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Messages - Evil Dad

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General Discussion / RE: Question about barbarian rage
« on: December 24, 2005, 04:54:00 am »
Yeah, so be real careful.  Ravenne died quite a few times, and even got a DT, by not watching her hp's properly using rage.  Always use it at the start of a battle, when your hp's are at their fullest.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Wanted: Rubies
« on: December 21, 2005, 10:35:00 am »
*writes under the notice*

i have a mineral ruby for sale, please contact me to discuss

General Discussion / RE: Goodbye to Malc
« on: December 20, 2005, 04:29:00 am »
ya know i loves ya really :P

Trade and Market Hall / RE: architect
« on: December 19, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
Well, perhaps Annun hasn't read this as she has been grieving over the recent death of a loved one.  If seteece doesn't want someone that has actual proven experience, then he doesn't have to seek her out.  It was merely a suggestion.

General Discussion / RE: Question about PKs..
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:26:00 am »
A lot of PK's are removed, and requested to be removed.  I myself has asked for one, but that was because of a server error.  

But I believe there are instances when they shouldnt be.  If for example, a party attacks a load of myconids and one gets confused and kills another player then surely this PK should stand.  Okay, they were confused, but they knew the risks when attacking the myconids.  But, perhaps it is the lack of intent to kill another player that makes this one removable.

If a mage casts confusion, gives you warning and you still run it, get confused then PK someone.  Is this perhaps your own fault also? I think that perhaps these PK's should stand.  But if the made cast it without warning or in the wrong place, then it was not your fault for getting confused in the first place.

And a mage/druid/cleric that casts AoE spells, knows the risks involved.  These PK's should stand is it was a lack of care to the party members that caused it.

I do find it hard to justify your second PK as a PK.  Just because you boost his stats does not make it your responsibility to keep him alive and he should have kept his health up.  This is one case when you should have complained and asked for it to be removed.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: architect
« on: December 18, 2005, 10:21:00 am »
Might I suggest you search out a certain Annun Firith.

General Discussion / RE: Goodbye for now
« on: December 17, 2005, 11:08:00 pm »
cya later guys

General Discussion / RE: Help with multiclassing..
« on: December 15, 2005, 08:30:00 pm »
on Layo you must have 5 levels of each class by level 20.

General Discussion / RE: Need DM help .. in -ve reflections
« on: December 15, 2005, 06:53:00 am »
Thank you, very much :)

Roleplaying / RE: you and your character
« on: December 14, 2005, 08:30:00 am »
Sy'Ravenne (RIP) was pretty much self evolving.  The basis of her character was a psychotic schoolgirl.  She was a fierce warrior, yet sweet and flirtatious outside of battle.  She worked out very well.  Her personality evolved as she interracted with other characters.  Every interaction, romance, etc, that she had was based on in-game responses.  Sometimes she upset people, othertimes she got hurt, but mostly she had a good time and was fun to be around.  An important thing to consider is alignment.  Sy'Ravenne was chaotic and she was played as such.  She would change her mind about things quite often, which also caused some fun interactions.

Nim is a different character altogether.  She is Rvenne's mother and  grayelf.  As such, she is more mature and sophisticated.  She is a fairly sweet character, but being a grayelf she has a niaive arrogance in the way she talks about non-elves.  She is fun to play and is a different role-play experience.  But, ultimately, her whole personality will develop as she interacts with other characters on Layonara.

With both characters I believe that the character controls me, not me controlling the character.  With Sy'Ravenne this was most definitely true and with Nim, well we'll see ;)

General Discussion / RE: Druid class info
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:58:00 am »
Try this, there is a lot of useful info

General Discussion / RE: Farewell
« on: December 06, 2005, 03:36:00 pm »
i am sorry to see you go mate, we had some great times.

General Discussion / RE: Question
« on: December 02, 2005, 09:42:00 am »
no .. i am certain i have seen them available, just cant remember where ,,, could they be a customizable option?

General Discussion / RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« on: December 01, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
Wow! Now hear is a strange twist of fate ... Ravenne had been waiting for ages to find someone to make her a platinum chainshirt to protect her better.  She even went down into haven mines on her own to get the platinum ready.  Well, she finally found someone to make it .... Yar!  Soon after he had made her this armour they both fell, in completely un-connected circumstances .. or were they???  Is there some curse at work?

General Discussion / RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« on: December 01, 2005, 12:09:00 am »
orth - 12/1/2005  5:32 AM

Evil Dad - 12/1/2005  12:21 AM

You should print the table .. i bet Ravenne, may she rest in peace, is near the top ;)

Close! 3rd with 117  

Can't make the list public for those who don't wish it known.  I also shouldn't be making this a habit or I'll get 25 PMs asking how many times someone has died and what position they are in. So last death count until furthur notice!

hehe .. but considering the short time she has been on here that's not bad going .. she had class :D

General Discussion / RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« on: December 01, 2005, 12:09:00 am »
orth - 12/1/2005  5:32 AM

Evil Dad - 12/1/2005  12:21 AM

You should print the table .. i bet Ravenne, may she rest in peace, is near the top ;)

Close! 3rd with 117  

Can't make the list public for those who don't wish it known.  I also shouldn't be making this a habit or I'll get 25 PMs asking how many times someone has died and what position they are in. So last death count until furthur notice!

hehe .. but considering the short time she has been on here that's not bad going .. she had class :D

General Discussion / RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:21:00 pm »
You should print the table .. i bet Ravenne, may she rest in peace, is near the top ;)

Fixed Bugs / RE: Nim'Sy'Amandil - Not Gaining XP
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:20:00 pm »
Great! All is well again!  Thank you very much :)

Fixed Bugs / RE: Nim'Sy'Amandil - Not Gaining XP
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:25:00 pm »
Someone asked me if Nim had been capped.  I didn't think much of it, until I checked her current xp, which is 47500.  This is quite an even number, which I do find unusual.  I don't know if it helps you at all, but it is another bit of info for you.

Poor Nim is getting bored now, just sitting around Hlint :(

Bioware Issues / RE: white spaces in inventory
« on: November 30, 2005, 05:55:00 am »
I get this a lot. I have to come right out of NWN and start it up again, not just relog.  I think it might be NWN not using the override graphics properly sometimes on relogs.

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