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Messages - DrMark

Pages: [1]
Well Miss K,

I'm glad you asked, 'cause I know one halflin' that would be happy to supply fish and bread for sammiches to all them poor plague victims.  If they need gloves, hats, or even fancy undergarments I'd even be willing pull out me needle and thread.

Ya can't go off fightin' evil on an empty belly, ...or without a clean change of unders, ...and a nice hat.

BB - feelin' taller every day

Layonara Server / Re: booted at area transition
« on: March 10, 2006, 07:09:51 pm »

I didn't realize I had to login to the other server.  I thought the main server handled the transfer.

But now that I am able to log on, Bandikoot is stuck in a pile of dirt in Rodez and can only move about 3 steps.

Sorry to be such a troublesome halfling.

Layonara Server / booted at area transition
« on: March 10, 2006, 06:44:07 pm »
I was on Gloin's quest sunday and got booted at an area transition.  Now when I try to log in I end up in the Forest of Summoning for about 2 seconds and get booted again.

My apologies to Gloin and the others for my disappearance.

Char Name: Bandikoot

Pages: [1]
