones. It was like a ghastly scene from a horrific nightmare. Skeletons and decaying corpses hung from trees. I think it was that way at least. It all seesm so hazy now. I kept venturing north, almost as if lulled by some other force. Out of thin air it seems, these demonic creatures, great winged monstrocities, fifeteen feet tall, and animated skeletal undead, brandishing flaming swords, appeared out of nowhere. I felt a great surge of pain, as if all of the crimson aqua vitae in my body burst from my body, and all of my bones snapped like tinder. And then all was black, and that ominous feeling of terrible cold over came me, and I reincarnated by the stone my soul is bound to, in Hlint, miles and miles away from Rilara.

It is obvious I am being punished for sort some of disobedience. I only pray Aragen shall watch over me.

Jular 5, 1388

A few items raised by fellow members of the Circle: keep eyes open for any followers of Corath in Hlint. They're up to something. And two, be wary of any Balors the latter may have released, as reported by a certain Mephit taken captive outside of Hlint.

Novlar 28, 1388

Prayed, then set up a camp fire. Will dry out some Wolfswood Leaf for smoking, rest a bit, then head southward, to hunt boar for hides. Really tired. Must sleep.

Novlar 29, 1388

Made it to the marsh lands south of Fort Velensk, but not without some considerable danger. I was attacked by a griffon outside of Port Hampshire. Luckily, I hid from it inside that city, and continued my travels in peace.

The hunt has been a success. I found two prime dire boars outside of the dire woods, that I lured into a trap, and slayed, not without getting pretty injured myself. I am resting up again in the marsh.

Novlar 30, 1388

Upon my return from Fort Velensk, I met a very fair lass outside of Port Hampshire, by the name of Shiani Maere. We talked for a while, and I agreed to accompany here on some travels. We made our way out to the Swordrust Mountains, a walk of about 4 hours. There, we fought some tough battles with a dozen or so gnolls, and stood strong and triumphant. We came across a cave, and ventured down into it.

The cavern was immense. The top floor was littered with eyeball creatures, which we slayed one by one with ease. We ventured down a floor, where we came across a beholder, and several mind flayers, all of which we slayed with ease as well. Even deeper into the cavern we ventured, down into a subterrenean cavern, red litten as the walls were glowing with heat and lava. It was a maze, filled with more beholders, which we killed with little difficulty. We engaged a strange creature, about the size of a normal halfling. It's body was covered in bones, and crawled on all fours, hunched over like a rabbit. It was resilient to all of our attacks except Shiani's mighty Fist of the Gods magick. We emptied the caverns of nearly all of it's strange foes, and proceeded to exit the cave.

We said our farewells, and I retired to the Caring Hope Inn. I look forward very much to seeing her aga

*a note, in small but neat script is posted by the original*

I would be most honored to be part of this military unit. My skills aren't exactly of the normal soldiery though, as I'm pretty adept at stealth, and with a crossbow, but I can be trained to use a shortbow. If there's anything you deem would fit me best, in terms of rank or division, I'd be happy to do all I can to fit in.


Balit Glenhobber

General Discussion / RE: Hurricane Katrina
« on: August 31, 2005, 08:02:00 pm »
There's always Indiana. We have....uh....corn. And cows. I think. Plenty of corn though.

In all seriousness though, hope everything turns out well for you. And everyone else as well. With gas prices sky rocketing, we're all going to need some hope.

Novlar 8, 1387

Latest search into the dusty realm of the Great Library and Blackford Castle study proveless in vain, as before. This task I have undertaken is proving much more difficult than I have previously thought. I pray to the wisest lord, Aragen, that in his omniscience I may gain insight into the secret vernacular of this tome!

Messed up another pair of badger leather gloves. Argh, how many badgers have I killed for this "just" cause in the last year? I think I'll resort strictly to cotton tailoring from now on...

Note: just read a "wanted" poster for a certain Ketzia person. Must remember to keep watch out for her, supposedly a murder suspect, and possibly dangerous.

Mar 18, 1388

I have decided to take a trip to Dregar, to visit Pranzis.

Junar 28, 1388

My recent venture to Dregar has proved most disappointing and fruitless. I deemed the journey from Hurm to Pranzis of the utmost danger. Dwarven mercenaries, pirates. Every sort of lawlessness is abound in the countryside. The road from the coast to the capital was far to dangerous to risk, and there was no option for stealth, as the spies of those aforementioned are everywhere.

Thus, I have returned to Mistone. I now sit upon a dock in Leilon, resting after the long, and sleepless sea journey from Hurm to here. A grey, intimidating sky stretches above head til it meets it's watery demise at the horizon. I now have a new plan: travel to Rilara, a safer continent, and search for answers there. From there, I can take a boat (once I am acquainted to the roads there) from Karthy to Lorindar, and try the road from the latter to Pranzis. I shall, for now though, return to Hlint, and rest for a bit.

May Aragen, the wisest of all lords, keep his eye upon me, and his wisdom and light within me, even if into the shadows I must tread.

I have restocked on necessary supplies, and will head back onto the road here shortly. I leave under the cover of nightfall.

I have made it to Port Hampshire, in one piece, but not without some scratches and bruises, and being shaken up. No matter now much I hide, the eyes of the undead abominations in the Broken Forest still see me. If it weren't for the intervention of a kind human soul, my travels would have been cut abruptly short. Also, I naroowly escaped the air-born eyes of a griffon outside of Fort Hope.

I rest til the morning here at the Temple of Deliar in Port Hampshire. At the morrow, I shall set sail for Point Harbor.

May Aragen cast his divine rays of wisdom upon his eternal servant.

Junar 29, 1388

I have made it to Point Harbor. I have set up camp outside the city, in the forest of Dinen. After resting up, I shall return to my travels.

Jular 1, 1388

I have traveled through the Dinen Forest, across the Thalos River, where I delivered a much belated document to a certain Farmer Part in that area. I then traveled to Casterly Castle, where I am now resting. I prayed to the wise lord earlier, and did some searching in the small study in the Temple, to no avail. The most benevolent Priests here cannot reveal anything either. I shall continue my travels in the morrow, for now I must rest.

About 4 hours east of Casterly Castle, in what my map says is the Taur'en Hills, I was ambushed by what appeared to be a Kenku rogue, this one of a different clan than the ones near my home town. I retreated back to town, and shall rest here again for awhile, before making my way back north, and taking an alternate route perhaps east.

Note: Southern Dinen Forest- den of leopards. Could be useful if needed for leather tanning

Jular 2, 1388

Traveled through rocky Stone, restocked rations and tinder there, then set up camp outside of Sunspear Castle. Will continue travels on the morrow.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: *scroll pinned to the wall* Ogre Hunters Wanted
« on: August 10, 2005, 09:48:00 am »
*written in a neat, cramped style*

Hail Mr. Roman,

I'd like to help you as well. Although short, I may be of some aid here. Plus I'm not too fond of ogres. Also, if you could maybe introduce me to the tinkerers trade, I'd be very appreciative. I'd like to learn to make my own traps and such.


Balit Glenhobber

*attached is a crude drawing of a dark clad halfling standing over a dead umberhulk // // *

Just for Fun / RE: Now Playing...
« on: August 08, 2005, 09:29:00 pm »
foxfire - 8/8/2005  7:11 PM

Not that anyone cares, but......................  I am listening to:

Beatmania IIDX soundtracks..  probably 6th-12th styles.
Misc. DDR songs  (I'm a geek, so what!)
Hikaru Utada, BoA some other J/Kpop/rock
Led Zeppelin and Metallica
90's rock (My favorite band is stone temple pilots, and other bands I like include Weezer, Cranberries, 311, RADIOHEAD)
Others - Flaming Lips, Travis, Guster

And a band I just recently got into - Muse.


The Flaming Lips hahaha. The only song I've heard by them is the one about Yoshibai or something. She's a black belt in karate. Hey Yoshibai, they don't believe me. But you won't let those robots defeat me. A friend of mine drove to my house this one time just so I could hear that song.

Seplar 19, 1387

The past few months have been generally fruitless as well. Nothing new has arisen in terms of the shady text. Long hours have I gazed upon it, attempting to divine it's occult secrets, but nothing has come of it.

I feel awfully strange today thouggh, as in something new is starting. Perhaps some prayer shall aid me. I feel a birth of something within my mind.

Encountered a strange elven man today by the name of Roy. He stood about five and a half feet tall, with green hair and blue skin. He inquired as to where I bought my journal, looking bewildered at the sight of such a thing, claiming that he and his fellow sea elves write upon rocks, with chisels. He detailed to me the unfortunate tale of his necessity to escape to land, as Bloodstone killed a great many of his people. Unfortunate, but not rare it seems. And that is even more unfortunate. This vengeful instigator shall not win.

I have ventured into the infamous Storan's Crypt with my trsuted friend Aralin and two other companions. Thus far, the assault upon the undead here has been very...painful, to say the least. I have already felt the ice grip of death, as a Bodak casted a hideous, deathly spell upon me. We rest outside of the adytum of the crypt, where the ill-rumored mummy Storan himself slumbers. I must pray.

We have defeated that fell abomination Storan, but at a great price. The only people left standing at the end of the battle were Aralin and myself. Our comrades Iradril and Tha'Azail both fell to the hordes of shadow creatures and mummies. Fortunately, Aralin was able to weild his divine clerical magics to resurrect both of our comrades, and we made a hasty retreat out of that damnable crypt.

I have returned to Blackford Castle, where I shall rest after such a taxing ordeal, and continue with my study and meditation upon this text. Hopefully it shall prove fruitful!

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