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Messages - Naever

Pages: [1]
Wild Surge Inn / RE: Oxen slaughtered
« on: January 31, 2006, 08:14:18 pm »
*A red headed dwarf limps into the inn and sees the posted notice*

Goldie! *he cries with a look of abject horror on his face*

*He turns and staggeringly runs from the inn*

General Discussion / RE: Question before I start in...
« on: January 03, 2006, 08:02:00 am »

TOTALLY my side. I am planning on spending some of the xmas bonus for a new PC Gamer PC.
Any recomendations? Graphic cards and such?

General Discussion / RE:
« on: December 31, 2005, 08:32:00 pm »
Ah...and people say we cannot time travel...

Best of Futures to us all.

General Discussion / RE: Question before I start in...
« on: December 31, 2005, 01:11:00 pm »
Exactly why I like Layonara...other than when it crashes out on me  ;) ...

There is a*balance* of xp reward to risk. If I risk: Time/materials (crafting), Kheldhars "life" (combat) or looking like a dork (heh) (RP) I get a balanced xp back. Not to mention the entertainment of learning, exploring and meeting people.

I have been seriously pimping out layo to my Avlis friends...

Have a great NY folks


General Discussion / RE: Question before I start in...
« on: December 31, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
Oh I totally for the RP experience. That's why I'm here.

The issue on leveling is more towards the effort/risk to rewards xp ratio I had with the other world. When you fight 10+ ogres, some ettins and a hill giant, you should get more than 50xp. The reward should be fair to the risk level.Thats what SR & EL are all about.

The more balanced ratio is what I came to layonara for. If my character undergoes a challenging combat experience, I like that I'm going to get rearded for surviving. At least with a "realistic" xp return. I expect the RP side to be equally rewarding in entertainment and development of the character and friendships.

So far, I'm having a great time. it's a beautiful world with a well thought out setting. Like you said very PnP.


General Discussion / RE: Question before I start in...
« on: December 26, 2005, 08:15:00 am »

Jumped in. Looks good so far. Killed a lot of rats (LOVE thier kisses!). A Goblin sniper took me out...I staggered to my feet. Took HIM out with an axe just as he took me out again. Restaggered to my feet....Whew

I tried talking to a group of PCs in Hlint but Lag (god of Quantum Jumping;Lhag to Dwarves...) apparently thought I shouldn't...

Any general ecommendations?

General Discussion / RE: Photo URL for Idiots
« on: December 24, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
My bad...I was referring to the portraits in the forums below your name...The preferences ask for a Photo URL...

General Discussion / RE: Question before I start in...
« on: December 24, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
The wife might jump over if I report back to her satisfaction.   ;)

The other three have been playing Avlis for months and are reaching 15th leveling. Not to mention the guild/club they just started...

Who knows? If Layonara rocks enough and I sell it...heh

General Discussion / RE: Question before I start in...
« on: December 23, 2005, 08:51:00 pm »
I don't want anyone reading this to think Avlis is a bad world. It just is run in a fashion I, after 20+ years of gaming & DMing, don't agree with. I have many friends on Avlis who are having a blast.

I had been playing Avlis for several weeks...

To each hs own...

Thanks for the fast replies. I will post a character concept soon

Happy Holidays All,


General Discussion / Rave and Wave to some...
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:47:00 am »
I want to publicly thank a few people who really helped me out getting started. They had great advise and helped me out without handouts. Just great support.

Dorena Abianca
Jacchri Abianca
Riley Alexander



General Discussion / New guy question
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:41:00 am »

So far, so good. Love the place. Small question though...

Where the hell do you sell things? Other than the cheap pawn brokers. I'm not concerned about getting gold per se, but if I craft something for profit...where does one sell them?

I have tried the NPC merchants to no avail...There is a very confused young dwarf running around...

Help and thanks

Wild Surge Inn / Posted at the Craft Hall
« on: December 26, 2005, 09:16:00 pm »
**Written in a stiff, formal rune like script**

May Dorand, the Forge Father, fine you well and hale.

I have been named Kheldhar, son of Khale and Dhala, grandson of Khalag and Gemma.
True blood to the Clan of Hammerfall.

I have been in search of a Brotherhood of Craftsman in these new lands in hopes of
learning the True Arts from a proven Master and have found but rumors, and this fine Hall.

I would stand honored and proud to be given the chance to meet and present myself
for apprenticeship in the True Arts of Mining and Smithcraft.

I am currently exploring this land awaiting a past friend, so have no solid home. I ask
that if such an Appenticeship is available, please post here. I shall stop by and review
the boards whenever I can.

My heartfelt thanks,

Honor to your Clan,
Kheldhar Hammerfall

General Discussion / Photo URL for Idiots
« on: December 24, 2005, 07:50:00 am »

I never bothered to learn how to do this kinda thing...How does one get a portrait?

General Discussion / Question before I start in...
« on: December 23, 2005, 08:10:00 pm »
Howdy all,

Got a question: How is xp and combat handled compared to crafting? Basically if I want to play a fighter (and rp one) is the xp from kills reduced?

The wife and I have been playing on Avlis, another PW. I was looking here first, but we have friends on Avlis who wanted us with them so...However, I have gotten tired of some of the crap (I need not go into) and am looking elsewhere for my online NWN fun!

I am impressed with what I see here for this world. Before I invest time into this, I want to know what I'm getting into...


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