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Messages - Scipio

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Players Guide Update
« on: August 30, 2005, 11:48:00 pm »
Thanks...figures it was bioware.

Yeah, high levels is great but I don't think a 40th level uber rogue build is in the works for this server...which is a good thing. I don't know. I shouldn't complain but I like Dex based fighters and DnD is biased against them from what I can tell. When is GURPS: Layonara coming out? :)

General Discussion / RE: New Maps available!
« on: August 16, 2005, 06:52:00 pm »
Brilliant! What software did you use to make these?

General Discussion / RE: EDITED: Question regarding Challenge Ratings
« on: August 05, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
Most of the people who are soloing probably have summons. I know that your fighter would squish either of my characters in a straight fight but they can summon friends to kill you while they smoke a cigarette. If you don't have summons ability, you probably need to stay in a group.

General Discussion / RE: Newb Questions
« on: July 23, 2005, 07:37:00 pm »
ugh! Thanks!

General Discussion / RE: Good D&D reading
« on: July 19, 2005, 09:42:00 am »
Any of Robert Howard's fantasy stories...especially Conan. They are all back in print now.
The Thieves' World anthology.
Tad William's books are also very good.

General Discussion / RE: racial profiling
« on: July 15, 2005, 12:41:00 pm »
If I may elaborate on my last post. Imagine you walk into your favorite nightclub and see a bearded Arab with a Kalishnikov. That would be the equivalent of seeing a drow adventurer in the inn.

General Discussion / RE: racial profiling
« on: July 15, 2005, 12:26:00 pm »
I was just using the 'armed band' as a historical analogy. A lone drow can be, and often is, quite dangerous. A lone drow mage or assassin would be just as threatening to Hlint as the Portuguese slave ship would be appearing off the coast of an African village.
I don't want to dwell on the issue because I think Layonara is a pretty cool PW but I just get tired of so many drow. They would be less popular if there were real RP drawbacks to playing one. Maybe negative NPC reactions? Someone mentioned that since all the villagers are imaginary, that the point is moot. Not so. If the NPCs that give out quests refuse to deal with drow, it would be a wonderful touch.

General Discussion / RE: racial profiling
« on: July 15, 2005, 11:11:00 am »
This is such a silly topic. It is a topic that can only arise in a society as safe and spoiled as ours. Imagine if you are some European peasants and a group of armed Mongol horsemen, whom you know have destroyed all the villages to your east, show up. Are you going to say, 'lets be tolerant and judge them as individuals'? No, you will fight or flee. The same if you are in Africa circa 1600 and a group of armed Portugeuse show up. This happy, politically correct bubble, that people who have time to play hours of video games in(i.e. all of us) are living in, is a unique time and place of relative peace. I see no reason why Drow shouldn't be killed on sight. I hate it when modern thinking shows up in games. Fortunately, the creators of Layonara haven't let it dominate druid RP(some PW worlds they are all PETA activists with spells). It is unfortunate that the creators HAVE allowed this in regards to drow.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Warning! Milara's Return
« on: July 13, 2005, 12:23:00 pm »

A songbird flies around your head and lands on your shoulder. Attached to it is a small note which says the following:

Master Rhizone,

You had asked about my vision. One night I had a dream in which the Queen of the T'oleflor appeared to me and showed me two visions. One was of the Broken Forest reduced to a cinder and its inhabitants slain. The second vision was of Sinthar Bloodstone. I believe that the vision is a warning of impending danger to the Forest from Bloodstone. Perhaps it relates to the current events or to this 'dark' T'oleflor that you mentioned and whom I would like to learn more about. It would strike me as odd if the Queen were to appear in a vision over the generalized threat that Bloodstone presents to all of Layonara. The problems of late in regards to those with the ability to shift forms could also be related to this. There are many questions and few answers.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Player Consortium
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:04:00 pm »
Has any thought been given to adopting some of the PrCs from it? Wait, I know thought has been given to it but is there any real chance some of the classes that would fit in LO will be added?

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Genasi
« on: September 01, 2005, 12:01:00 am »
Has there been any thought of implementing Genasi as a subrace(s)?

General Discussion / Players Guide Update
« on: August 30, 2005, 11:00:00 pm »
This was not mentioned in the class section of the guide and I think it should be. Namely that the Rogue, already a very weak PC, has his Use Magic skill neutered. A O level scroll has a DC check of 25, meaning you have to be mid level to even get a halfway decent chance at casting Cure Minor Wounds.

General Discussion / Help/Advice
« on: August 14, 2005, 03:08:00 pm »
I've been on Layonara twice. I think it is the best PW out there and it overcomes some of the many limitations of NWN and DnD. However, I am having a problem and I am not sure if I am just missing something or if it is something others encounter as well. I have four characters - two from the first time I tried LO and two from this time - and they are all lvl 5-7. Getting there is easy. The scripted quests for the low levels are fun and advance you fairly quickly. However, what I'm interested in are the DM Quests. The thing is that I can't ever get on one. About half are in a different time zone and some are restricted to previous quest participants. That's fine and I have no problem with that. But it seems like the vast majority of quests are for higher level characters. And that is fine too - except I can't seem to get to higher level. That leaves me doing the awful, horrible grind of mob killing. Result - I get bored and quit. I hate level grinding. I hate the DnD system of leveling period but this is the only game in town with a DM client so its what I'm stuck with. So, my question is - how have others made it from mid level to high level without spending 20hours a week mindlessly clicking their mouse? I really like Layonara but killing 1000 ogres to advance doesn't interest me much.
PS - I am signed up for 2 DM quests later this month but one I probably won't do because I won't make the lvl requirement in time.

General Discussion / ECL Question
« on: August 05, 2005, 11:45:00 am »
Why is the deep gnome given an ECL of 3 while the Drow are given only a 2? The Drow have no negative modifiers and the deep gnomes have several. Maybe raising Drow ECL to 3 would reduce the number of them on the server.

General Discussion / Newb Questions
« on: July 23, 2005, 06:49:00 pm »
I'm trying to work out a character concept and have come across a couple questions that need to be answered before I finish it up. Please help!!

1) It says in the Guide that aasimar can also be elves. How does that work in game? Does the aasimar abilities stack with elf abilities? If not, can you at least pick the elf race in creation and then choose aasimar subrace so that the character looks like an elf? Or, none of the above and you choose human, subrace aasimar?
2) Do prestige classes count against racial favored class penalty? Or is it only the beginning classes?

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