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Messages - Rat Boy 1

Pages: [1]
Development Journals and Discussion / RE: A Song-Sword Pirates writen words
« on: February 18, 2006, 10:16:16 pm »
*writen very elegently on nila paper*
  *Hums as he writes and sings a tune of love*
  Ahhhhhhhhh! YES!!!!
  I told her, I tol her about it....but she likes another as well. I cant stop it....I dream of her, I think of her, I want to tell the world to shout her name
  I kissed her again and she kissed BACK ahhhh! YEEEES! I love Hlint............... on another note I learned a knew way to sing.
  I can sing so low it will vibrate the room and nock things down :), I love everything about life right now.
  well knew things will have to happen so they can be writen so goodbye for now paper and pen and over time you shall be used again

Wild Surge Inn / RE: the song-swords doing
« on: February 17, 2006, 03:46:40 pm »
Ok here is were it stands Tyrian:A Tiefling with no tale ( a story of a strang but handsome tiefer asked for by one Tyrian B.)

General Discussion / RE: Zwecks Photo (sorry no horns)
« on: January 12, 2006, 02:07:00 pm »

General Discussion / RE: Zwecks Photo (sorry no horns)
« on: January 10, 2006, 09:27:00 pm »
there we go enjoy till I get another up for him (it may be a while bacause of school)

General Discussion / RE: Zwecks Photo (sorry no horns)
« on: January 10, 2006, 09:26:00 pm »

General Discussion / RE: I NEED HELP WITH MY COMP.
« on: January 09, 2006, 02:05:00 pm »
YES, it did work THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING. And as for the him being fun part well, I like to put a bit of me into every char.I make so that I can feel what they feel and give a more "realistic" reaction.

General Discussion / RE: I NEED HELP WITH MY COMP.
« on: January 07, 2006, 10:35:00 am »
Alrigh I downloaded the graphics stuff letspray this will fix it :)

General Discussion / RE: I NEED HELP WITH MY COMP.
« on: January 07, 2006, 12:28:00 am »
the display property type is

Plug and play monitor on intel(R)82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics

and there is another available called default monitor

General Discussion / RE: I NEED HELP WITH MY COMP.
« on: January 06, 2006, 11:31:00 pm »
well it's a windowsXP centrino mobile tech comp. made by ACER and as for the video drive and stuff like that I'd need some help if it's that, and it will do it in from heavy to no lag at all. It is a new comp. and one I am not vary good at using yet sinc I've only had it since the 25 of dec. but any help I would be vary thankful for because I tire somtimes of having to stay in hlint or the two maps around it.

Development Journals and Discussion / Zwecks little book
« on: February 18, 2006, 10:34:49 pm »
*Older looking entry*

I healed a little half-ling when she fell this afternoon, She was so cute I made sure she would not get hit by the wagons and carried her for a bit. I just had to look down and smile as she nuzzled in my arms asleep

*newer entry*

Gawww I hate bloody werewolfs.... I got bit, bloody SOB'S

anyway...I talked to ash today..she seems a bit occupied with love at the moment so I just talk to her.

Ohh and I think her wolf likes me ewww!
anyway I am still looking for that little half-ling to talk to her she is so cute lookin...she remindes me of the pixies.

Development Journals and Discussion / A Song-Sword Pirates writen words
« on: February 18, 2006, 04:31:37 pm »
[SIZE=13]*Writen very elegently on a vanila like paper*  Well I have goten past my loves death and have been searching for new love for a while now *old entry*   *newer entry* I seem to have stumbled into this place called hlint but to me it is heven, in one day I have made a freind and in two days I found the thing I have looked for for so long, I once again feel love for somone....I feel a deep love that only lucky people will ever feel so I know it is not just a feeling but I am still holding back a bit. I have had a broken heart before and dont plan to have another. at the moment I am letting her advance and guid it to see her meaning of being with me...that may be my plan but she..she is making me feel diffrent like before...were I cant handle it..GAWWW this feeling, like a dragon pounding in my chest wanting to get out. It is the best I have felt in a long time.. I will most likly surreder myself to her in time and get broken but I cant help it.I....I cant stop this feeling in me..when I see her it is all I can do just to stand.    I dont know...Time will bring me the answers.[/SIZE]

Wild Surge Inn / the song-swords doing
« on: February 17, 2006, 02:34:35 pm »
Hello my fellow freinds and, well, others.

I post this note here at the inn because my talent is going to a bloody wast.
Now.. I will be singing at the Wild Surg inn from time to time (the times will be posted a bit before the song is sung)
and I would like to hear what you would like me to sing about. please put your Ideas below and I will select some to sing about
post anything you would like lady's and gents.

*a very elegant sig. is written*
Raze Dragonas

General Discussion / Zwecks Photo (sorry no horns)
« on: January 10, 2006, 09:25:00 pm »
This is a pic of Zweck (did not draw it, Like I have the time right now *laughs*) but he does not have horns  :( . This is basicly what he looks like his hair is a bit shorter though and he has tattos of weird desighns all over his body, a scar on his back in the shape of a larg X and one on his chest going from his neck and crossing his chest ending somwair past his pant line. they are not horrid looking just a lighter color than the rest of his skin.

General Discussion / I NEED HELP WITH MY COMP.
« on: January 06, 2006, 04:36:00 pm »
NWN will shut down on me if I leave hlit and go to nother map about 90% of the time and I was wondering if anyoe knew howto fix it?

General Discussion / skining?
« on: December 21, 2005, 01:08:00 pm »
I was watching my uncle plow threw rats a hour or two ago and non of them were skinable so I was wandering if someone could give me the run down on skinning. So i can show him up when I get to play.

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