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Messages - Damaged Goods

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: hatred
« on: July 16, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
LoganGrimnar - 7/15/2005  9:24 PM

I like care bears....

MEE TOOO!!! I think we all should hold hands and frolick through a field of Daisys! Then when bad men get in the way, we can have a carebear countdown!

Im feeling abit of negitivity here! Does somebody need hug?

General Discussion / RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
« on: July 16, 2005, 08:12:00 am »
Well, im not sure about you.... But Id like to See Troi and Doc Crusher Vs Princess Leia and Mon Mothmon in a naked Mud wresling match!!

General Discussion / RE: Hello, Im dying of boredom!!
« on: July 14, 2005, 03:37:00 pm »
IDii - 7/14/2005  5:34 AM

Try running around in circles. once you get bored of circles, try squares and triangles and so on.

Hahahaha! I like the way you think, Thanks for the laugh! lol

General Discussion / RE: Hello, Im dying of boredom!!
« on: July 14, 2005, 02:54:00 pm »
heated indoor pool? and around the world buffet? ..Anyways im not trying to sound pushy, im just so bored, and there isnt anything good on tv, History Channel is playing reruns again, Comedy Central has some not funny movie on, and i feel like pulling out my hair and screaming. So bored!!

General Discussion / RE: Hello, Alittle help please.
« on: July 12, 2005, 09:00:00 am »
Yes that helps me quite abit. Thank you, I can see why my buddy was so high on this Community. Lol, I went to take a shower and when i get out, there are allready 2 replys. :)

General Discussion / Hello, Im dying of boredom!!
« on: July 14, 2005, 02:25:00 pm »
Can someone approve my guy in Submissons thrend? Im dying of Boredom and want to play on the Server! Thanks

General Discussion / Hello, Alittle help please.
« on: July 12, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
Hi, Im sorta new to roleplaying, and i have a freind who played a quest on this server, and said he enjoyed it. Now that i have Introduced myself ill get to the point.

Im have been reading and getting as much info on the history and background of Layonara. And i have decided, That i would i like to play here. I do not mind writing a backstory, I think that would be fun, but the problem is, i do not want to write some half assed backstory. Im wanting to start a fighter/spellcaster that ends up becoming a palemaster. now i realize i will not be able to take a palemaster right away, but i would like to write a backstory about my pc, that kinda gives some implacation of his intentions. But as much as i looked i havent found a whole lot of info on how a palemaster should be played. As i said, im new to roleplaying, and id like some tips or some info, on the history of Necromacy on this server, so that i have a general idea of how i can make my player a palemaster through story and roleplaying.

Any tips and advice would be helpful. thanks.

Pages: [1]