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Messages - Kurth

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Getting nowhere =/
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:02:34 am »
Again, thanks for all the replies, I've been around a bit, reached lvl 3 2day, blew every penny on a basic crafting certificate save 32 gp, but I'm loving it. I'll definately talk more to the big bad impossibles!

General Discussion / Re: Connecting to GameSpy?
« on: August 10, 2006, 05:14:57 pm »
If you go onto 'join internet game' from multiplayer options in nwn, a list of servers will appear. On the left hand side there's a submenu. Select 'Roleplay'. Make sure that on settings, you do not have 'Password Protected Disabled'. Layolara should appear on the list as red, seeing as it requires a password. If all the list of servers is greyed out, you will need to download the latest version of nwn, on 'Update' from the first nwn menu.

Hope I helped. =)

General Discussion / Re: Getting nowhere =/
« on: August 10, 2006, 04:58:05 pm »
Thanks for the replies. I've got 2 quests in Hlint at the moment; getting a rat pelt, which I can't seem to find, and delivering a package to a fort I've never heard of. But thanks for the advice, I'll definately chill around town a bit more.

And I'll try and talk to the highbies Ne'er, even if they are scary! =)

General Discussion / Getting nowhere =/
« on: August 10, 2006, 04:44:35 pm »
Having been inspired by the idea of this server around 4-6 months ago, i immediately sent off a character submission. It was approved. Only hung around for a few days and had to part with my computer for a while... Then I started playing on other servers, and came back here a day or two ago. And I suck. Maybe it's just that I'm not patient enough, maybe that I'm not 'doing it the right way', but I just can't seem to get past level one. Can't kill a single mere goblin without being made into a human (or rather dwarven) pincushion by poisoned arrows. Call me a nooblet and a whiner, but I really want to make the most of all the great capabilities here, but I just can't seem to get far at all. I only seem to encounter far higher level characters who have nothing to do with a mere level one. Maybe I do suck, but especially if I do, I could really use some advice.  :( As I say, I'd really like to get my character going and make some friends.

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