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Messages - Sahala

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Stone: Ooc Discussion
« on: March 22, 2006, 02:41:51 pm »
as far as dates go, I'll be hardpressed to make it anytime on the 8th of April.  And I'd really like to go as this is very important to Sahala D'lil Maethra

General Discussion / Re: Fire and Ice Pt III
« on: February 01, 2006, 03:01:12 pm »
*giggles*  I loved it.  

"Wait... is this the same room we....  we're just on the other side...  ahh, geez..."\\

Good times.  *goes and grabs some chocolate covered raisins*  Yum.  *giggles*

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / RE: A Dark Union
« on: January 30, 2006, 07:29:29 pm »
///////  there has been a change in the time of this event.  It will now take place at 6pm CST.  I hope this doesn't keep anyone from attending.  As a reminder, this is an open wedding- even to Drow-hating dwarves  ;) .  Come see the beginnings of a new Drow House.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: A Dark Union
« on: January 30, 2006, 07:28:54 pm »
///////  there has been a change in the time of this event.  It will now take place at 6pm CST.  I hope this doesn't keep anyone from attending.  As a reminder, this is an open wedding- even to Drow-hating dwarves  ;) .  Come see the beginnings of a new Drow House.

Development Journals and Discussion / Intermission
« on: January 26, 2006, 01:51:47 pm »
A wedding approaches, and its fruition will signal the completion of the Second Chronicle.

General Discussion / Re: pronounciation
« on: January 25, 2006, 06:10:58 am »
Sahala:  SHuh (short 'u') - HA (as in, haha) - luh (shurt 'u')

SHuh-HA-luh (so, emphasis is on 'sh' sound and the middle syllable)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Dust
« on: January 20, 2006, 10:18:46 am »
*written below*  

One bag.  Send a letter to discuss price and a time to meet.  


General Discussion / Re: Stone: Ooc Discussion
« on: January 18, 2006, 10:35:52 am »
It hasn't been scouted in a week or so.  Ael planned to do another, more detailed scouting of Stone this week sometime.  

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: From the Depths
« on: January 17, 2006, 01:56:43 pm »
*Sahala reads the note and squints, rubbing her chin*

"I wonder who will try lead the curious adventurers now?  Perhaps I should relay what I know to Ael and ask him to lead."

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Liberation of Stone
« on: January 08, 2006, 12:08:00 pm »
*Sahala watches Ael write the note from her perch under the covers of their bed, then half-smiles as he kisses her forehead before he leaves to post the note in Hlint*

"Oh dear Beryl,"  she whispers, "I will never forget your kindness, the kindness of your people.  You will be avenged. We will gather your devout." She clenches her fists, squeezing the sheets in her hands. "We will raise the perfection of the gems you have gifted us with, that you might focus your strength once more through them."  Sahala closes her eyes and lays back.  "You will not be forgotten."

General Discussion / RE: Things kids eat...
« on: December 08, 2005, 06:54:00 am »
yeah, pigeon is just like a fat dove.  wrap 'em in bacon and stuff 'em with a jalepeno.  and while sardines make me want to hurl, I'll eat tunafish straight out of the can;  no need to add or drain anything.  mmmm, mmmmm, nuthin' but protein.

Rumour Has It / RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
« on: December 06, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
*mutters to herself*    "A magic circle of runes that drain life energy....  a ring that drains magical energy....  but... is it really these >things< that are performing the drain?  Or are they simply the conduits through which she, or it, pulls the energy?  *blinks and rubs her forehead*  I must find Rhizome."

General Discussion / RE: My Favorite Death So Far
« on: November 18, 2005, 07:25:00 am »
Spit that out right now, Ozymandias!  That heart belongs to Sahala!   ;)  ;)

and out of curiosity...  if you saw Sahala lying dead on the sand, Ozy, would you eat her heart too?   :o

General Discussion / RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« on: November 14, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
All our likenesses are posted in major drow cities?  You mean there was a CaDuzite drow that survived?  :)

Rumour Has It / RE: Lost Spirits Series
« on: November 07, 2005, 10:09:00 am »
A little background before I spout some opinons:

Sahala (the cat lady) joined in on the last 4 or so of the quests, after she had heard about the possible rise of a new god.  As she's still behind the curve on knowledge of the surface and its events (she's drow), she takes all opportunities to learn more information.  She's previously been involved in the world plot quest involving Carocsa, the Shark Lord, and the deal between Mist and Pyrtechon.

Realizing most of what they've encountered is beyond her (she's 10th lvl), she usually stands far in the back or behind a wall for cover, all the while invisible with random assortments of protective spells just in-case a loose area-of-effect spell hits her.  The only time she died was when Blood showed up last time.  She never looted anything.

That said, here are some thoughts:

The party has been freakishly huge, but then, it is a world plot quest, and by all rights, it's only fair that any person of the world have a chance to affect it.  It's not always the most efficent, wise, or safe way to go, but if every plot quest had only the most efficient team to solve the issue, only a few people would ever be involved in the major happenings of the world.

Before everyone gets on their high horse and starts verbally chastising people, namely, chastising the lower level characters (characters less than 15th lvl), for looting, dying, etc, realize that
1) many of the players of the lower level characters are newer, and some completely new to world plot quests.  They have little or no knowledge of the etiquette and assumptions we adhere to on a quest of this cailber.

2) Leadership in such large groups is a must, and as an observer, I saw little leadership, and more yelling and whining.  I'm not saying this is always the case, but it was what I saw in the last installment of Ice's series.  You say, "Wait!  How can you say that?  Rhizome and Rev and Rem were there!  They're always the leaders!"  Excuse me?  Just because I happen to know they are epic characters does not mean that my character Sahala recognizes that, so she cannot assume they lead simply because of their level (strength, knowledge, etc.).  What I'm getting at, is that there were so  many that assumed who the leaders were, there was never any RP to determine the spokesperson, combat leader, etc.  You say, "Well, if they had been on the previous quests, they would have known."  See my earlier statement about world plot quests.  For that matter, so many seemed frustrated at the size of the group yet they did nothing to organize it other than, "Stay out of the way and don't die."  Granted, that's IC for some, but if that's the kind of leadership that existed in the party, death should have been expected.

I'm not trying to say that anybody did something wrong or bad.  Rather, I'm trying to point out certain consequences of certain choices the party made as a whole.  The party acted fragmented, so we got fragmented results.  

Perhaps in the future, certain etiquettes will be explained, and more time will be spent in defining the roles of those present in the party. In essence, more time encouraging and working together and less time complaining.

General Discussion / RE: Great RP...
« on: November 07, 2005, 06:37:00 am »
It was very nice.  Thank you so much for inviting me!

General Discussion / RE: Now that the orc series has ended...
« on: November 02, 2005, 08:21:00 am »
I was also not personally involved, but as Ael and Sahala are a couple, the series had a MAJOR impact on her life.  I could go into details, but it would take pages.  This has certainly been one of the most far reaching quests that I have seen here as far as how many players it impacted.  Impressive.

General Discussion / RE: oh mighty Caption...
« on: October 24, 2005, 06:28:00 am »
of course, his route gets interupted constantly throughout the day, so the time it takes to make the route varies each time, depending on how many people bump into him.  I guess we could work out an average time, though....

General Discussion / RE: Sorry! *quest last night*
« on: October 14, 2005, 07:52:00 am »
*grins*  that was one whacky quest.  we got the shivies kicked out of us by goblins =P.  after your silence, we all kinda guessed something must have happened to your connection or computer.  It worked out for two of the guys since they had to leave anyway.  If you could, I and a few others would really like to finish it, say, next thursday at 8pm MST =) .....

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