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Messages - Dominæter

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Toolset Scripting *looks angry and confused*
« on: December 31, 2005, 07:01:00 pm »
forget that one above, i figured it out. It works. So now i have another little problem. New death script. I want my dude to just respawn. Why do i have to use SignalEvent? Why not just and effect like EffectResurrection? or EffectREsurrect (cant remember which one.) thats really odd.

General Discussion / RE: If you ever visit Germany...
« on: December 31, 2005, 06:59:00 pm »
I would say Wisconsin has the woest drivers! When those crazy people come down to Chicago i dove out of the way. Im glad i moved. They were dangerous, they practically drive on the wrong side of the road.  So now iam near portland, they closed all the school in the area a week or so ago because of 1 cm of snow. 1 CM!!! Not even an INCH. Pretty pathetic.

General Discussion / RE: Toolset Scripting *looks angry and confused*
« on: December 31, 2005, 12:49:00 pm »
thanks a bunch, i have that site bookmarked already :), it doesnt give many examples though. i was thinking about GetModule(), say a person talks to a NPC and gets an item ONLY once, and i set a module int to 1 or 2. 1 meaning he gets one 2 meaning he already has one. if one person walked up and i used GetLocalInt(GetModule(),"bla");
wouldnt the next person that tries to get the item not get it?
And can i make new variables in code? Like when a PC joins the server, make a copy of all the module variables and assign them to him?
Would i use OnClientEnter?

and then

void main()
object oPC = GetEnteringObject();
object oModule = GetModule();


wouldn that create new local variables on the pc i can use? Thanks for your help Dorganath i really appreciate it :)
oh and is there any way i can make the code wait besides ActionWait, and DelayCommand?

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Flamming Fists of Dom
« on: December 04, 2005, 05:51:00 pm »
Today was fantastic.  I spent an enourmous amount of time fishing.  It quite relaxing. I caught several 30 lb catfish. Those are huge. I collected some hops for Shrubbery since he dearly loves making alkihol as he calls it.  I also went to the Iron Hills with Leo and Nyyana. We went into the ogre stronghold and took out some kind of human/ogre beserker looking creature. Quite strong they are. I never wished i was able to hide more. They all dissappeared mysteriouslt giving us access to gold and topaz. I do not know how to mine ore so i didnt take any gold. But i did take two pieces of topaz.  I plan on putting them in a ring.  Leo died somewhere after we split. That boy is hopeless without me. My legs are still weary from carrying several hundred pounds of fish I caught.  I hope to go back to Lake Rillon to catch more catfish. We brought another man with us. He had an eyepatch. Nice enough man, but he was slaughtered by the pirates we encountered just outside of Hurm. Vile bunch they are. I relished hearing them scream for the wrong they have done. And they did not have the pleasure of dying quickly as Kazian did. I plan on killing them every chance i have.

Just for Fun / RE: Math Challenge
« on: December 02, 2005, 04:22:00 pm »
Alrighty you got a 40%, their tough look back at your work you got some wrong answers, and the only one with a word answer is question 5.

Just for Fun / RE: Math Challenge
« on: December 01, 2005, 05:01:00 pm »
im sory you feel that way but i would really appreciate your answers. you dont need to devote all your free time to math. I would like to see how much the people who do math competitions really know ;)
As of now aragwen has the highscore
oh and its not for anyones homework its fust for fun.

« on: November 30, 2005, 10:13:00 pm »
*Dom writes under the previous note* I would glady come along! Im sure you could use a man with a well-tuned sense of orientation and luring.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: To Endular Skene
« on: November 30, 2005, 10:10:00 pm »
*examines the writting* Well, if this was alnusa, then i think you should think before you would say those things. They are true but seem to shed a wrongful light in him. We have travelled together many times. I always like having you along because your practical, and smart. Do you really believe Endular would "capture" a leopard for another reason but its skin for warmth or protection or to help us stay alive?

Wild Surge Inn / RE: To Endular Skene
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:10:00 pm »
*writes below the note* I have travelled with Endular many times and I have never seen him capture an animals for his personal pleasure. Many times has it saved our hides. I would suggest you find someone real offenders.
And i would also like to know what it is you think he uses it for.
Signed Dom

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Flamming Fists of Dom
« on: November 30, 2005, 06:18:00 pm »
Well today was a bit embarrassing. I was caught sleeping naked on a rock on Dregar. I had a pretty long run exploring the place and just wanted to relax a bit. So i lay on the rock, naked, and of course it starts raining. And even more definite, Leo and his party show up. This included Defron, who is a good man, Nimo, also a good man, Nyyana, who i dont really know, Starr, also new face to me, and Lan. Lan was a bit stuck up. We wanted to go ogre hunting and he commented and my hunting choice and then said he was going back to Hlint. Not knowing the area but stubborn to go alone he went off in the wrong direction. Later that day we came accross him and he said he "Exploring". Of course. Several minutes after he passed us he came back and said he was lost so i lead him back to North Point, although i dont think he was worth it. Nimo lead the party then right into some mercenaries that cast death magic on him and dropped him dead on the spot.  I lead the party back. I think im going to learn my sneaking skils more. A man who fights unarmed can walk quietly without all the armor and weapons making sounds and giving his location away. Being able to slip by unnoticed would make me even more lethal. Im trying to learn the art of stealth but it sint easy. I pulled a good trick on Shrub and im planning on doing one on Leolaka. Its going to be a good one...

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Flamming Fists of Dom
« on: November 30, 2005, 06:12:00 pm »
Well, i guess learning to fight with weapons is too much of a hassle. I like fighting with my hands. Todays was quite eventful and Leolaka and I are turning into quite the joksters. Not only did i scale the walls in the bank, but we threw bags full of nuts at by-passers. It was quite comical. I hope to do more with him soon. He is a funny one. And he doesnt smell as bad as everyone says he does. Hiding was quite useful in the situation when that one man didnt like us throwing the bags at him. Im glad i was ably to hide and Leo was able to run. Quite a funny day. I hope more will come. I also met another woman who fights with no weapons. I showed her around a bit and we went to Haven. She learned much and greatly appreciated my help. Then Leo, Defron, Nyyana and I went to Dregar to slay some minators. Those are big and fearsome but not beyond our ability. I would bring them to their knees while other would finish them off. Defron got a good laugh out of our tricks too.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: monks armor for sale
« on: November 30, 2005, 05:59:00 pm »
I am afraid its too expensive for the little it will do to improve my skills. I am sorry.
(old name Richard_Rahl)

General Discussion / Toolset Scripting *looks angry and confused*
« on: December 30, 2005, 09:09:00 pm »
Well i have been starting some toolset scripting but i just cant figure it out. I know some basic C++ which has proven invaluable but i can figure out how to make it work. If there is anyone here who might know how to do this please help me. Since the people at Layo seemed to do such i fine job i was hoping for some help. I checked other sites and their search is HORRIBLE. Well here is the problem.

I cant figure out how to use Module variables. I dont even know what they are. Are they like a variable every PC gets when he joins the server? That was what i assumed. So i set a module int with name "Status" to 10. Then i made a trigger. on the "OnEnter" this is the code i put in.

void main()
object oPC = GetEnteringObject();
string sBla = IntToString(GetLocalInt(oPC,"Status"));
Why does my person say ""
That makes no sense! Its returning nothing. Shouldnt it be returning "hello"? Im near the end of my tolerance, please someone out there help me
Hopelessly Stressed

Just for Fun / Math Challenge
« on: November 30, 2005, 06:49:00 pm »
Lets see how intelligent the people who play on Layo are (no offense intended, just a joke!)
Heres some good math.

This is kind of a test im putting on, post the number and the answer next to it. PM me if you want to know your score. I will then PM you the number of questions correct. (if it really bugs you i will tell you which ones you got wrong, but would prefer not to so everyone has the same chance)

It starts easy and gets more difficult as questions increase

Oh and please dont use a calculator, this is a paper and mind test.

1) Evaluate
- 8754

2) What is two-thirds of sixty percent of half of seventy-five?

3) What values of z satisfy 2(3-4z)-3(3z-2) = 80?

4) When the digits of a two digit positive number are reversed, the resulting positive two digit number is 72 less than the origional number? What is the number?

5) What is the name foir a line segment in a triangle with endpoints on a vertex and the side opposite the vertex?

6) A well is dug in the shape of a right circular cylinder with radius of one meter and depth of fifty meters. What is the volume of cubic meters, of dirt in the well?

7) What is the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation p^3+2p^2+3p+4=0?
("^" means "to the power of")

8)Express the product of 345 base 8 and 67 base 8 in as a base 8 numeral.

9) What is the sum of the elements of  

[-2    5]^-1
[ 3  -7]
(with "^-1" i mean the inverse of the matrix. hint, hint)

10) A class of 13 students orders ice cream. The oprder is read over the phone to the ice cream store and clerk fills the order and delivers the ice cream to the class. The names of the studetns are not included in the order, just the number of cones of different flavors. There is only one flavor per cone for each student. The possible flavors are vanilla, chocolate, walnut, strawberry, and peach. How many different ice cream orders would be possible for this class?

That's it hope you enjoy it. Ill post a more challenging one if people actually participate in this one.
Hope you have fun, happy thinking!

Development Journals and Discussion / Flamming Fists of Dom
« on: November 30, 2005, 06:11:00 pm »
Today was an abseloute disaster. Leo and I decided to make a trip to Berhagen Mountains. We started gathering a party like we always do and we on our way. I knew it was going to be a disaster when i noticed that our party wasnt even close together or talking very much. So Defron,Leo,Shadoe and i decided to just do it on our own. We managed the first part but thats when Sy and her friend decided to finally cach up to us and charge the monsters. They escaped easily but the rest of the party almost died. Leo told them that it was reckles and to refrain from doing it again but they said it was "fun". Yes very fun. So deeper we go to these giant creatures that throw rocks, what is their plan? To charge with abseloutely no tactics. That was a mistake. Several more giants joined the frey and our fate was sealed. Defron was the first to die, then me, then Leo, then Shadoe, and lastly Sy. Leo and I wernt too happy about it so we decided to play some creatures. My deck beat his deck into the ground, he had no chance. But im sure he will improve. I want to start mining a little so i can make the jewlery that Alnusa asked for. I remeber some minor training with weapons and such from my father but i fear i need further develoment in using weapons and such. Im sure Shrubbery will help me since he is a rather skilled fighter. I hope to learn those skills rather quickly for i do not have much time.

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