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Messages - gecko1969

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Cleve with Duel weild?
« on: October 26, 2005, 08:36:00 am »
Kind OT but Whirlwind is like Great Cleave on demand... Works great against groups of lower level critters if you are knocking them down with one hit anyway. Yes it take more feats to get it but they are all useful. Spring Attack rules! Not getting attacked when you go to drink that life saving healing potion can save your life, or if you need to rush to the aid of a fallen party member or to remove yourself from battle. No more attacks! Save up for it (probably too late now) as seeing you are a dex fighter you will have an awsome dodge to boot..

Wild Surge Inn / Training Offered
« on: October 26, 2005, 08:05:00 am »
*Neat script*

A call to those looking to be versed in the basics of battlelines. Training in an informal class with expeditions to areas near Hlint. Ideal canidates will be those whose training is in arms with only light words of advice to the magic kind.

If enough interest is found there will be a date or dates drawn up for larger groups. Otherwise a person by person training will happen.

Points to be covered:

     How not to get killed as a ranged fighter and how not to get your group killed

     Keeping a line when and how

     Proper placement in battleline and proper ways to move about the battlefield without dying

These key points will greatly reduce the injury and death seen in the vast number of groups.

Honor and Glory,

Günter Hatt

Wild Surge Inn / Where to call home
« on: October 26, 2005, 06:01:00 am »
*Neat and functional penmanship*


A few, two to be exact, dwarfs looking for a place to call home away from the Great Halls. Looking for information about house availiable to buy or rooms to rent on long term basis. If ye be renting we got one Dorandite who, shall we say, has the Faith in a bad way... So storage is the main concern.

If yah also be looking for a home and are not object like of Dwarf company you is welcome to throw your lots in with us.


Günter Hatt

//PM me with info or reply here

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