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Messages - Raiden Kitsune

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General Discussion / RE: question about hit points
« on: June 23, 2005, 12:37:00 pm »
Well, "officially," as far as D&D rules, and I believe NWN works this way on the "D&D hardcore" difficulty level, you automatically get max for the first level, then roll after that.

In Layonara, however, I just reached fourth level, and have recieved max hit points every level.  Whether this is the way the server's set up, or I'm just incredibly lucky so far, I have no idea at all.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Another New Beginning
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
I think I've found what I'm here for.  There was a note, in the inn.  From someone trying to put together a great council of leaders of all of the faiths, to stand against the threats to this realm.  So I responded, though I didn't really believe they'd have any use for one so inexperience as me.  Just a few hours ago, however, I recieved a letter.  They want me to join the council to stand for Ilsare and her followers.

All of the faiths, the powers of every God and Goddess on Layonara working together?  It sounds impossible, far too good to be true.  But if it is?  It could easily be the turning point in...well, everything.  It could change far more than just the war against Blood.  And I'm going to be a part of it.

It's not going to be easy.  It's only natural to think of working together with the priestesses of Ilsare's allies.  Aeriden, Xeen, many of the others.  But I'll have to work with -all- of them.  Even Vierdri'ra.  But I think I can do that, I really do.  I feel like I can put aside any differences to work together like this.  I've had to do that many times before.  Perhaps that's why Ilsare called me all the way from my old home, for this.  Because I really think I can do this.

Now, I just need to await one more letter telling me when and where to meet the rest of them.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Congregation of the Faithful
« on: June 22, 2005, 07:43:00 pm »
Selinde examines the note, noting that it looks old and she may already be too late, even if she would be able to do any good.  But, it certainly couldn't hurt...

She searches for a piece of parchment and ink and begins to write, starting over after a moment when she realizes she's instinctively begun writing in her native Drow language.  Still wasn't used to this...

"My name is Selinde Evrine, and I am a priestess of the Lady of Dreams, Ilsare.  I am but new to this realm, having been called here by Her from the Underdark.  Though I have little experience, my belief in and love for my Goddess is strong, as is my desire to protect this realm.  If no greater priest or priestess can step forward to serve this council in Ilsare's name, I would do so, and do everything in my power to aid this noble goal.  If you have any use for me, you will be able to find me with little trouble around Hlint, likely at the Inn."

She almost hoped she wouldn't be called.  What would she be able to do for them, anyway?  Probably not much.  But if they needed her, she'd be here.  Perhaps this was the reason Ilsare had called her here, after all...

Wild Surge Inn / RE: A Note of Warning
« on: June 22, 2005, 07:26:00 pm »
Selinde barely glances at the note as she walks by.  Foolish, to be fighting among themselves now, with everything else going on.  Even with her inability to keep her nose out of...well, anything and everything, really...she had no intention of taking sides on this one.

But then again...she -could- perhaps do more good if she knew what was really going on, so it might not hurt to try to get closer to one side or the other...right?  Might even be able to do the most good from the inside...she'd have to think about that  She glances back up at the note for a second before moving off, ignoring, as always, that little voice that told her when it would be smarted to keep her nose out of something.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Another New Beginning
« on: June 22, 2005, 11:48:00 am »
The flowers here are beautiful.  I've never seen anything like them before, not in my old world.  I found myself just sitting amoung them yesterday, unable to take my eyes off of them.  It's been this way with so much of this world.  I could never go back to the Underdark after seeing this.  Ilsare teaches us to look for the beautiful things in life, and there are so many of them now.

Honestly, everything's going better than I could have hoped.  Although there are many people who don't seem to want me around, there are more, many more than I expected, who seem to accept me.  It seems there are more Drow up here than I'd guessed there would be.  This area seems to be a center for adventurers, too, and I suppose the people around here are used to seeing more...unusual types.

I still don't really know what it is that Ilsare wishes me to be doing, so I've tried to just do whatever good I can.  I've managed to help a few people, mostly just townsfolk with small errands and such, but they're grateful.  And Ilsare seems to be satisfied with this for now, I can feel that, and she gifts me with more and more of her power.  I know I'm not here just to do trivial little things like this, though.  Why would she seek me out deep in the Underdark do deliver mail and slay goblins?  She must have something greater in mind, though I cannot guess what it could be yet.  Perhaps she simply wants me to become stronger and more familiar with this realm first, before she reveals my purpose to me.

It seems, though, that war comes to this world, in many ways, small and large, from the goblins to an ancient warlord come back for revenge.  Although I had hoped to spend my time studying and spreading Ilsare's teachings, of love, and beauty, I fear that even she may soon need her followers to fight to protect the good things in this world.  I must admit, I will be somewhat saddened if that is my true reason for being here, but if it is, so be it.  I will not refuse her.  And perhaps even if that is my destiny, I will still find time for brighter things.

It is a sad time indeed, though, when even priestesses of the Archer of Love need take up arms.  I suppose I should see if the blacksmith here can fit me for a decent suit of chain mail.  Perhaps I can at least convince him to craft it in Ilsare's colors for me.

I've gotten myself a bit down now, thinking of this.  And to think I was so happy only a few moments ago.  And all because I'm getting so ahead of myself, too!  Perhaps I'll have nothing to do with this war at all, and am simply here to show that beauty comes in all forms.

Hmm.  I think maybe it could be both.

Ilsare, whatever your wishes for me, guide me, and I will never hesistate to follow.

Development Journals and Discussion / Another New Beginning
« on: June 20, 2005, 01:05:00 pm »
So, here I am, in the surface world, finally following Ilsare's call.  So far, though, it hasn't been easy.  Not that I expected it to be.  Most of the people here see my people as monsters.  They're right for the most part, of course, I know that all too well.  In fact, I should be glad that no one's attacked me openly yet.  But, where can I even start when no one wants anything to do with me?  I don't even know what Ilsare wants of me.  I thought maybe I'd just start with the basics, you know, do what I can to help people in general, in Ilsare's name, spread her teachings.  And maybe get people to realize that they can't judge me by my skin.

I wonder why I'm even writing this?  Will it do me any good?  Well, I've seen other people writing journals, it seems to be almost traditional around here.  And maybe if someday I have the kind of successful life I want, Ilsare willing, then it will be good to have a reminder of where I started. is kind of fun, writing everything down.  And it certainly helps to clear my mind.

I wish there was more to write about today, though.  The only people I managed to do any good for was a young elf who looked almost as lost as I am, and all I could do for him was heal his wounds and point him in the direction of a guard who might have been able to use his help.  He seemed appreciative, though, and I suppose that's a start.

Oh, and I helped a kitten.  Adorable little thing, I wonder how it got itself so badly hurt?  It's all right now, though, thanks to Ilsare's healing gifts.  I wanted to keep it, but what could I do to take care of it?  I'm sure it belonged to someone else, anyway, it didn't look like a stray, apart from it's injuries.

A bit later, I tried to help another group of adventurers who were looking for a healer, but they didn't even seem to notice me, or if they didn't they pretended not to.  It looks like it's not going to be easy making friends.

I tried a few trips into the wilderness on my own, looking for the goblin scouts that a guard asked me to track down, but with no luck.  All I ended up doing was nearly getting myself killed, a couple times.  It certainly looks like I'm going to need help before I can do much good around here.

I just wish Ilsare would give me some idea of where to start...


I wonder if I really need to sign my own journal entries?  Amusing, somehow.

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