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Messages - Quercus the Navigato

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Marianna
« on: September 26, 2005, 06:31:00 pm »
I have responded to PM's, but have made sure that all in the PM's has also been posted publicly, in the interest of transparency.  The ban for life stands, as apparently un-named "community members" spoke out.

My first effort at online gaming, and frankly, pretty poor results.  I will not try again.

General Discussion / RE: Marianna
« on: September 25, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
I obviously can't argue with the log, but I did not intentionally attack Marianna.  I cannot explain how that might have happened.  I'm very aware of the risk a misclick brings, so am very careful about it.

However, I've been banned for life, so - see ya!

General Discussion / Marianna
« on: September 24, 2005, 06:33:00 pm »
Since this seems to be the forum for expressing frustration, let me do so.

First, let me ask, how many folks have been killed because they miscalled a ma'am a sir?  I was in the sewers fighting rats (I'm very new), and having a bit of trouble with the last two.  Marianna helped with one, while I killed the other.  I called out "Thank you, sir".  The response was *smiles* and a flaming sword in the gut.  

I joined Layonara because I'd been told it was a good family friendly place to RP, and that you could pretty much count on being safe from marauding PC's.  If this is the norm, killing for fun, then frankly, I think the "family frinedly" is a misnomer.  

Is this the norm?  Or is Marianna a deviation from the rules?

Quercus the Navigator

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