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Messages - LoRD-oF-AEoNS

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Dezza!!!
« on: November 28, 2006, 06:41:33 am »
Happy B-day!

General Discussion / RE: Happy B-Day Dorganath
« on: November 28, 2006, 06:40:51 am »
Happy B-day!

General Discussion / RE: My computer went *ppphhhzzt!*
« on: November 26, 2006, 08:51:33 am »
Try overclocking? The new AITool works well with Geforce cards to. Might work for the meantime, 64mb is over the recommends of NWN though should still run fine on mid lvl graphics settings if your CPU is up to speeds.

General Discussion / Re: Druids and such..
« on: November 18, 2006, 08:21:58 am »
We shouldnt see many "Destroy the weak" viewed characters since that is one of the oh so many traits that defines the CE alignment. Also any self respecting druid shouldnt affiliate with such. Those type of characters like I said should be scarce and outweighed in most parties, should they show any signs of that they would get kicked to the curb rather quickly. Those character types never make it very far in most any fable, fiction, or movie often.  Yet agian I say check your alignment folks cuase many lately seem heedless to what they represent.

Har! a Small Fisher, they are weak! lets chop 'em up and show 'em what true power I have attained!

General Discussion / Re: Druids and such..
« on: November 18, 2006, 06:23:41 am »
Yeah can vouche for this. I have a druid myself and I quit playing him becuase players just sucked the fun factor right out of him. And it seems as well that players are killing animals for that small shard of xp they deliver which is just plain, pure, ignorrance. Most people should view it as any smart member of a party, warned about the sensless killing of such animals, would avoid it in the loss a valuable party member over somthing that could be eluded. Druids do control a great power withen Layo and this should be somewhat respected Icly if your charcter is aware of this in my opinion(Matters the charcter of course). Most clerics are looked upon as warriors of the gods yet druids are brainless forest prancers with no valuable opions at all, not true .It's hard enough for druids on layo with thier item restrictions and gear selections, why ruin it for them completly by ignoring thier rp? I've partied with Kyoro several times and have witnessed such events and my Cn is even getting tired of it cuase it occurs so often. It's just ridiculous. Oh and by the way, check your alignments folks.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday, Talan.
« on: November 06, 2006, 07:35:48 pm »
Happy B-Day mate!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Aragwen
« on: November 04, 2006, 06:10:29 am »
Happy B-Day, cheers!

General Discussion / Re: NWN2 is awesome!
« on: November 04, 2006, 06:09:10 am »
Hmm..Alot or people base NWN2's future on NWN1's progress, when I dont think it will be very simaliar. Obsedian isnt Atari, and I think they have this plan to make the game better in thier own way. They need to take some pointers from atari

General Discussion / Re: Help with math project please! and thank you!
« on: November 04, 2006, 05:40:08 am »
Male 6'2"(Dont knwo what that is in CM) 197lbs 24

General Discussion / RE: NWN2 is awesome!
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:32:40 pm »
Oh and rogues cant take it, I think. It's avalible for SD's, Assassins, and Rangers, I belive.

General Discussion / RE: NWN2 is awesome!
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:31:25 pm »
Hey, it is a funny joke. Everyone just rember you need about a 1/4 more than the recommends at least to play NWN2 online, as well as broadband. If not, you will prolly have a horrible gaming expearience. It dosnt run to well on my laptop even knwo Im' right at the recommends. Runs great of my girl's father's PC. DOnt hink his PC has seen one second of bad lag or frames, it's a powerhouse. I still dont like it though!

General Discussion / RE: Character attitudes towards each other
« on: November 02, 2006, 12:21:47 pm »
As well as lossing well. Most evil players seem to have a problem with losing, not that I've seen it on Layo. It's just a common atribute of them, cant grasp the fact that evil dosnt win much. I perfer playing evil myself but normally play both evenly and dont sit and complain about losing...Just everything else :P eh, that might be a bit off topic, anyway....Dress dosnt excaclty sterotype a person, black for example is worn by alot in reality some not "evil" or "gothy" or "weird" or whatever you want to call them. Black tux's are worn to weddings, I suppose it's different if it was a formal dress or a thuggish. And yes, if anyone already shows hate toward a Corathite and knwos nothing about them personally before hand, that's an ugly metagame. They should burn in hell. As far as metagaming goes I keep most of my characters info to myself. I still use dev threads but only list common stuff. My thread isnt the most colorful or lengthy but meh, It's better than being metagamed. And about summoning a spectre, skell, or wraith in front of others, that's pretty silly. I mean if one of those others was a Pally it'd be in his nature to hack you or your pretty little pet down. PvP isnt allowed in most circumstances, so that would really put that other player in a wierd situation, not fair for them.

Oh ignore my writing skills, spelling, ect. they are horrible.

General Discussion / RE: NWN2 is awesome!
« on: November 02, 2006, 11:55:38 am »
Eh, I'm just a negetive person. :)

General Discussion / RE: NWN2 is awesome!
« on: November 02, 2006, 09:01:08 am »
Hmm..I hate it.

Crappy models and the graphics are not as rich as they claimed.

The voice acting is horrid. Hilarious while drinking though!

Combat is drawn out and boring.*CHOP, CHOP, CHOP, CHOP*, You die!

Still got a bad taste in my mouth from those quirky camera angles.


Still wondering why almost every Dex based class has HiPS.

Spells are pretty but they better be! After that incredible CGI the disapointment in game hit me harder than a falling I-Beam.

What's Obesedian? COME BACK TO US ATARI! All and all I guess this is a pretty decent game, compared to Runescape! I was hoping D&D Online would be the last bad D&D game we saw. Add this to the sequels we never asked for list.

Nice toolset though.

Been trainin' a bit more wit' Rob, everythin's going great. I got that payment fer' Freldo and I think I'm in a point in time where my abilities 'ave reached a great height. Still thinkin' of goin' ta' Pranzis. See what's changed. Prolly' not much. Been seein' alah' 'o 'em wizzers' 'round. SOme 'o 'em bloddy pompous.

Thangs are startin' ta' look up fer' me. Met a fella' named Freldo tha' otha' day. Good people I say, offer me a room. And 'ell it's bigger than tha' house I grew up in. Be nice havin' somthin' 'o me own. Well not my own but close enough ya' know. Neva' 'ad anythin' as a pup, this is great. It's121 Lelion I believe, 'ell hope tha's righ'. Said I'd get tha' key on my first payment. Betta' get ta' werk' jinks a bit low.

Met a fella' named Rob tha' otha' day. 'ad a few travels wit' 'em, and ya' know...If I'm able ta' keep out 'o sight from some 'o these things he's confontin', now tha's true skill righ' there. 'ell my own abilities are starting ta' even serpass' my expectatins'. Been awhile since I've been back ta' Pranzis, heard there is some new lord 'o somthin', a Dwarf. Somtimes I think 'o home, miss it ya' know. Migh' return someday, show some 'o tha' fellas' what I've learnt.

Nice, my skills havnt faded a bit. Be smart use yer' seroundins' tha's what I say. Hardyl anythin' can spot me now. Flank 'em tha's tha' key. Not much to it really, been sneakin' 'round 'em seein' how long it takes 'em ta' see me. Get 'em most verytime, yeh.

Just for Fun / Re: "Vista Changes Everything"
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:46:02 am »
Vista is worse than anime....And that's pretty bad.

Yeh, havnt picked this up in awhile. Lelion, ole Lelion tha' bars are my savior. Finally went back ta' Hlint today. Lots 'o new faces. think it's time ta' get back inta' some action, eh? Prolly' be a few more days before I write agian. But rusty, gotta' get back inta' tha' feal 'o stuff, ya' know? Alright well, yeh.

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