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Messages - Sandler Morlock

Pages: [1]
NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Dungeon Delver PrC
« on: September 16, 2005, 06:45:00 am »
Absolutely, and I'm about to put the character up for approval.  My thoughts on the PrC is that it brings together lore abilities (such as bardic knowledge) and other abilities similar to the Mistone Alliance Scout that Rogues do not have access to and the exclusion of other more common rogue abilities.  I've heard of several versions of this PrC for Neverwinter Nights.  This kind of campaign specific "lore master/delver" can also go a long way in facilitating RP within quest situations as well.

Sandler Morlock

General Discussion / RE: Hello and questions!
« on: September 15, 2005, 03:33:00 pm »
I just read a post somewhere else on the forums about someone walking around as a Kitten?  Seems very few things bothered him in this form?  Is this a Druidic transformation or something else?

Sandler Morlock

Just for Fun / The Top 10 Signs Your DM Is Out To Kill You
« on: October 03, 2005, 01:04:00 pm »
The Top 10 Signs Your DM Is Out To Kill You

10) The DM raises an eyebrow at every suggestion your party comes up with to escape a predicament. - Bokonon

9) You realize that the 'kindly' old gnome from half an hour ago sold you some cursed Armour of Red Dragon Attraction. - Paul Dossett

8) The so called healing potion that you just drank is starting to sting alot - Elbryan Wynden

7) Your character is eating a steak that he just purchased at an inn when your DM says "Did you check the meat for poison?" - Elbryan Wynden

6) After the entrance caves in, and the Rustmonster ate your armor, the Acid dissolved your sword and the munching sound was found to be magic bookworms polishing off all your magic books, the GM says "Let's get started, shall we?" with a big grin. - Rolo Kip

5) Every single module you play starts with "your character has been captured and lost all his/her equipment and gold..." - The Clueless One

4) You find your DM working on editing monsters for your next module and he asks you how to spell "Tarrasque" - Adam

3) Every five minutes the DM asks everyone to hold on, because he is rereading the stats of a Tarrasque. - Clain

2)When your DM says, "Are you sure your Character can swim?" - Drake FireStorm

1) The DM says I have a date in an hour, but sure we can still play - The Blood Development Team

Trade and Market Hall / Raw Silk For Sale
« on: October 03, 2005, 07:58:00 am »
*Note posted on the Craft House board*

Raw Silk for sale.  Please contact Sandler Morlock of Sielwood Forest, or leave a note and I will seek you out.

Sandler Morlock
Sielwood Forest

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted - Topaz Dust
« on: October 02, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
Posted on the wall of the Crafting Hall.  

"I'm looking to purchase a supply of topaz dust.  Please seek me our or leave a response.

Sandler Morlock, a Ranger of Sielwood Forest."

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Dungeon Delver PrC
« on: September 16, 2005, 06:02:00 am »
Has there been any thought to adding a Dundeon Delver Prestige class.  I'm considering playing a Indiana Jones/Laura Croft type character, but I notice there doesn't appear to be a prestige class here for this.

Sandler Morlock

General Discussion / Hello and questions!
« on: September 15, 2005, 02:56:00 pm »
I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself and ask a few questions.  I am new to Neverwinter Nights and Layonara, but not to D&D or RP.  I'm a 20 year veteran of PnP and spent a few years in Ultima Online and have been playing Star Wars Galaxies since launch.  A few friends and I have been looking for a new game when one of them suggested we check out this Persistant World.  I have to say we've been quite impressed with everything we've read and myself and several others will be putting characters up for approval in the very near future.  We have always been a group that thrives on quality RP and when we begin to play a game, our commitment to it is usually long term.

One of the things that I enjoy myself in a game such as this is exploration.  I understand fully that this world is very difficult to solo and have a great appreciation for that.  I personaly always happen to be the one that scouts an area that our party intends to visit before the event and i'm always wanting to see whats just beyond the next bend in the road.

I have a couple priorities in the game and I wanted to ask for suggestions for what class might best match what I enjoy playing in this setting.  I've considered a Ranger for their ability to hide in the wilderness, a Rogue for the same reason, a wizard or such for invisibility, or a Druid for their abilities to take on other forms.  

Which of these or others do you think would lend the most to a player that loves exploration?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

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