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Messages - Cal

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General Discussion / Newbie Questions regarding Brownies
« on: March 20, 2006, 08:43:23 pm »
First I'd like to say hello, and that so far Layonara really has my interest. It looks pretty cool and I wish I'd have heard of it sooner.  I have a few questions before I start on my character bio, though.

Second, I've never played a Brownie, and I'd like to here.  I noticed, though, that on this page- - it doesn't list brownies, but on this page - - it does. Since the first page is on the Start Here section for new players, does this mean I can't have a Brownie as my first character? Or was it just never added to the first page?

Now, assuming I can make a Brownie, I have another question.  On the second webpage it says this for the physical destription...

"Physical Description:
Brownies are tiny, even compared to a Halfling. They range from 1.5 to 2 feet tall and usually have brown hair and blue or green eyes. They favor brightly colored garments though tend towards greens and browns when traveling to better blend into the forest."

What about skin color? Do they have certain skin colors that brownies tend to be? IE it says goblins have skin tones ranging from yellow-brown to olive and orcs have blue or blue-gray skin.

And lastly (for now) I'm assuming that on the character submission form I list Halfling as base race and Brownie as the subrace. I know brownies aren't actually a subrace, but for the NWN engine, they are.  Or am I wrong and I should list brownie as the base race?

Thanks in advance.

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