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Messages - Netromancer

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: TLK file problem
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:59:00 pm »
Holy WinRAR, Batman. Found the problem. My old machine had WinRar, this one doesnt. Sheesh...

General Discussion / RE: TLK file problem
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:44:00 pm »
I dont recieve it as an extractable file. I have also tried putting it in a ZIP folder and extracting it directly to the TLK file, but I still get the same result. Re-naming it from layonara_v12.rar to layonara_v12.tlk actually changed the file to a TLK, but it still wasnt read as the needed file when trying to log in. I dont know if im making this tougher than it is, but I cant seem to get it to work.

General Discussion / RE: Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
« on: December 29, 2005, 06:45:00 pm »
Sounds like a rough experience, but at the same time, sounds very much like what Im looking for. The plot thickens :)

General Discussion / Thanks and Goodbye
« on: January 04, 2006, 03:28:00 pm »
Thanks for the last few days, met some cool people, but honestly dont feel this server is for me. Not going to go into any long discussions about it. Maybe some day when I have more time to devote to the game, but today isnt it. Take care and have fun.

General Discussion / TLK file problem
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:06:00 pm »
Not sure if its something Im missing, but I downloaded the file "layonara_v12.rar" which says to place in the TLK files in the directory. Im doing this, but I still get the message "missing layonara_v12.tlk". Not sure if Im not seeing it, or its listed wrong. Cant seem to find the TLK file anywhere for download. Any help would be great, and thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
« on: December 29, 2005, 06:25:00 pm »
Greetings and well met, Layonara. Just a quick question regarding rogue skills and thier usefulness. Before I even ask, I want to clarify that this isnt a request for meta-gaming info, just an inquiry into how the server is set up. Ive played a few PW servers in this game and prefer to play rogues for the most part. My question is this, How prominant are traps, locked doors, and hidden doors? I dont know if Ill play a rogue if these skills dont come into play much. I know on some servers they are more useful than others. It seems that most of the time though, combat is the main focus and these skills fall by the wayside and are almost forgotten. This,to me, is a shame, as I love to find hidden things, disable traps for comrades and use my stealth to bypass some monsters. Traps and their uses facinate me, and a well thought out strategy can sometimes be as thrilling as a frontal attack. Any info would be appreciated, hope to see you in game soon. (the bio is coming slowly but surely)

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