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Messages - Ranek

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Custom Portraits
« on: February 14, 2006, 09:42:06 pm »
Here is the Custom Potrait for Vind Amakiir.

It's a nice Hlaf-Drow Portrait I think, Others could use it as well if they wish.

Wild Surge Inn / Seeking adventure partner
« on: February 23, 2007, 12:55:31 pm »
(A Notice neatly scribed, hanging on the wall of the Wild Surge Inn)

To all aspiring and aspired adventures,

My name is Dendrix Lendek, I am new to the these parts and seek a adventure partner to join me in my explorations. In what little Exploring I have done, I have learned quite quickly that it is, or rather in my case, would be useful to have a adventure companion. It seems these lands are fairly dangerous as such it would be best if I had some one to travel with me, for extra security.

My partners shall receive their choice of what profitable items we find in our explorations, and of course I shall share any knowledge I happen to come across.

Those that would be interested in joining up for an adventure, please leave a note tacked under this notice.

-Dendrix Lendek

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